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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. exactly, this is ralph spitting right in the fans (our) faces. Even if he proved unsuccessful most fans would have had hope.
  2. The schottenheimer news is huge and you'd have to assume the reporter new this in advance and held it at the request of his sources. You also have to assume the sources are pretty solid for TG to go out this far on a limb with such damning info on rw. Unfortunately, he'll lose some hero worshipers here who will now call him the same names they call Jerry Sullivan. Anyway, nice work on breaking the story! btw , what happened to the link to the article at tbd? It was there and now it's not.
  3. this day will forever cement rw's legacy as a football loser who consistenly screwed his long suffering fans. If this doesn't turn every bills fan against him, nothing will
  4. I've met some pretty smart folks with drawls but Nix doesn't strike me as one of them. Gailey however was impressive..loved how he handled the question about disappointment to fans over lack of big name(paraphrasing)"there have been a lot of successful 6th and 7th round draft choices. What matters is what you do with the opportunity"-smart, honest and effective. Didn't see the whole thing. Did anyone ask him if he got assurances against meddling by rw? That's probably the most important question they could ask.
  5. and prepping ralph for a pr event is like grabbing any 91 yo from a nursing home to work with..not a glowing endorsement of his mental capacity. confusion + obstinacy+ isolation from criticism=failure every time.
  6. most interesting are his insights into rw's meddling...go back and read them. If you accept him as an insider, then you can dismiss pretty much eveything the rw apologists here say.
  7. If you enjoy this then you enloy losing and humiliation. I'm not sure that's admirable.
  8. continuing the analogy, rw should have been emeritus faculty years ago. There are good reasons so many professions have mandatory retirement ages.
  9. yes, and that's why rw won't or can't hire one.
  10. you think that event is a big selling point for a prospective coach, especially a big name one? "I'd really like rw to overule me on who starts at qb for a playoff game." Yeah, I'll bet cowher or shanahan would love that.
  11. For the most part I agree except with your first point. Epidemiology and statistics tell us it's as likely that rw is demented as not. I agree, his overall track record is bad and mounting evidence reinforces his general historical incompetence but the bills are now at an all time low and he appears either unaware or ambivalent to this.
  12. no doubt it's about $$$..it just seems like it would be against anti trust laws. MONEY......now what was the question?
  13. has this ever been challenged under anti trust laws? seems "unamerican"
  14. wow PTR, when did the conversion to the dark side occur...or have been enlightened?
  15. Um, tech is primarily an ag and engineering school...great place but not really overflowing with beautiful people. Anyway, good for the kid and tech. Go Hokies
  16. great analysis of a sad state of affairs.
  17. And of course, the ultimate reality: Winning cures all whining. yes, thats why were all so sick and whiny
  18. the difference is that some speculation is so wild that it borders on ridiculous and some isn't.
  19. Would he have interviewed for the carolina job if that was open or seattle if asked or washington? How bout a really good team if they had an opening? If you can reasonablly guess "no" to these questions, then your point is valid but I'm betting you can't.
  20. this explains rw's reluctance to fire Jauron. He must have suspected that no one any better would put up with him.
  21. the reason they tell you to "just shut up" is that they have to make these circuitous arguments to defend the indefensible and they have to do it over and over as new posters come and state what's obvious to anyone minimally objective or marginally perceptive. Besides that, you might pop their huge bubble of the delusion that rw really wants to win, even if he can't get 20% roi.
  22. There clearly is a sure-fire way to fail- just follow OBD management principles. Cash to cap clearly is not plenty..it's not even competitive, just like the Bills. "Ignorance" is being thrown around a lot lately but one thing all of us here are ignorant of is what Shanahan and Cowher were offered. It's ignorant to not admit you're ignorance (again, just look at OBD). Finally, if a cheaper coach is hired, what then will it have to do with.
  23. I can think of several recent examples of businessmen reaping huge financial rewards while captaining a sinking ship and running a losing team. By your logic, ex CEO's Hank Greenberg (AIG) and Jimmy Cayne (Bear Stearns) should be idolized..they were good in the 90's too.
  24. a trembling hand? Maybe if he had sequenced the human genome or found the cure for cancer but a man who's biggest achievement has been getting rich off a subpar team in a currently economically depressed area...I think not. And Buffalo, when the Bills got their start, was quite affluent and "deserved" a pro team. rw didn't base it here nor keep it here because he felt paternalistic to Buffalonians. I don't care for vanilla ice cream and I like nice cars without expecting anybody to subsidize them, unlike rw who expected the taxpayers to build him a stadium (which the OP correctly noted, he was forced to help pay for through taxes).
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