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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vygFotutz7Yphil mickelson. i'm convinced the conniving, gambler in "tin cup" was modeled after him.
  2. it's difficult but can be done. I agree with the recommendations above. it's actually a good excuse to go unplugged for a day. also, make sure that when you turn on the tv to watch the recording and it's tuned to NFL network, that you pause the live show and look down while you cue up the recording. I've seen the score more than once on a scrolling banner on a live broadcast on the station the bills game was recorded on.
  3. yep.. that's it. almost as plausible as some of gentle ben's ideas. no school debt. I went in- state to a u.s. school - it was very reasonable thanks to a progressive, highly subsidized state education system probably championed by some Rockefeller-esque liberal. never been to grenada but I've spent a fair amount of time on Caribbean beaches.
  4. CARSON: “Every time we raise the minimum wage, the number of jobless people increases.” THE FACTS: Actually, that usually doesn’t happen. When the minimum wage was increased in 1996 and 1997, the unemployment rate fell afterward. In June 2007, when the first of three annual minimum wage increases was implemented, the unemployment rate was unchanged until the Great Recession began six months later. Economic research has found that when states raise their minimum wages higher than neighboring states, they don’t typically fare any worse than their neighbors. It’s not known, though, what would happen to jobs if the minimum wage were doubled to $15— as many fast-food workers who demonstrated before the debate were demanding. try again ben
  5. i'm confident he has more integrity than latching on with most of the front runners. i could see him teaming up with fiorina but she's the only one that he seems to share any important pov's with. and for some concise fact checking and position analysis: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/fact-checking-gop-debate/ RUBIO: “Welders make more money than philosophers.” Not so, on average. Rubio is arguing that the U.S. has failed to invest in vocational training — a point also stressed by President Barack Obama’s now-defunct jobs council. But Rubio is wrong to suggest that studying philosophy is a waste of money and time. PayScale, a firm that analyzes compensation, put the median mid-career income for philosophy majors at $81,200 in 2008, with welders making $26,002 to $63,698. And Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce said in a 2014 analysis that median incomes were $68,000 for people with an advanced degree in philosophy or religious studies. So knowing Plato and getting a college degree still pays off.
  6. hmmmm. so you read a book by a guy that you consider a fool? why would you bother? anyone that watches fox at all apparently is made aware of his opinions. it's almost as if he's assigned the role of final arbiter on all things political based on what i saw the morning after the debar. and we all know that there are plenty of fox viewers here. but i'm relieved that we can now discount out of hand any of his hair brained ideas regurgitated here at ppp
  7. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Donald+Trump+Bald&view=detailv2&&id=3F1BC16D82A19788FDAE7D2CCB49605ABFDE0B10&selectedIndex=5&ccid=Z3w%2b4jjW&simid=608001167555365750&thid=OIP.M677c3ee238d6639c0d7b1dfcfd7af11bH0&ajaxhist=0
  8. ok then. trumps wig man should be sued.
  9. I don't believe for a minute that sanders or Kucinich are narcissists. Mondale either. hubert Humphrey, no. perhaps you can add some repugs. there goes that premise.
  10. In “The Great Gatsby,” F. Scott Fitzgerald writes of Tom and Daisy Buchanan, who “smashed up things” and then “retreated back into . . . their vast carelessness . . . and let other people clean up the mess they had made.” Tidying up after O’Reilly could be a full-time job but usually is not worth the trouble. When, however, O’Reilly’s vast carelessness pollutes history and debases the historian’s craft, the mess is, unlike O’Reilly, to be taken seriously. in case you missed that particular classic, George will has read it. so, I turn the tv back on this am and it's still tuned to fox business news. and guess who they're asking about his take on the debate? yep, you guessed it. that humble guy you see above. what a great network!
  11. oh, was I mistaken about the author of the book that inspired this thread?
  12. at the risk of being criticized by your right wing colleagues for answering you, i'll do it anyway. why would I care? he could have gone to any med school with the scholarship including Michigan and yale.
  13. yeah, I can see the similarities to o'reilly. no wonder you're determined to change the subject.
  14. perhaps you are unaware of this: http://www.goarmy.com/amedd/education/hpsp.html./ it's actually available to any qualified applicant which would include west point grads. in addition, west point has their own medicine program that I previously linked to. sure, both are competitive but I got one so it can't be too hard, right? you'd expect ole ben to be able to get one now wouldn't you.
  15. you're probably right. he's the brightest and most candid guy on the stage. that's not what this audience wants.
  16. well they're pooping pretty stinky on kasich. must not be a friend of fox execs.
  17. bush sucks. terrible, as trump would say with a new jersey accent. but at least he's real. carson says he talked to several generals about the middle east. westmoreland maybe? now trump has talked to generals. wow. the generals really like these guys. florina should sue her plastic surgeon.
  18. the irony is obvious. it's the message that's so frequently ignored, especially here at ppp. sounds like your 11th grade teacher was fully engaged. i doubt she had problem with subtlety. she may have failed to impart it on some of her students however. perhaps we could all learn a few things from george will, especially about bill o'reilly.
  19. everyone except bush looks like a huckster. bush just looks a loser. good lord, they're getting their rehearsed lines wrong repeatedly. this is about as spontaneous as a professional wrestling match and the acting reminiscent of "howard the duck".
  20. i'm thinking this is much better but clearly wouldn't fit you. http://ep.yimg.com/ay/computergear/eschew-obfuscation-funny-t-shirt-3.gif
  21. anyone that takes out o'reilly is ok in my book. george will just further emasculated the eunuch leprechaun: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/bill-oreilly-makes-a-mess-of-history/2015/11/10/03ef0d94-87d9-11e5-be8b-1ae2e4f50f76_story.html. say what you want about will but compared to o'reilly, he's the pinnacle of virtue and intellect. oh and he writes pretty well too. O’Reilly impales himself on a contradiction: He says his book is “laudatory” about Reagan — and that it is being attacked by Reagan “guardians” and “loyalists.” How odd. Liberals, who have long recognized that to discredit conservatism they must devalue Reagan’s presidency, surely are delighted with O’Reilly’s assistance. The diaspora of Reagan administration alumni, and the conservative movement, now recognize O’Reilly as an opportunistic interloper. ha, ha , ha. delighted.
  22. the reason is that he won't get crossover votes and is very unlikely to win any blue states from the last 2 elections. he's far too conservative to win a majority of independents. fortunately, so are many of his fellow repub competitors
  23. so why write and speak so publicly and frequently about it? what's the point? is it meant to be just an interesting story? is he a simply name dropper? wow, gen westmoreland, the guy who largely oversaw america's biggest military loss to date! i think not. he had a purpose and it had to do with political aspirations. but it didn't work too well. oops.
  24. you all have opinions that are so homogeneous, I tend to think of most of you as interchangeable. it's almost as if one poster has several personas. well you knewe about it so someone must have reported it. was it wrong for that to be reported?
  25. he's not the wrong kind of black man. he's the wrong man. and he won't be prez. we finally agree.
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