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Posts posted by birdog1960

  1. True as I looked at this issue and posted in another thread some time ago. If you go back 5 years the Bills have averaged towards the HIGH SIDE OF THE BOTTOM QUARTILE OF THE LEAGUE. However, they also did not have an elite QB and we all know they got their LT for RT money for most of that span. Also deflating their salary spend is youth. Teams with more vets will by contract spend more. Finally, what is also hidden is what the Bills may have been willing to pay in the form of additioanl bonuses and performance awards that were not triggered.


    I would not call Ralph cheap as much as I might call him prudent. the only area where I would like him to spend more is in coaching.

    Strange. Thats about where we finished those years and thats not taking below average signing bonuses which are cap unfavorable and inflate payroll or the cash to cap philosophy into account.

  2. What about those who are always pessimistic but say their just being realists? How about no one here knows crap, can't see into the future, etc., etc.... just sit back and watch, enjoy some football... and most importantly cheer on our beloved Buffalo Bills!!

    Cheering on, sitting back,enjoying football and being correct and realistic (over the last 9 years) are not mutually exclusive.

  3. I think being a realist, as far as judging NFL teams goes, means that you have to accept the "any given Sunday" and "that's why they play the games" themes. The talent on teams is pretty close from an athletic standpoint and I think coaching, while very important, is somewhat overrated. In the end, I feel like a lot of it is about motivation on the players part.


    Basically being a realist, in my mind, means that the odds are this Sunday, we lose, but it's by no means a foregone conclusion and there is enough evidence to suggest that the game may be close or we could win (i.e. San Diego game last year - holding down a powerful offense, weather, how our new RT holds up, howw their o-line holds up). Being a realist does not mean that you bet the odds and call it infallible logic.


    By the way, good to have you back jw.

    Absolutely...or, er nearly absolutely (relatively so)? Odds are fallible by definition. But they are most often correct- otherwise sports books would cease to exist. Even more so with long odds. So sure, "any given Sunday" but any given season....much less likely although it does happen and I hope it does with the Bills this year.. Wouldn't it be nice to be the favorite more often though? And pointing this out and searching for a cure is somehow disloyal? I don't think that makes anybody a less worthy fan.

  4. They won last Sunday and am betting they are going to try to win this Sunday.

    At what odds would you lay down a bet on them making the playoffs this year? Advancing in the playoffs? Winning the Super Bowl? The point is, expectations have been lessened so much that any success this organization has is rabidly cheered and used as a basis for wild speculation. I'm encouraged by the first 2 games but they are just that -2 games...with injuries at key positions replaced with practice squad players. I wouldn't take less than 150:1 for SB, would you? I will be overjoyed if wrong. Whatever Ralph spoons out, people are willing to eat, even if it's s**t. I prefer fine wines and food, but hey, this is Ralph were talking about.

  5. Why the hell would we sign Runyan? None of the other 31 teams have...he is past his prime... why don't we sign Marvin Harrison today. I am sick of people bitching about who we wont sign when no one else signs them either. I can guarentee its not cost.


    Maybe some of these guys that sound good wont fit our system, or don't have left what it takes to play a full year?

    None of the 31 other teams signed the guys we did either. They didn't seem like real hot commodities. I hope they work out great but how can you guarantee that cost wasn't an issue? Ralph's track record (not to mention W/L record) over 50 years says otherwise.

  6. ...or does anyone else find the FOX animated robot and accompanying guitar riff, ripped off from the Christmas song "Sleigh Ride" (giddyup, giddyup, let's go) incredibly annoying? Are we beer drinking adults or is this Saturday morning cartoon time?


    What the hell does that retarded Transformer-looking thing have to do with football?


    As if it wasn't bad enough, now they have it doing that bronco rodeo ride motion that McGahee used to think was so clever.


    Glad the Bills are done with FOX games after next week.

    Agree. FOX cheapens everything it touches, especially the news. To bad PBS doesn't do football..I'll bet Jim Lehrer would do a great job announcing and no transformers...maybe folk singers to start the game..

  7. Dear god -


    Most of you "fans" are pathetic. Just face it the Bills played a good game last night. Going into it most people including a ton of Bills "fans" thought they were going to get blown out 45-0, 36-3, 28-0, etc., etc. They didn't. If it wasn't for not being aggressive on Defense in the last few minutes and the fumble, they would have won.


    Stop bitching and moaning about who's fault it is and just be F'ing happy that they played a GREAT game. Now, I know most of you even when they win will still complain because of the caliber of team played or how they won, or what starter on an opposing team may have been hurt.. whatever. All I have to say to that is STFU!!


    Be a damn fan for once and cheer this team on. Not just when they are winning but ALL of the time. We don't need bandwagon jumpers, we need real fans... the REAL 12th Man.

