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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. Judged on 2 games?. I hope they are both successful-KC's not in our division ... but I will be interested to compare at 3-4 years of equal time at the helm. I've found that you rarely get more than you pay for and sometimes get less. Perhaps, your experience is different.
  2. Because Kansas City is so much nicer than Buffalo? I suspect money talks.
  3. Sorry, can't let you get away with that one. If management had nothing to do with the Sox not winning the World Series (and it was due to bad luck) how can you credit Epstein for their long awaited success and then use him as an example of Brandon's potential. Can't have it both ways. I agree it's too early to judge brandon. But even if he turns out to be the next Polian, why risk the chance of another losing era on an unknown in the first place? Wouldn't it be wiser to spend on a known winner? My comment about paying for proven experienced people rather than gambling on unknowns referred to front office positions including this choice. Finally the use of aging veterans (TO?) is not rare as a temporizing measure even on successful teams. I think the Patriots did that a few times in the last decade(Seau, Moss, Taylor, Harrison, Dillon)
  4. Your examples go to the heart of the argument. Why gamble on an unknown, unproven talent when established, albeit more expensive talent is available. The failure of the red sox for so many years speaks to the possibility of poor management over the decades more than a fortuitous good find of a capable but unproven GM. Same conclusion could be drawn of Polian. Even a blind squirrel will eventually find a nut. Why not just pay top dollar for a proven top prospect like the most consistently successful sports franchises do?
  5. Google me this. It's not wilson, it's not the front office and most of the player positions have turned over several times in 10 years. Who do you blame for the consistent failure over that time period? Maybe it's the fault of the fans who complain about it.
  6. Strange. Thats about where we finished those years and thats not taking below average signing bonuses which are cap unfavorable and inflate payroll or the cash to cap philosophy into account.
  7. Cheering on, sitting back,enjoying football and being correct and realistic (over the last 9 years) are not mutually exclusive.
  8. Absolutely...or, er nearly absolutely (relatively so)? Odds are fallible by definition. But they are most often correct- otherwise sports books would cease to exist. Even more so with long odds. So sure, "any given Sunday" but any given season....much less likely although it does happen and I hope it does with the Bills this year.. Wouldn't it be nice to be the favorite more often though? And pointing this out and searching for a cure is somehow disloyal? I don't think that makes anybody a less worthy fan.
  9. At what odds would you lay down a bet on them making the playoffs this year? Advancing in the playoffs? Winning the Super Bowl? The point is, expectations have been lessened so much that any success this organization has is rabidly cheered and used as a basis for wild speculation. I'm encouraged by the first 2 games but they are just that -2 games...with injuries at key positions replaced with practice squad players. I wouldn't take less than 150:1 for SB, would you? I will be overjoyed if wrong. Whatever Ralph spoons out, people are willing to eat, even if it's s**t. I prefer fine wines and food, but hey, this is Ralph were talking about.
  10. None of the 31 other teams signed the guys we did either. They didn't seem like real hot commodities. I hope they work out great but how can you guarantee that cost wasn't an issue? Ralph's track record (not to mention W/L record) over 50 years says otherwise.
  11. Agree. FOX cheapens everything it touches, especially the news. To bad PBS doesn't do football..I'll bet Jim Lehrer would do a great job announcing and no transformers...maybe folk singers to start the game..
  12. My wife exclaimed when Hamdan was shown on a sideline shot on MNF. Anybody with a similar experience?
  13. I think you make good points. Last nights game was encouraging and more importantly,EXCITING! even if it was also heartbreaking. My better judgement says "no" but I'm back on board.
  14. Stylewise, Jackson is more of a strider/glider. Reminds me more of an Eric Dickerson type style. Agree. But any of these comparisons are good news for the Bills
  15. Good thought. BMD. Vitamin D testing would be appropriate and I'll bet rarely done on NFL players
  16. Anybody else have no feed in HD from espn for the game? I suspect it was just my local Comcrap cable. Of course, they said there was no problem at their end, but they always say that. I guess the ending wouldn't have been much better in HD anyway.
  17. Agreed. They played much better than I expected and it was actually entertaining til the end. Losing Sucks but there obviousy is some talent (Freddie, Schoeble, Trent and maybe the O line as it develops) and they may be middle of the pack again in the NFL. So...get the Sunday ticket or not...cable really sucks and I hate giving RW my money,even indirectly. Was that game enough to make the change? I'm not sure. Any comments? Option 2, root for the Titans on cable and bet against more misery....actually sounds like the best option right now but likely won't. Guess its a few more weeks of watching scores and bad internet feeds to decide. Why can't they just be good? ...never mind, we all know and he won't likely die for years given the Bills luck.
  18. Well put, and I think watching recent Bills games is actually less exciting than watching CNBC. I'd trade Wilson for Buffett in a heartbeat!
  19. if your theory is correct, you are on the receiving end since you're a Bill's fan. Do you imagine the owners sitting around incinerating trees and instituting ridiculous rules to improve ratings (a la the original "Rollerball)" too? Guess that wouldn't surprise me either.
  20. Sad but true. I recently had a similar experience but it was the cable co. cutting my bill $25/month to keep me from going to DSS and ST. Unfortunately its only for 6 months and theoretically you have to threaten them every 6 mos. to get the best price. I was/am still considering getting ST but this made me decide to wait til after the NE game to decide. Wouldn't it be nice if they just gave everyone the same, best deal all the time?
  21. If you're referring to me, I think you've misinterpreted my reconsideration of tone. I still think Ralph Wilson is an awful owner based on a lifetime of overseeing football losses and bad decisions who deserves the vast majority of criticism thrown his way. And in the most civil tone possible, I still feel your condescension and arrogance are neither becoming nor deserved.
  22. Understood. Living in the South much of my adult life makes me miss open, spirited debate. I may have gotten carried away in this thread. ADD: the question about pay referred to his being paid for blogging (astroturf versus grassroots- which I believe is a dishonest practice). That was a simple misunderstanding by both rw and me)
  23. Mr. Dickel or Mr. Blanton would be welcome as well
  24. Why, because you're so famous that everyone should know.
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