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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. yup. i never understood the psychology of battered wife syndrome. i think the inborn male instinct is to batter back...not sure what that says about those on the other side of the issue..
  2. if this guy has all these things on that income, with no inheritance, he's likely in significant debt with little chance of maintaining that lifestyle in retirement..... and he's likely very stressed. I'm not sure objectively he should be considered wealthy at all..if you live above your means, you're relatively poor. even if he lived more frugally, i think he's better categorized as upper middle class. and "a wad of cash" might mean $5+ mil in redeemable, interest bearing assets which is not that uncommon in the top couple percentiles and significantly reduces stress. the poor dying earlier is true. they generally eat more processed, unhealthy, cheap food (and thus are more likely to be obese, diabetic, hyperlipidemic and hypertensive), are more likely to smoke, are more likely to skip meds and preventive care (usually due to cost) and are more likely to die violent deaths. some of this is due to bad choices, some is through no fault of their own, but income is correlated to life expectancy.
  3. no argument there and no need for references. i can understand the rich being dems, especially the self made ones. i can't understand the middle being repubs from an economic perspective, however, other than surmising that they are wannabes who are very confident in their prospects.
  4. because the WSJ is so well known for doing just that....
  5. not surprised by the responses. the article doesn't fit your theses. the number you question is given in the piece. many efficiency experts including Deming felt this kind of ratio counterproductive.
  6. i've mentioned the incredible concentration of wealth in the US in multiple posts. Now that bastion of economic liberalism, the Wall Street Journal weighs in: The Recession is Over, The Rich Won . Seems we're more like Zimbabwe, Argentina and El Salvador in this super concentration of wealth than countries we normally consider similar. wonder why the CIA cares about this...maybe a recipe for unrest? CEO vs average worker pay 300:1 ....seems fair! socialism is a looming, almost inescapable threat!
  7. exactly. a leopard doesn't change it's spots. even if he tries, people (coaches, gm's, long time fans) don't easily forget the old version... the past matters.
  8. the topic is fertile ground. plenty of manure, regularly spread by both camps but despite the smell it remains irresistible.
  9. any comments on means testing for S.S. benefits and medicare? this really is delving into socialism in my opinion.... much more than anything else recently proposed or made policy...and it appears to be OK with both parties. this obviously gives those who paid in the most, the least benefits. I can't say that i like it honestly, but can see the need for it to keep medicare and S.S. solvent.
  10. wilson would never agree to the free bread however, would lose too much on concessions.
  11. what happened to questioning my values and integrity?
  12. do you then feel that his first 30 year performance is justified by his next 20? does the last 20 make him a good much less great owner on its own merits? (now's the time to ask what the definiton of "is" is)
  13. we're talking about wilson not me. how do you defend him through those years?
  14. and you abhor dishonesty? you admit that wilson sold a sham product for most of 30 years yet you hero worship him? granted, he spent some money for the next 20 with limited success but that doesn't make up for the fraud he perpetrated on long suffering bills fans of the late 60's,70's and 80's. "Buffalo will support a loser as well as anyone" he said in the late 60's and he played that hand nearly out. as chronicled in multiple posts on this thread, when he finally lucked into something good, he pi$$ed it away.
  15. If this season goes as bad as many expect (and i sincerely hope we're wrong), the bags should be traded for Mr Burns masks. shoulda been done at the HOF ring ceremony but better late than never...
  16. you've made my point. winning on the field isn't wilson's top priority, revenue and profit are. screw those moronic, proletarian, blindly loyal fans. they get what they deserve. losing is perfectly acceptable. to me, that defines a loser. our definitions of that word obviously differ. monetary success appears a prerequisite for a winner in your view. someone posted earlier that wins and losses aren't the only measures of success in life. neither is money or exclusivity. avarice, greed, pride and selfishness have been considered human flaws for centuries. only recently have they been widely perceived as admirable traits. i take the position that the ancients were correct. you and wilson obviously subscribe to more contemporary values.
  17. 1.buy a well built ,quality car that you're happy to drive. maintain it faithfully and drive it until the repairs cost more than its worth (and drop the collision insurance at an appropriate time).2. ask your doctor for generics if at all possible.
  18. i think this is a legitimate concern. later retirement age is going to make the job market and unemployment an even bigger problem- more people vying for the same or fewer jobs.
  19. I'm shocked! actually, i played sports (and still play) AND was one of those "nerds".
  20. very strong counterargument...i'll bet you were a star debater in college(/high school/grammar school). you know absolutely nothing about my career accomplishments and why would it be relevant if you did. do you begrudge people without the accomplishments of any of the US presidents the right to criticize them?
  21. i agree that sadly it is necessary. wish i was a year older, however....early retirement seemed very likely and now seems less and less so. means testing for medicare (not explicitly stated here but implied : code word "progressive" in association with medicare) will be a much harder sell but also necessary-probably more so then SS reform. SS is reportedly an easy fix compared to medicare. our children will clearly be paying for the sins of their fathers.
  22. discussion brewing about raising social security age also agreement on means testing for medicare and social security. Comments?
  23. do you imagine he's grieving all the other life threatening and life diminishing injuries (like post concussion syndrome) that his players suffered over his tenure as much as he's celebrating the fact that everett can walk? providing the best medical care possible to his players seems expected not extraordinary. it's a violent game and the players know the risk but using the medical care provided to everett or his excellent outcome as a badge of honor for wilson seems a stretch.
  24. not chummy with many sports writers but since their success relies on access, voting for people that could grease that access for them doesn't seem unfathomable. most have speculated that wilson was inducted for his contributions to the league, not his "success" with the Bills.
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