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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. Please, oh please, step away from the sheep costume. Ralph is not a friend to the oppressed (eg Bills fans). Saint Ralph will charge what the market can bear. If he could charge Dallas prices and price out the riff raff, he would and no one could blame him. What I think most blame him for is his failure to lead a winning enterprise in a football sense.
  2. If we were to miraculously make the playoffs with Fitzpatrick, Ralph would step in and insist that Edwards start the first playoff game and we'd lose.
  3. If site gets taken down try justin tv/broadway_ruuby password= beastmode
  4. It's to placate fans like us who root for perennial losers. It may be effective but it sure feels manipulative. What you miss in many cities is a chance cheer for a team that has even the slimmest chance of winning a championship. The owners know it and try to fill the void.
  5. Way too many teams out of the running early every season. Makes for a lot less marquee matchups. I can't get over the feeling that I'm just watching one billionaire's ego fight against another billionaire's. I haven't bought Sunday Ticket in 3 years now and generally just watch parts of games (although I did watch every second of the Bills-NE game). Fantasy football keeps some interest in the losing teams but I don't think enough to make a difference. Unbridled greed, as evidenced by the seat licenses, is ruining the experience for many fans including me. I think people are finding other activities can be more satisfying than the NFL on weekends. I always argued that the NFL distilled the best talent and was superior to watching college ball but now I prefer the college game. Still considering going to the Bills-Titans or Carolina games this year but at this point I'm much more likely to go to a Virginia Tech game or 2 or even a UT game. In the last 5 years, I've enjoyed the college games I've been to much more than the pros. I'll bet, given the choice, many other long time pro fans (and maybe even bills fans) make this choice.
  6. "Hathe anyone theen my teeth"? "
  7. NFL haves and have nots imbalance worst in my memory, too. This makes for a pretty bad product for the entire league. Maybe the league ownership will get it and enact some changes to promote parity but I'm not sure what those would be...outlawing cheap owners who look at winning as secondary?
  8. With few exceptions, that's how you make a billion $. More to come, read Limbaugh's self aggrandizing interview on msnbc . We live, once again, in the age of robber barons.
  9. Which is worse: lying to your own fans or cheating with a video camera?
  10. The fans are the ones feeling Ralph's wrath
  11. Just watched a ufl game....6-3 final score
  12. ralph wilson , HOF loser.
  13. He may be a lot of things but rw is no fool.
  14. thanks, its not an original. not sure where it's from but "I'm mad as hell,,,, is obviously from the film "Network".
  15. come on sheeple! A good first half against one of the worst teams in the league can repay your loyalty? Oh yeah, forgot about the TO effect on ticket sales. Me thinks too many settle for too little. How bout chanting "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore" as he steps out.
  16. Excellent, look forward to your insights.
  17. It's all that logic he absorbed at Jesuit and Ivy league schools.
  18. I hate to admit it but I'd rather have rw as the owner of the team I root for than limpbaugh. I guess things CAN always get worse.
  19. maybe....50% of over 85yo population estimated to have some degree of alzheimers
  20. At 91, he's likely beyond the capacity to take a good dump. The smith corona story is hilarious-hope you saved one of those pens.
  21. No, I think it was "I'm confident I can stay hard"
  22. Don't feel bad . A local accountant put "certified pubic accountant " on the jerseys of an entire Little League team here a few years ago. Still being teased about it.
  23. Ralph's legacy: One of the worst franchises in the business, an angry mob of fans and customers, an earned reputation as a cheapskate, a down and out community further trampled by his ineptitude and the contempt of an entire region of the country. On the positive side he's a billionaire, in the HOF and has a stadium named after him. On balance, I'd call it an unfulfilled life but rw probably feels its been wildly successful.
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