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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. can't seem to post a link but i bought some of imogen heap's stuff this go round and i really like her voice and some of her arrangements. she was lesser known to me but i guess not so much to grammy voters.
  2. please don't let my thread title limit this...i appreciate the suggestions and suspect some other folks will too.
  3. wow...glad i asked! would have never found stuff like this. i like both the links very much. don't think i have any actual asian music except some indonesian ganong?sp stuff we bought for a theme dinner (which i find awful). thanks!
  4. my wife and i ballroom dance so i watch the show regularly. this was a particularly bad season and bristol palin didn't help as she really is bad, albeit improved. people are angry at the injustice and the possibility of voters bending the rules. the problem is that the show asks people to vote for their "favorite" couple, not the best dancers. and the producers clearly set up this controversy on the heels of the recent change in some of the electorate. it certainly feels manipulative and i resent it. the problem is however, that true, honest dance competitions (like the one on PBS) are ok in small doses but can quickly become boring. there must be a happy medium between entertainment value and outright fraud in a "competition". this show is yet to find it and is getting worse.
  5. so about every 6 months i turn a big bag of collected change into an amazon gift card and use it buying music. i'm searching for new or somewhat obscure female vocalists and have had some success but looking for more ideas. especially like jazz but into almost any genre (country, bluegrass, alternative, latin, soul, rock, classical...) it just needs to convey emotions and come from the heart. of course, a great and/or interesting voice helps too. any recommendations?
  6. good for you.... very noble. but unless those shelter dogs get rescued in a few weeks, they're euthanized. i'd argue that the "torture" of being around family, even if they are in a run much of the day, is preferable to that. survival is the predominant animal and human instinct. i agree that dogs need work and exercise. i hunt with dogs and most seem happiest when working but there are adequate substitutes. long walks work wonders. underground fences work very well in most cases. mine have an acre to roam but i've kept happy, healthy,loyal, obedient dogs in smaller spaces and know many responsible owners who do as well. i've rescued many dogs over the years and i'm totally confident that all would say they were thankful and happy to be given an alternative to the needle if they could. they actually show their appreciation every day if one is perceptive at all. so spare us your righteous indignation. you seem to always see things in black and white. some things really are gray. maybe he changed only because of his punishment. isn't that the goal of punishment? maybe he hasn't changed at all but won't do it again. isn't that an ok outcome. maybe he really has changed. maybe some folks find both rape and dogfighting disgusting. if only life were so simple...
  7. it sickens me. there's no excuse and i don't think he's made any. but he's paid for his crime and appears to have come out a better person and less importantly, a better player. what would you have society do to him? throw away the key? execute him?
  8. true, but dogs are very cool...rescue one...you'll find out.
  9. totally agree. i'm as avid a dog lover as you'll find but everyone is redeemable. his time was also much more valuable than most occurring in prime earning years. good for him. i think it's a great story.
  10. "he had only a high school education, but he could be very entertaining. he was smart but he was hard to control"-ralph wilson on gilchrist. i think most would call that patronizing. racially condescending is your term but is certainly debatable in this qoute. i do appreciate your thoughtful response however and the relevant counterpoints made.
  11. i fully understand the concept of symmetry and contend that your appreciation of it in the example caps versus noncaps is no more keen than mine between appearance, race and punctuation. thoughtful minds might disagree. so what? but back to substance. how many black qb's have the bills had in 50 years? i recall 1 : james harris with marlon briscoe throwing a pass here and there but not on the roster at that position. how does that compare to the rest of the league on an average, yearly basis? in a year with no highly regarded qb's on the roster, it appears mcnabb was offered a noncompetitive offer (much like the rumored big name coaches that were supposedly wooed) and that vick and campbell were never considered. fewell was the only black head coach in 50 years and only served as a fill in for a few games. he was apparently never seriously considered for a permanent position. frazier was/is widely considered a top candidate but was never interviewed. in the early years, there are multiple wilson quotes about black players that would be considered patronizing by many, even at the time. so there's some of the basis for my contention. what is yours for rejecting it on its face?
  12. argue with the point not the punctuation...the appearance should not matter, only the substance. odd sort of symmetry to that.
  13. somebody had to say it..can't prove it but it was likely a factor. the minority coaching rules were implemented with owners like wilson in mind. he has never had, nor ever will have a longstanding black head coach. leslie frazier apparently wasn't seriously considered either.
  14. i wasn't there but suspected as much and it mystifies me. can anyone explain it? is it just a case of such low self esteem among fans that they're willing to freely say "thank you sir, may i have another"?
  15. your suggestions all make perfect sense except for one thing...they don't result in wilson pocketing an extra $80 million. that's what this series is really about.
  16. great idea and great work. the commitment to this team by it's fans always amazes me. i think this would raise the amount needed (even from non bills fans) if the interest rate was even 1/2 the 10% snyder reportedly pays. my major concern would be the assurances in place to stop the bills from moving. what stake would an owner require from the bonds to give up that option?
  17. a primary residence is included in any valuation of net worth and requires selling or borrowing against for liquidation. business values are often included as well. you made the statement that wilson gives more based on net worth and then proceed to redefine net worth to suit your purpose. by any standard definition you're just plain wrong as you are about wilson.
  18. why would you possibly exempt his franchise from his net worth? he could sell it anytime. it is redeemable. with that franchise, i expect his net worth is around $1 billion. many people tithe 15% to their church in charity and have very small net worths. 15% of a billion is a pretty big number ($150 million). is wilson giving this up yearly?
  19. yeah, i'd like a citation for the percentage of net worth given as charity. i'll bet there are many posters here who surpass him on that score. ever read that little story about the widow's mite?
  20. i don't see anyone arguing that wilson is a master at making money but can't profit be made while producing and selling a decent product? isn't this what ethical businessmen strive for? i think that if most business owners, including myself, sold an inferior product for years and were unsuccesful at improving it, we would get out of the business and let someone else have a go, not dilute it further by expanding regionally to produce a more inferior product while profitting more.
  21. it's comforting to know that wilson had a nice meal in toronto. how many games has he attended in buffalo this year. why would this game be apriority for him to attend?
  22. yup, pure genius...but shouldn't winning games at least be a collateral goal?
  23. it's deals like this that put him in the hall of fame..he was doubly successful in this one, fleecing rogers and all bills fans simultaneously. well done, wilson. you should be very proud
  24. the idea is to craft legislation that both parties can stomach and still improve the country...and both parties fail miserably, entrenched in ideology with practicality thrown to the wind, often not even engaging in civil dialogue. the minority parties have been obstructionist and the resulting legislation predictably ineffectual or nonexistent. this is no way to run the country and both parties have behaved badly in both roles. after today's rhetoric we can expect more of the same for the foreseeable future.
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