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Posts posted by birdog1960

  1. Never has said that some at OBD visit TBD but policy is not based on what we post. But if we are giving cred to his posts then be assured the Bills really threw the kitchen sink at the A-list coaches, they were embaressed by the rejections, that Chan enterred the picture on Cowher's recommendation, and at the end of the day it's still Ralph Wilson's toy so every employee has to be judged through that prism.



    and prepping ralph for a pr event is like grabbing any 91 yo from a nursing home to work with..not a glowing endorsement of his mental capacity. confusion + obstinacy+ isolation from criticism=failure every time.
  2. I am curious to know who Nevergiveup is on this board. He was right about Buddy Nix, and now seems to be right about Chan Gailey. I think you work at One Bills Drive or you are related to someone that works there. From now on, I will be paying closer attention to your posts. Come out from behind that mask and tell us who you really are.
    most interesting are his insights into rw's meddling...go back and read them. If you accept him as an insider, then you can dismiss pretty much eveything the rw apologists here say.
  3. You're right. There's no reason to investigate.


    This is what an average coaching search looks like. Guys turn you down, especially when you're talking about the absolute best coaching prospects out there, and especially when your team has no QB and no draft pick high enough to get one of the top two in the draft.


    There are only two or three coaching hires this year, so it's not so easy to compare, but if we had lots of it going on, we would remember that this is what it looks like.


    It's a bit like the colleges you apply to. You might apply to Harvard and Yale, just in case. Then apply to three or four colleges you have a legit shot at, and expect to get into most of them. And then maybe two safety schools.


    Luckily, none of the guys we've looked at are the equivalent of community colleges. Leslie Frazier is actually a Haverford or Columbia, as are Grimm and Rivera.

    continuing the analogy, rw should have been emeritus faculty years ago. There are good reasons so many professions have mandatory retirement ages.
  4. So that's one call he made, which made sense at the time given the team's performance, and one that Wade wouldn't have made because he's got no backbone, and he's a meddler?
    you think that event is a big selling point for a prospective coach, especially a big name one? "I'd really like rw to overule me on who starts at qb for a playoff game." Yeah, I'll bet cowher or shanahan would love that.
  5. Three things:


    1.) Ralph isn't senile, he's always been this way. He fired Polian fifteen years ago when he was a much younger man, and other than a brief burst under Lou Saban in the 60s, has always hired subpar personnel. Age may have made it worse, but it's not like he was a genius football man who lost his faculties. He's been a bad owner to work for and never was any better.


    2.) Jerry Jones just won his first playoff game since 1996. He got on a hot streak in the early 1990s because he backed into greatness from the Herschel Walker trade, and hasn't been able to recover until now. And for the most part, coaches don't want to work for him: it's why he has Wade Phillips. He briefly got Bill Parcells, who quit a few years in.


    3.) Snyder has a similar track record. They haven't done much at all since he took over, basically, the team has been the Bills with a little bit more luck and without the Patriots in the division. And his last coach was Jim freaking Zorn. He finally agreed to give up all the authority to Shanahan, who took the job. Ralph wasn't willing to even to do that.

    For the most part I agree except with your first point. Epidemiology and statistics tell us it's as likely that rw is demented as not. I agree, his overall track record is bad and mounting evidence reinforces his general historical incompetence but the bills are now at an all time low and he appears either unaware or ambivalent to this.

  6. my guess is that it has to do with running the business of the NFL & the value of individual teams. I would think it would give leverage to teams if they can always threaten to move, ie- getting new stadiums. Say for example, the WNY public bought the bills, and refused a new stadium, and ran the team into the ground. Or any city/team for that matter. Seems like the value of the team would plummet, and likewise hurt the NFL.

    Maybe jacksonville is better example, if they were stuck in jacksnville, the team as a business may not survive.


    Just a theory, I'm no business expert, but my guess is $$$ is behind that ban.

    no doubt it's about $$$..it just seems like it would be against anti trust laws. MONEY......now what was the question?

  7. I know nothing about High School ball, but that dude was one on the highest ratedp players in in DC the last couple of years. That was a big get for Tech.


    Also, not sure how I feel about the whole enrolling early to get spring ball in. Seems like that last 5 months of high school is a pretty special time...but then again there are no smoking hot 23 year old grad students looking to teach the freshman football players some new tricks either :D

    Um, tech is primarily an ag and engineering school...great place but not really overflowing with beautiful people. Anyway, good for the kid and tech. Go Hokies

  8. It's really pretty simple. Ever heard the expression, "cutting your nose off to spite your face"? The Bills weren't going to make the playoffs this year and it was fairly well understood that this was Jauron's make or break year. Was Jauron going to survive another 7-9 or worse season? Probably not.


    So, the question is, once again, "Why fire Jauron in mid-season?" Even the Detroit Lions, as inept a franchise as exists in the NFL, gave Rod Marinelli a full season to make chicken salad out of the chicken **** he had. It's clear now that the Bills had no succession plan when they fired Jauron, very much unlike the last time they fired a coach mid-season in order to bring in Marv Levy. (The denialist might argue that the succession plan they had fell through, but that also says something about how the organization is run that they would make a bold move and have their safety net yanked out from beneath them.)


    By firing Jauron mid-season, the Bills were publicly pointing the finger of blame at the coach. No one else. While I am no fan of Jauron (ask anybody on this board), he is clearly not the only problem with this organization. Other people around the NFL know the situation and know Dick Jauron. For instance, the front office structure was not Dick Jauron's doing and so on.


    So, they fire Jauron in mid-season; there is no succession plan, and they are still trying to figure that part out; and, they promote the acting Matt Millen in the room to CEO. The big shake-up is to promote a guy from scout emeritus to GM.


