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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. Rasputin:"the people are revolting!" Ralph Wilson:"as are you, Rasputin"
  2. Yup. And since money seems to be his primary motivation the only way he sells is if his ROI on the value of the team is as safe or safer somewhere else. Lots of unsold seats is the only other possible means to that end.
  3. Confirmed by the networks. Did you see the Broadcast map?
  4. It's strictly a money thing. Especially for rw. You can't sell more seats than a sellout (except, perhaps, in Dallas)
  5. I hope he does well and makes it back. Not like it never happens .....remember Doug Flutie? I don't think he'll ever provide his supporters a big "I told you so" but why not wish him the best? It's not like he didn't give it his best.
  6. Nope, no problems at all It's all good (and I actually do think we beat the fins Sunday).
  7. Shanahan repotedly made 6M his last year in Denver. Would probably want at least that much now. Not sure about Cowher but I agree with your point. Doubt RW will ever pay enough to get either. Proven coach would be much less of a gamble than a rookie QB.
  8. sorry. Don't know why link won't work (maybe because it appears it's a members only site-not sure why it let me in directly) but will go through if you use the address directly. List includes holmgren with seattle at 8M, Belichik at 5 and gruden at 4. Page is dated today but this list is obviously at least a year old. Lists DJ as 29 or 30 of 32 in terms of salary (childress and Kiffen at 1.25)
  9. http://www.coacheshotseat.com/SalariesNFLCoaches.htm gives $1.5 mil estimate. The difference between the numbers is obviously relevant. Not saying 3M/year not correct but what is the source?
  10. Anybody know how much DJ makes. Best estimate I could find was $1.5 mil prior to extension. For comparison, Bobby Bowden makes 2.5 and Frank Beamer makes 2.1. I'm guessing none of the names mentioned except for April will come to buffalo for 1.5 or thereabouts.
  11. Despite the CBA, the Bills made $39 million in operating income + estimated 3-4% appreciation on the franchise value. Pretty hard to have much sympathy. And yes it looks liked they fleeced the folks in Toronto while upsetting the folks in Buffalo. Nice job.
  12. Funniest threadi've read here. you guys should write for letterman or at least conan!
  13. Votes only count if collectively we can come up with $930 million. Can be done.... Green Bay did it, right?
  14. He's like the owner of a classic, valuable old car who's lost interest in the hobby. He knows its worth a lot but improvements are too expensive and add little to the long term value. So he polishes the chrome but leaves the drivetrain untouched. And he'll still get top dollar when he goes to sell.
  15. Would be awesome. But he's idolized in Nashville. Would take more than 1 bad season.
  16. well done. I think i'd rather be a bills fan than be with the wrong woman though!
  17. My solution is to hedge and follow an exciting, local college team while accepting that I will root for the bills despite their greedy, self obsessed, evil little owner and his blatant disregard for the long suffering fans. That gives me at least one good game a week to watch. Go Hokies! (No guilt there; Bruce's alma mater, stand up, classy school if you discount the Vicks,great coach, great game days) If they move to Toronto, I will probably still follow as geographically (if you were to cross Lake Ontario from Youngstown) its probably as close to my hometown as Orchard Park and I always liked the city and the people...but it won't be the same. They will almost assuredly improve with a new owner there. If they go to Cali....I'm done.
  18. that's what I meant.
  19. Change the quarterback, change the coach and we win! deja vu all over again
  20. Maybe they can plug those big practice squad acquisitions into the OL and fix everything.
  21. At the risk of sounding utterly redundant, DJ is just parroting the boss. RW might have 6 minutes of life left and he's still too careful to bet big, why would jauron bet big with minutes left in one game?
  22. Wow. I haven't felt the need to post my CV. Maybe Monster.com would be a better choice for ya.
  23. Rooneys vs wilson
  24. necessary but not sufficient; necessay and sufficient; neither necessary nor sufficient....pretty simple concepts..try google.....look under logic...I think that might be the problem here
  25. Top international corporations often attract top managemant talent by offering big money (some say too big) to lure them from their most recent conquest. Most times it works out, sometimes it doesn't. But they're on top of the world and keep using this model to stay there. Why shouldn't the Bills?Success speaks for itself and is usually defined in the context of "what have you done for me lately".. When Donahoe was shown the door after 2 consecutive losing seasons with the steelers their ownership chose the latest "it" guy, colbert, as his successor. Some of the luster was off the penny on Doahoe but we took him,instead. I don't really know, but I can't imagine he was as widely sought after at this time as were say Belichek or even pioli during their time as the "it" guy.. The point is, successful organization usually realize that top pay for a proven leader is a necessary but not sufficient condition for continued prosperity. Ralph doesn't seem to agree (as far as success at the football level).
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