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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. ya think they were impressed with his won/loss record? how much did the meteoric rise of the NFL financially and as an institution enrich your life as a bill's fan during all those losing seasons?
  2. 357 regular season losses (30 games below .500)...33/50 years with no playoff appearances...17/50 seasons with 6 wins or less...2 2/14 seasons, a 1/13 season and a 1/12/1 season....4 conference championships in 40 years (1 every 10 years on average) since the merger and single kick changes wilson's legacy? sorry, not to any objective observer.
  3. exactly. and he has never conveyed shame or offered an apology for this fiasco. if i was this bad at my job, i'd find something else to do. i tend to believe that winning is a rather low priority to him but if you reject that thesis then you must conclude that he's just a bumbling fool. his wealth argues against that. he cares little about his customers or apparently, his legacy.
  4. one criteria might be success at your lifes work. if wilson sees that as only a financial question then you're right. if he sees providing a quality product to his customers as a significant part of the equation then i'm right.
  5. to me a loser, loses more than he wins. wilson's done this in an overwhelming fashion for 50 years. it's undeniable. the only argument is to muddy the waters with other acheivements tangential to football winning. what would you think of a surgeon who became very wealthy throughout his career even though most of his patients did poorly?
  6. if making money was the criteria for success in football then you should be cheering for the microsoft maulers and the berkshire hathaway hedge funders. wins and losses are measured by points scored on the field in the NFL. the rest is irrelevant or at least should be when discussing football success or failure. jamarcus russell made plenty of money playing football. not many consider him a success in the NFL and i doubt he'll ever be considered for the HOF. I guess wilson might be the jamarcus russell of owners.
  7. I've noticed and even those excuses are lame. bad luck is the best i've heard....bloody awful luck, i'd say.
  8. wilson was, is and will die a loser. in fact, he's one of the biggest losers in NFL history in terms of winning percentage and overall losses. If a player failed as badly in a 2 year career with the bills he'd be mercilessly criticized with almost no one to support him. wilson fails for the better part of 50 years and is defended. go figure.
  9. she looks more than a littlle like julia roberts in that pic. perfect set up for the classic male savior fantasy. i'm not sure how the shrinks interpret that but i'll bet it's not flattering. she's smart, rich, pretty and successful. what's not to like?. oh yeah,that.... that's why i like sarah palin so much better
  10. more like $100-200k with most of the good roi schools in the $180-200 range. www.payscale has the list. they did an analysis for investing the money for college vs in the S&P 500 over the last 30 years (including the last terrible decade) and a majority of private schools and a large majority of public schools lost to the market. some of the decreased roi is do to schools with low graduation rates. this would suggest that open admission schools are a bad idea. but, this story really isn't about this one kid or the shrinking value of value of an undergrad degree to me. it's about the generally sorry state of our economy. upper middle class, privileged kids like this one really aren't much different from their predecessors in multiple earlier generations. what's different is the American economy. whether it's good or bad that his sense of entitlement goes unfullfilled is irrelevant. what is relevant is that he represents the canary in the coal mine and whether this new economy is temporary or permanent.
  11. I think it's also meant to make the point that things are really bad when the well connected graduating from prestige schools can't find "appropriate" work. Admittedly, it's clumsily done and it's impossible to sympathize with this spoiled kid or his family. I recently read an article on the ROI for various colleges and the really good bets are few and far between. Consequently, they are highly competitive , usually very expensive and dominated by the children of the already wealthy and powerful. Now that the recession has hit the upper middle class schools, can the truly elite American schools be far behind? If that happens, we can be assured that we are witnessing the end of the American dream as we've known it.
  12. single payer-absolutely. rationing-happening every day by private insurers. i would actually appreciate more universal, evidence based utilization policies. redistribution of wealth- not sure why this has to be considered a condition of universal coverage other than for the fact that a progressive taxation scheme will be paying the bills. we already have that.
  13. a fine choice. a pediatrician with real life experience, great training, solid academic pedigree, wit, wisdom and courage.
  14. for an off beat (or upbeat, downbeat?,unique maybe) concert experience consider the southeastern bluegrass/americana festivals...as far as fun, for a weekend concert they're unmatched in my experience. merlefest in N.C. and rhythm and roots in Bristol Va/Tenn are among the best. a weekend pass for R&R in Sept. is $40 for more than 100 bands mostly in small restaurants, cafes and street stages. earthy, sweet, genuine, unpretentious, american music. worth a trip.
  15. i got 250:1 in feb. 2008 in a lake tahoe casino for this bet. made the bet for a buddy too and gave him the ticket saying that if they made it to the sb we would buy tickets assuming they would win and pay off our trip. when they were 4-0 that year we were ecstatic..we all know what happened then. in retrospect, the fun was worth $20.
  16. no, but I might take those odds for the bills to sneak into the playoffs. seems about right for that bet.
  17. what do those guys know? it's not like they make a living at it. probably based on a superficial analysis of gailey and the quarterback options.
  18. peter gabriel, canton agricultural and technical college 1979- about 1000 in attendence. talking heads, st lawrence univ 1979, about 300 there.
  19. what odds would you take that any of these teams make the playoffs? the haves and have nots of the nfl have never been so well established and long lived.
  20. High brow stuff....sordid and sad...pride of american youth, beacons of hope, opportunistic moronic losers...yet there is an eager audience
  21. contributions are only made on the first $106800 thus the mddle class and poor pay more as percentage of income than the wealthy. since there are substantially more middle class and poor folks than wealthy, they contribute more to the fund. and theres more than enough blame to be spread for the deficit. had a look at the cumulative costs of the wars lately?
  22. little known meaningless fact: lyme disease is endemic almost exclusively in blue states. think what jerry falwell would say if he knew! and i always thought blood sucking ticks lived mostly in red states.
  23. i think that's the consensus in the health care industry
  24. i think he's missing just a few (often accurate) caricatures: the religous zealot-much like the "moral" minority, this group is guided by their faith and often talk of social justice. they share almost nothing in interpretation of their holy books with the moral minority. the intellectual: to whom the pursuit of knowlege is paramount. frequently without much in the way of monetary resources, they often walk the walk as well as the talk but are frequently ignored. the environmentalist: deeply concerned with the fate of the earth and its rapid decline at the hands of humans. can't believe that others don't see a problem. sometimes live off the grid. the homosexual: you expect them to be conservatives? they seek tolerance. trendy: often young, attractive people who seek the glamour they envision in the liberal hollywood set. hollywood: often shallow and uninformed. frequenty motivated by witnessed suffering. the poor: will side with those most likely to help. the rich: often self made, understanding of the hurdles and inherent unfairness of the game which they aim to change. the ethnic urban: see "the poor ". the users: a regrettable component, pitied but often tolerated by the other groups, that truly want to capitilize on the largesse of the well meaning. the often unrealized hope is to convert them to contributing members. just a sampling. i'm sure i could come up with 24 if i spent the time.
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