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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. very true but highly unlikely...and just wait for the posts here protecting ralph's wallet (and he doesn't need any help). "build through the draft, build through the draft, build through the draft"...lather,rinse, repeat.
  2. Lou....doop de doop do doop de do doop
  3. cool...was beginning to wonder if I was the only one to notice. your post effectively makes an important point that seems lost on the never neverland of TBD...
  4. another nix trip to the dollar store to pick up some essentials
  5. Um,yes, not sure we needed that image but I think your point is valid.
  6. How many of the current bills do you suppose don't want to be here or at the very least, would prefer to be on a team with a good chance of winning a playoff game in the next three years? Fortunately, sometimes these players can be retained by offering them big money. Unfortunately the bills often don't step up to the plate...and thus..... a decade of futility and the exciting prospect of a slow rebuild..or not.
  7. asu is a really nice school...love Boone..and they have a well respected football program in these parts...I bet buddy is familiar with it since he's a chattanooga guy. I'm not that familiar with these players but the bills used to make a living off small school finds.
  8. speaking of low expectations....most here concede a very bad year (or two or three) in order to rebuild...thats a pretty effective defense mechanism as well...and if you expect very little in free agency (many here actually argued that free agent signings would be a bad thing) any signing is a reason for celebration. I think the "pessimsts" here actually have higher hopes than the delusional fans but they are cognizant of the fiscal realities of a rw owned team.
  9. [ you wouldn't take 1 superbowl and out right now for the bills?
  10. so you'd rather have buddy than either of them and you trust his judgement more because.....why exactly?. and they got dansby for free i guess.
  11. what measure would you propose? net income?
  12. yea, parcells and holmgren have never won anything...what do they know?...we have chan and buddy-can't go wrong
  13. why is everyone so concerned with rw's money? He's got plenty and much of it from the long suffering bills fans. I don't think he'll get any prize for dying with a few million more. From him it's expected but why do fans like you care, especially in an uncapped season?
  14. so how are cleveland and detroit doing it. maybe the players think more of holmgren than chan or buddy but I'll bet it's primarily the money their offered.
  15. 5-11 is correct if they had played indy's first team in a game that meant something.
  16. the strategy is to make as much money as possible. They have the numbers from past experience over many years as to how many fans will pay to see an absolutely awful team. They compare the loss of revenue to the gain in player and coaching payroll cuts and have determined that they come out ahead fielding an abysmal team.
  17. or the vikings, saints and cowboys..we're back to the necessary and sufficient condition...big spending appears necessary but not sufficient for on the field success in todays NFL
  18. i think this might have been meant as a dig at the "be patient", "keep the faith" crowd and I couldn't agree more. If rw really cared about winning, it's now or never in actuarial terms...he would be spending like a drunken sailor (or even like the jets) just to have a chance to have a winning franchise before he dies. "long term plan" is not an option at 92 and since he's stated he's gonna sell on his death you can't argue that it's being planned for then, either. Face it, the bills on field success is a low priority for ralph despite what he says publicly. Another explanation is that he, unlike many here, doesn't believe it possible to field a winner before he dies so why waste the money.
  19. he has to at least give the appearance that he's attempting to acheive mediocrity
  20. and that suits rw just fine
  21. another implication in the Cleveland signings is that valuable players CAN be brought into struggling clubs in unglamorous towns. Fujita, of course, comes from the sb winner and goes to a perennial loser for, in his words, "the bottom line". This dispels the myth that the Bills can't sign valuable FA's due to their record and location.
  22. no doubt there trying to help the team with this move but it seems with moves like this they are content in going from awful to just bad. After 10 years of sheit, is that enough for you? maybe this kinda signing is the best they can do but they could at least publicly try a little harder to attract some names that even people on this board don't have to google to identify.
  23. the good teams have the luxury of looking at role players to add to their established nucleus and some of them wash out. no big deal if you are good to start with. It is a big deal if you're trying to rebuild with little foundation. these players haven't made the bad team they're coming from winners. are they likely to do that for the Bills? But, they might make a good team better. less likely, they make a bad team a bit better but overall: the rich get richer, the bills get poorer.
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