    From your comments, you apparently see this all as very sound judgment and decision making that has identified the root problem, addressed it, and will send this organization on an upwards trajectory.


    Unfortunately, each passing interview request that is turned down further diminishes the denialist's optimistic slant to which you seem to subscribe. Others in the NFL have not been fooled. The problems with this team are not simply a question of getting better coaching. They know it. Even the rats know when to leave a sinking ship.

    great analysis of a sad state of affairs.
  9. All of you negtive nancies, if you read the quotes, Schotty is very happy where he is and doesn't want to jump just to get the title. He said he is finally happy after along time. It's nothing to do with the Bills. Why do Bills fans have an inferiority complex?

    Would he have interviewed for the carolina job if that was open or seattle if asked or washington? How bout a really good team if they had an opening? If you can reasonablly guess "no" to these questions, then your point is valid but I'm betting you can't.

  10. You're rationalizing. Are you employed by OBD? Peters was (and is, again) a pro bowler. He had a minimum contract because he was a nobody that the Bills converted to a LT. Then they decided to cheap out and let someone else take Peters' talent.


    One of many times the Bills have opted to save money instead of fielding the best possible team.

    the reason they tell you to "just shut up" is that they have to make these circuitous arguments to defend the indefensible and they have to do it over and over as new posters come and state what's obvious to anyone minimally objective or marginally perceptive. Besides that, you might pop their huge bubble of the delusion that rw really wants to win, even if he can't get 20% roi.

  11. To suggest that they aren't trying just because they aren't successful is ignorant

    There is no sure-fire way to succeed or else every team, including the Bills, would be doing it.

    As far as Ralph opening the wallet, he's done that. Players are getting plenty and as far as coaches, they're getting what Ralph feels they're worth. Jauron was the 10th highest paid coach in the league in 2009 after the extension he signed after the 5-1 start in 2008. Ralph's a businessman and he'd go bankrupt if he automatically paid everyone ridiculous sums of money when they haven't earned it. He's known to be willing to throw $10M per season at Shanahan...I would think Cowher would get close to the same. If a cheaper coach gets the job, it will have nothing to do with money..guaranteed.

    There clearly is a sure-fire way to fail- just follow OBD management principles. Cash to cap clearly is not plenty..it's not even competitive, just like the Bills. "Ignorance" is being thrown around a lot lately but one thing all of us here are ignorant of is what Shanahan and Cowher were offered. It's ignorant to not admit you're ignorance (again, just look at OBD). Finally, if a cheaper coach is hired, what then will it have to do with.
  12. A Business man getting teh biggest bang for his buck... Holy Crap someone tell America Ralph Wilson has discoverd the answer. :thumbdown:



    Seriosuly though the RW bashing is ridiculous. The man is responsible and has acheived so much in his life time, the man is a model citizen as well. I take my hat off to him.


    Yea this team may not be good now, but what about the 90's. SO many memories. The team will get better Ralph said he is determined to do so, and i for one believe that man. When has he ever lied to the Bills fans? he may be hush hush about things but news flash most BUSINESSES are and the NFL is just that, a business.


    If you dont like the Bills, or Ralph go cheer for another team, and get of TBD a Bills FAN Messgae board.

    I can think of several recent examples of businessmen reaping huge financial rewards while captaining a sinking ship and running a losing team. By your logic, ex CEO's Hank Greenberg (AIG) and Jimmy Cayne (Bear Stearns) should be idolized..they were good in the 90's too.

  13. \


    Good God on a pogo-stick! A rich uncle buys your sorry gas pumping ass a new Mazda Sedan and a couple of years down the road, your sense of entitlement gets the better of you and you start bitching behind his back because he is not providing you with an exotic model that all the rest of the kids are racing around in. It is a fluke that Buffalo ever got a franchise in the first place. Now all of us had 50 years of enjoying this fluke event. Eat your vanilla ice cream AND LIKE IT! If you saw Mr. Wilson out on the street, you would merely offer a trembling hand and say thank you Mr. Wilson just like I would. The man is 91, let him do what he wants with his money and toys. We have had a lot of ****ty memories, but some thrilling ones along the way as well. If Buffalo ever reaches the top, the honey that is flowing there will taste sweeter than anything a Dallas Cowboy fan could EVER imagine.

    a trembling hand? Maybe if he had sequenced the human genome or found the cure for cancer but a man who's biggest achievement has been getting rich off a subpar team in a currently economically depressed area...I think not. And Buffalo, when the Bills got their start, was quite affluent and "deserved" a pro team. rw didn't base it here nor keep it here because he felt paternalistic to Buffalonians. I don't care for vanilla ice cream and I like nice cars without expecting anybody to subsidize them, unlike rw who expected the taxpayers to build him a stadium (which the OP correctly noted, he was forced to help pay for through taxes).

  14. If you want TBD immortality,



    You can ask people how to pirate movies



    There are plenty of creative ways to make the TBD HoF.

    Interesting development on this. The emergence of 3D movies will probably soon make this impractical since 90% of piracy is done with a camcorder. This is pushing the technology fast (current CEDIA show is full of it) and 3D sports could be available as soon as next year on TV. Would be nice to watch a good Bills team in 3D...one can always hope.
  15. Let's see what's so great about living in the south? Rednecks? Fire ants and termites? Poisonous snakes? Gators eating your pets? Hurricanes?



    you might want to visit somewhere like asheville, nc or charlottesville, va or chattanooga, tn or raleigh or...your perception might change and you'd see four seasons, a generally mild winter and rare run ins with the things mentioned. btw, I recall meeting a few rednecks in wny.

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