    I think you make good points. Last nights game was encouraging and more importantly,EXCITING! even if it was also heartbreaking. My better judgement says "no" but I'm back on board.

  8. WRONG!!!


    Both scoring plays were to Scott's half of the field. Learn the fricken game a bit more or stop making stuff up. Don't believe me, go to NFL.com and look at both scoring plays again. Watson ran the seam down Scott's half. Whitner would have to have been Superman to get over to that side of the field fast enough. In fact, most of Brady's damage was done to Scott's half most of the evening.


    Give me a break.


    GO BILLS!!! According to Matt Bowen (ex bill) they were in "red 2" as opposed to cover 2 defense. See link in earlier thread and be enlightened. perfect throw required by Brady and he made it both times.

  9. Well if Poz ever needs his teeth fixed well get back to you.


    I'm not an Orthopod but it could be a bone density issue. It's hard to tell because it's only his arm and he did make it through a entire season last year. We should just wait till the report comes out.

    Good thought. BMD. Vitamin D testing would be appropriate and I'll bet rarely done on NFL players

  10. Anybody else have no feed in HD from espn for the game? I suspect it was just my local Comcrap cable. Of course, they said there was no problem at their end, but they always say that. I guess the ending wouldn't have been much better in HD anyway.

  11. Don't compare this to the Dallas game. The Bills played far better tonight than they did against the Cowboys.

    Agreed. They played much better than I expected and it was actually entertaining til the end. Losing Sucks but there obviousy is some talent (Freddie, Schoeble, Trent and maybe the O line as it develops) and they may be middle of the pack again in the NFL. So...get the Sunday ticket or not...cable really sucks and I hate giving RW my money,even indirectly. Was that game enough to make the change? I'm not sure. Any comments? Option 2, root for the Titans on cable and bet against more misery....actually sounds like the best option right now but likely won't. Guess its a few more weeks of watching scores and bad internet feeds to decide. Why can't they just be good? ...never mind, we all know and he won't likely die for years given the Bills luck. :censored:

  12. Do you really judge NFL teams on business principles??? I suspect that you'd probably have more fun rooting for Google, Berkshire Hathaway, or Microsoft than the Bills.


    What's the Bills' record this millennium? That's all that matters. Whether Wilson has a 3 percent rate of return or a 7 percent rate of return isn't something I give a damn about.

    Well put, and I think watching recent Bills games is actually less exciting than watching CNBC. I'd trade Wilson for Buffett in a heartbeat!

  13. I'm sure this post will drop to the bottom of the list within nanoseconds, but I'm going to post it anyway.


    For all of you Monday-morning-GMs-in-waiting-who-could-run-this-team-better-if-you-only-had-the-chance:


    Trust me when I tell you that there are 31 other team owners out there tonight who are grudgingly tipping their hats to Ralph Wilson. Ralph Wilson has the built-in excuse for EVERY move he makes. He is operating a team in a small market in very hard economic times.


    Cut your overpriced Left Guard? See ya. It's Buffalo. If hard decisions aren't made I'll get creamed.


    Cut your overpriced Left Tackle? See ya. It's Buffalo. If hard decisions aren't made, I'll get creamed.


    Cut your big-name backup running back? See ya. It's Buffalo. If hard decisions aren't made, I'll get creamed.


    Ralph doesn't need an excuse, and I believe he knows it. It's Buffalo. It's Western New York. He HAS to make ruthless moves like this to compete with Jerry Jones. With Dot-com Snyder. With Bob Kraft. These guys are MADE of money, so everyone is expecting them to SPEND it, and ALL the time. They ALL - trust me - ALL - wish they had the alibi that they were making these moves because it's a small market. Do you really think any of these guys don't want $XX million suddenly dropping into THEIR pockets? Are you goddamn serious?


    Ralph Wilson is (choose the metaphor):


    Punching above his weight

    Playing the hand he's dealt

    Making lemons out of lemonade

    Playing within the rules


    I don't fault the guy one bit that he's cut an overpriced underproducing left tackle. When the hell did you people think that this wasn't a business? I credit the guy for showing the stones to make a lot of really hard business decisions in a short time frame. I'm glad I'm not on the receiving end. This is the same guy who opposed the CBA, on which a large number of owners are beginning to come around.


    This guy's ruthless, and I'm guessing a lot of owners are mildly envious.

    if your theory is correct, you are on the receiving end since you're a Bill's fan. Do you imagine the owners sitting around incinerating trees and instituting ridiculous rules to improve ratings (a la the original "Rollerball)" too? Guess that wouldn't surprise me either.
  14. Personally, I would do whatever I had to do (legally) to get a cheap price with DTV. Because at the end of they day, they will do whatever it is they have to do to get as much from you as they can. They aren't offering you free Sunday Ticket and all of these other discounts because they like you. Take a look at their cost to provide service to us versus what they charge us and then you'll see what I am talking about. Cable/Sat TV is an oligopoly imo.....

