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Posts posted by birdog1960

  1. Is "because it is cold" better for you?

    In Cowher's case, I bet that's part of it. The cold, right now in the southeast, reminds many that moving back "up north" to a steady diet of brutal winters isn't a consideration. He's now a carolinian, so I'll bet he and his family are pretty content. Hopefully, I'm wrong though...Green Bay and Minnesota have had some pretty good coaches.

  2. I know it's been said before but...Bills fans are the toughest, most loyal, simply the best, in the league. If SB's were given for fans, the bills would have won at least 20. The crowd for this weeks game in a blizzard was amazing to watch (from the warmth of my living room). I hope all the die hards out there are rewarded with a quality team soon. You all more than deserve it.

  3. so you're telling me that ralph hired him 10 months ago with the pitch that "for now you're just a scout, but if you do really good i'll let you be the GM next year when this whole "continuity" thing blows up in my face...but for now, the russ/dick thing is going so well, that we'll just stick with it"?


    with his stupendous pedigree, if he was such a great hire last year as a 69 year old scout and "exactly the guy we've needed around here for a long long time," why wasn't he named the gm then?? why did the bills need to let him sit around for a year before giving him this job? you think he needed to watch these clowns !@#$ up another season so he could be more qualified?


    if you need to twist this around in your head to convince yourself ralph knows what he's doing, that's your prerogative, but there's really no objective reason to. ralph is still clueless. as a matter of fact, the only really sensible thing he said yesterday was that he needed some luck.

    well reasoned. Don't see how one could argue against your logic here but I'll bet someone tries.

  4. Thank you for this excellent post!



    Ralph ain't going anywhere. Never was. People keep saying this---it's just insane.

    A recent quote from the comments section of Sullivan's latest article supports this point. "Buffalonians will support a loser as well as any city, and our attendance the last 2 years proved it. Despite a losing 1967 season, we sold 22,000 season tickets this year, and I'd expect sales to go as high as 45,000 with a new stadium." Ralph Wilson, 1969, Sports Illustrated. Forget Russ Brandon as the puppet master, it's been ralph all along.

  5. This clown has done virtually NOTHING for 4 years now, except bring in Marv and show up for the

    ring ceremony (after canceling the 1st time). Oh yeah, he did fire Jauron after giving him an extension, so

    I'm not sure if that one counts.



    It doesn't matter. He's definitely in the bottom 10 and that equates to chronic loser status for the bills.

  6. It takes time for the Football Gods to brew up a proper curse. I think what really pissed them off is Ralph's comment when refusing to continue to sell the naming rights. He said the stadium should not be named for an individual. Then the stadium gets named after him. He's a liar and an egomaniac.
    Yup. Is there now or has there ever been another NFL stadium named after the current owner of a team? If not, his arrogance is unprecedented even among the owners group of egomaniacs. But in reality it's not the curse of the stadium name, it's the curse of the man himself.
  7. He was one of the top three or so, absolutely a very grade pickup.


    Yeah, he had a scuffle with Cowher, but at the time, nobody knew which guy was right, or whether they both were but couldn't work together. Getting him was a huge coup back then.


    And yes, Snider is definitely worse than Ralph.

    Donahoe was 6-10 and 7-9 last 2 years with the steelers and that was under good ownership. Hardly made him the hot commodity at the time.

  8. I have been a TBD member for over a decade and it is getting very hard to read all the negative rantings, mostly from noobs with a few hundred posts under their belts. We get it. The Bills suck. Ralph is cheap. So why are you all still here? Get the f--- out if this team is so hard to take. Even when the Bills say they willspend whatever it takes, I have read rants about it's all a big plot to trick fans. There plenty of room on other NFL boards. Find a team worthy of your fandom and beat it already. You are boring



    No. what's boring is the 2001-2009 bills. conflict is rarely boring. And for 10 years you've been satisfied with the teams direction? Maybe noobs are needed to bring an honest, unbiased perspective. Newer is often better...like a new owner and gm and coach and marquee players and.....I'll believe it when I see it...I guess you've been blissfully buying this bull for at least 10 years apparently without complaint. Who then is the fool? BTW, do you feel the bills don't suck and ralph is not cheap? Lots of fans accept these truisms and remain fans because of a sliver of hope that they or someone may effect some eventual change. Maybe foolish, maybe desperate but no less worthy of a lifetime fan.

  9. Why should I hate the owner? Why should I hate anyone? It's a sport. I like to watch football. I live in Buffalo. Therefore I root for the Buffalo Bills. It's more fun when they're a better team, but I don't know how a bad football team could ever suck the life out of me. Of course I'm still going to go to the games. You're coming off as a little girl the more and more you post.

    you should hate the owner because he's shown you,me and every Bills fan contempt for the last 50 years. The few successful years have been fortuitous and despite him and all the while he's gotten rich beyond most peoples wildest dreams off of our misplaced but apparently unbreakable loyalty to our current or past hometown. His s***ty legacy hasn't been made by a few bad breaks here and there but by gross mismanagement and shameless, calculated financial exploitation of the fan base.

