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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. Yep. This way we can get back some of the hundreds of billions spent bailing out the irresponsible, immoral masters of the universe running the too big to fail banks. How many of the fortunes to be taxed were fueled by graft?
  2. This game is so boring that i'm reading this thread instead. If ralph has to pay that tax and can't escape he could look at it like this: " I'm spending 55 cents on the dollar on the Bills while I'm alive...what a bargain, Ill get a 10 million dollar coach for 5.5 million"...but this is ralph...maybe not.
  3. Still trying to figure out "looking down the wrong side of the street". I guess that would result in seeing buildings, people or landmarks that you weren't looking for. ? relevance to the question of cheapness. Is this a common colloquialism that I've just never been exposed to? Were there any other incoherent gems that he gifted you in the interview that you left out? maybe he was just trying to be cryptic and obtuse...he seems especially good at that.
  4. I'm not sure there is a consensus on the premise: "... the Bills have been competitive going after free agents and re-signing their own star players.. I think you're conceding an awful lot to rw there on a very debatable point.
  5. damn,cloudy here. anywhere near 300/ hr at 4 am as predicted? thx for the notice anyway
  6. I suspect there is history between the owners that is not being disclosed...it's hard to believe those gestures weren't aimed at Wilson.
  7. except the HOF voters. They think he should be made immortal. Guess Bud disagrees and ,if you believe the hype, his investment in the afl was single handedly saved by Ralph...not very thankful, is he?
  8. Ralph's cynical abuse of the good people of buffalo is contemptable. The defense of him by any Bills fan, much less the polite applause of his HOF ring ceremony in front of the abused, is symptomatic of the mindset that allows him to repeatedly pull off his scam. He deserves much worse from the fans.
  9. The only housecleaning that matters is the removal of the slumlord owner.
  10. first time all season I went to a bar to watch was sunday. The place had 2 projectors down and didn't have enough tv's for all the 1:00 games. Guess which one they didn't show? After watching bits of it at home on an internet stream, i decided they had made a wise choice.
  11. Wow. I'm on your side (and if I wasn't I'd probably change based on that post). But, if you run into Mr. Buffett how bout asking if he has any interest in a pro football team to go with his newspaper
  12. If his opinions are so obvious, why the heated debates about them on this site including questions about his conduct playing softball cited as evidence of his mean spirit? I think an earlier poster was right, he's guilty of saying what people don't won't to hear publicly. It's OK if they allow themselves to think it or even say it but it's not ok for him to in the news. BTW, my understanding is that the newspaper business isn't doing a lot of hiring these days so staying where he's at doesn't necessarily reflect a lack of talent.
  13. He's been right all along. Those arguing with him have been in denial and turned their anger at him instead of the rightful target..
  14. But then rw would have to pay his fair share of taxes and that's only for plebs like those who helped make him and his family filthy rich. I sure hope you didn't boo his ring kissing ceremony today. That would have been in bad taste.
  15. did he get booed during the ceremony?
  16. Doesn't anyone else find it ironic that tax money from ordinary people paid for this stadium and , consequently, rw's profiteering, Yet Buffalo may lose the team because this same cheap billionaire jerk wants to avoid paying his fair share of taxes on his enormous wealth? No one should feel guilty about donning a Mr. Banks mask or booing or doing whatever to show their displeasure.
  17. nothing any of us can do , even collectively, will make a positive difference in his decision on the fate of the team. In the end, a symbolic act would only make disgruntled fans feel a little less powerless and I think that's a good thing. Expecting a porsche versus expecting a playoff game every 10 years or so is not equivalent.
  18. Oh, yeah. "thank you sir, may I have another?" 75000 Mr Burns masks from the simpsons would be appropriate.
  19. Nice to see a win but exciting? Not so much. Watching on an internet stream the comments from the panthers fans were some of the most entertaining things in the game- "just hand it to Deangelo g..dammit! stated over and over. Don't know why Fox didn't listen but glad he didn't. Byrd IS exciting however. maybe he can play offense too. Seems to catch a lot better than TO.
  20. My guess would be narcissistic personality disorder though most if not all of the names mentioned are likely afflicted (but not as much as those who are unfortunate enough to have contact with them). RW craves admiration, power and money and a small market is a small pond in which to be a fish. He is inherently frugal (probably from living through the depression) and net worth is a much higher priority than football success. If you're not into psychobabble, he may just be a miserly, old, self obsessed cuss. The C.M. Burns character from the Simpsons is truly an apt caricature: "one dollar for eternal happiness. I'd rather have the dollar".
  21. No criticism of rw allowed...He's an HOF owner and is to be revered for eternity...future robber baron kids will look up at his bust at Canton in awe
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