    Sad but true. I recently had a similar experience but it was the cable co. cutting my bill $25/month to keep me from going to DSS and ST. Unfortunately its only for 6 months and theoretically you have to threaten them every 6 mos. to get the best price. I was/am still considering getting ST but this made me decide to wait til after the NE game to decide. Wouldn't it be nice if they just gave everyone the same, best deal all the time?

  15. no problem, bandit. was waiting to see how long this would go. but, as made apparent by the poster's response to this revelation, it's apparent he/she is impervious to facts, something that has been in clear evidence throughout this thread.




    If you're referring to me, I think you've misinterpreted my reconsideration of tone. I still think Ralph Wilson is an awful owner based on a lifetime of overseeing football losses and bad decisions who deserves the vast majority of criticism thrown his way. And in the most civil tone possible, I still feel your condescension and arrogance are neither becoming nor deserved.

  16. Having a losing team and being a "loser" are two completely different things, in my opinion. Losers are quitters, people that won't fight through failure and generally stop trying.


    I don't think it's fair to say such things about a guy that throws money at T.O., constantly pleads with the league to consider small market teams, and expands his home territory to the largest city around in the hopes of establishing a corporate ticket base.


    I hope that explains my position.

    Understood. Living in the South much of my adult life makes me miss open, spirited debate. I may have gotten carried away in this thread.

    ADD: the question about pay referred to his being paid for blogging (astroturf versus grassroots- which I believe is a dishonest practice). That was a simple misunderstanding by both rw and me)

  17. funny, i get to see the games for free and get paid to be here, which i guess makes you the sucker in this equation.

    though why you follow this team with an owner you so much dislike is beyond me, which i guess makes you even a bigger sucker.

    but please, come back for more, because i'm definitely amused and looking forward to how much lower you can go in further degenerating this thread with your mean-spirited accusations.



    So who pays you to be here? Are you an (pardon the pun) astroturf blogger like they have on the political sites?

  18. Ralph Wilson is notorious for being more then just frugal, if not for Bill Polian the Bills would have never signed Jim Kelly or kept Bruce Smith after his first contract.


    The list of players lost is more then likely countless because of RW unwilling to pay them the going rate. Sometimes that can be understandable,other times not.


    Love him or hate him the guy could have moved the franchise away from Buffalo dozens of times and made more money in the process, he choose to keep them here.


    To Wilson, Pro football is more business then passion, he would rather make money then win super bowls. I personally believe he will die knowing he won some AFL and AFC Championships and went to the SB 4 times and did it while making as much money as he could given the location he chose, and he will die happy.

    Good points. He probably will, even though his accountants have probably told him that his net worth equals about 15% of the annual income of all the current residents of metropolitan Buffalo ($24.500 per year per capita X272000 population versus $1 billion rough estimate) from whom much of his wealth came, while providing a poor product most of the time. But his happiness is what's important.

  19. Let me get this straight: the guy that OWNS the team is a loser, according to the tough guy that sits on his azz and rips him on a message board?

    Depends on how you define loser. A fair definition might be one who loses. .475 winning percentage over 50 years means you lose more than you win (i could be wrong my calculus is rusty). If you lose more than you win over that time span and are unlikely to change that ratio, then yes, I think that qualifies. If you mean that he's a winner because he's worth over a billion dollars, I'd say your right but I thought this board was about football.

  20. righto! weaseled.

    with this statement, you pay disrespect not only to Mr. Wilson but to the Hall of Fame voting committee, which has historically done a tremendous job in making the Pro Football Hall of Fame one of the toughest places to be inducted in all of sports. so now everyone's wrong but you.

    very good.



    Isn't success in sports usually defined by winning and losing? By that criteria, he's a loser (and not over just the last 10 years) and one wonders why the committee chose him. If success in sports is defined as getting rich...I guess you're right.
  21. i love this.

    when the move turns out wrong, it's Ralph Wilson's fault, not John Butler's or Bill Polian's or anyone else's.

    i guess it was Mr. Wilson who told Tom Donahoe to not re-sign Pat Williams.

    i guess it was Mr. Wilson who told Wade Phillips that the team was out of the playoffs in 2000, or to not cover the kickoff properly against Tennessee a year earlier.

    right, meddling: this is an owner who was fined for speaking up for his team after the blown called in New England in the late 90s.

    this was the owner who had the forsight to see the 2006 CBA as being wrong.


    c'mon. all i'm seeing is people cherry-picking negatives and pinning them all on Ralph Wilson.

    guess he should've meddled when Donahoe hired Gregg Williams or Mike Mularkey. ...


    sonofa ... :flirt:



    No but it had been rumored that he was instrumental in RJ starting over hot handed

    Flutie in that game. anybody know if that's true? Maybe the game doesn't come down to the final kickoff if Flutie starts.

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