  10. I voted "other," because the poll will not let me select all of the "haters." The organization has been mismanaged for more than a decade, and in my opinion, continues to decline. Moves have been typical lame attempts to placate ticket buyers, while in reality, the frugality has been more evident with each passing year. Hence, poor coaching and management hires and promotions.


    That's the background for a horrible situation for players to have to deal with, practically insuring that they will not develop and play up to their potential. Then, the haters attack them verbally (and don't kid yourself, they are aware of it), and there is even less motivation for them to try hard or to have self-confidence. But it doesn't stop there. The haters ride them out of town on a rail (look up tar and feathers) and then follow their career ad infinitum, seeking any piece of evidence that they are not playing well.


    Apparently, this makes the haters feel better. I don't understand their obsession and find it annoying.

    agree. Ralph "fanboys" most annoying.

  11. I hate when people say WE WOULD BE BETTER WITH HIM THAN WITHOUT HIM!


    That's only true if we arent aggressive in free agency and need cap room to sign new guys in the future. This year we had the cap room, and your right--we would be better with him--but what if a new GM talks Ralph out of his "cash to cap" conservatism and we go for some big name free agents. And there's overrated, selfish Jason over there at the dessert bar with a fat $9m cap number, limiting the guys we can consider signing simply because he's hogging the team cap.


    In that scenario, we would most likely NOT be better with him than without him.

    That's a very big "but" (pun intended) and saving on experienced team veterans to sign free agents hasn't worked out so well for 10 years now. The salary cap hasn't been a serious issue for the bills in several years and look where its got us. I suspect we'd be much better off if it WAS more frequently an issue.

  12. How is not NOT above-market when it's the highest contract in LT history? Never mind the fact that players making 1/3 what Peters makes are outplaying him. The Bills mistake was not replacing Peters in the draft. They stole Philly's draft picks and left the Eagles a fatass who won't play with a hangnail and still gives up sacks. If it were the Bills you'd be screaming how stupid we were for overplaying this tub of lard.



    Um...market value is the price the open market is willing to pay for something. Peter's salary from the Eagles is therefore market. The fact that this doesn't jibe with the bill's or apparently your sense of frugality doesn't change that fact.
  13. Dirty little secret: Not every player in the league is paid commensurate to how the fans think they should be. You overpay some, you get some bargains. But if you don't keep your good players, you just end up chasing the performance that you lost on subsequent draft days and don't get better personnel.


    Whether the penny pinchers want to hear it or not, the truth is, they should have re-signed Nate, Fletch, Williams and Peters. Hell, they could have kept Milloy and Spikes too. Sure, they wouldn't be $50M under the salary cap, but they wouldn't have had to use high draft picks on guys like Whitner, McKelvin, Poz and McCargo. Maybe never trade two first day picks for Stroud....I mean IMAGINE the talent that this team could have if they weren't always reaching for glaring, self inflicted needs.


    It's commendable that people want to save Ralph money. You should have interceded when they signed mediocre players Dockery and Walker to large contracts, but nobody is perfect I guess.


    It's not just the money. It's the overall cost to replace, both financially and in terms of immediate wins and losses. This was a problem under Donahoe, but Marv perfected it. Expect a LT to be at the top of the Bills wish list on draft day 2010.

    Agreed, except it mostly IS the money to the Bills FO despite the fact the AP unquestioningly states that Ralph has been competitive at retaining big name veterans and signing free agents in their recent puff piece on Ralph POSSIBLY spending big bucks on a coach. And then you have the ralph apologists here explainig it all away as unworthiness and greed on the part of the star players..bizarre....

  14. Exactly. Would sound more believable if Flip Wilson was saying it, but from penny pinching Ralph, it is just words with no action as usual.

    Still trying to figure out "looking down the wrong side of the street". I guess that would result in seeing buildings, people or landmarks that you weren't looking for. ? relevance to the question of cheapness. Is this a common colloquialism that I've just never been exposed to? Were there any other incoherent gems that he gifted you in the interview that you left out? maybe he was just trying to be cryptic and obtuse...he seems especially good at that.

  15. Yes, you used to give notice. I see I missed the peak but maybe I can get lucky and still see some. I was just out and it was absolutely clear. You couldn't ask for a more beautiful night. Don't get many nights like this in CNY.

    damn,cloudy here. anywhere near 300/ hr at 4 am as predicted? thx for the notice anyway

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