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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. this... is this the slippery slope to the more rapid demise of social security? couldn't force or politically stomach the cutting of benefits or an age eligibilty increase so they cut its funding pushing accelerated insolvency,? how does anyone see this move ending well for anyone except those few who won't need ss benefits at retirement? there has been a dearth of reporting on this. where is the alarm?
  2. yes, a next generation Hunt who uses a 21st century business model. that's the greener grass we should be envious of.
  3. i agree. it would be great to have the tone on this board change...could you imagine happily discussing the few weak spots on the team after a win nearly every week or even 2/3 of the weeks? figuring out the playoff implications of other games? discussing which one of our pro bowlers contribute the most? joking about the other team that got robbed in a trade deal with our brilliant front office? lambasting the awful owner of some sorry far flung franchise who can't hold a candle to ours?....didn't think so. the problem isn't the fans here, it's the organization.
  4. it all starts at the top..even the arrogant, little man who named a stadium after himself concedes this and apologized to us all for whatever that's worth. what's not being said but obliquely inferred in several posts is his rumored meddling in the draft, especially high picks. it really is the only conceivable reason for such consistent failure to me.
  5. justintv has one if you can bear to watch this game
  6. i do need reading glasses now...but the oldtimer looked pretty fit. hadn't appeared to do him any harm.
  7. I'm thinking you are describing real moonshine there. but much of the pleasure comes with the experience. i was sitting next to a gentleman well into his 80's at an outdoor bluegrass festival. he turned to me and said "son, are you thirsty" (i'm 50, and almost totally gray). when i said "yes sir", he poured me a dixie cup full of moonshine from a ball jar in a paper bag and we sipped together for the rest of the set. I've had a different view of moonshine ever since.
  8. stomped my feet like a 2 year old so hard that they burned for about 15 minutes....left the house and ran an errand as i knew it was over. my wife just shook her head when i came back. during that last playoff game, i was surrounded by titan fans in nashville stadium gloating about going to the next game (but i think it would've been in jacksonville). i got major payback a few minutes later.
  9. do yer guess that wanker, boner and viagra are set up for a good job next seeson?
  10. on the question of being in the room, i think it's a very individual thing. my last gordon passed in my arms but it was really traumatic. she had metastatic cancer and it was clearly the right thing to do but witnessing euthanasia is very hard partly because it's elective. we've had the same vet for over 15 years so it's not like she wasn't with someone she knew and the vet counselled me against staying. goodbyes can be said ahead of time but i won't be present in the room when i need to do this again. btw, the op asked how the procedure was done. it's generally a high dose iv infusion of a rapid acting barbiturate and i believe some vets give an opiod as well. it is not always instantaneous (but appears painless) as was the case for my gordon.
  11. the vet who has cared for your pet usually has the animal cremated at no expense to you. i would not recomend sitting and holding your pet at the end. it's just too difficult. sounds to me like you've made the right decision.
  12. pretty hard when you're on congested highways around raleigh-durham or charlotte and when lane changing by folks doing 80-85 becomes a game of chicken. driving the nascar experience doing 100 at bristol is a lot safer!
  13. we got caught outside of bristol by one of the cameras and the summons came from the town of blountville. i'm pretty certain they can haul you into court if you don't pay up. and i wouldn't mind so much if it was only innerstate reckless driving...
  14. i think they should make DRIVING illegal for north carolinians....is the speed limit there really 85?...if you don't speed up or get out of the way, you get run over.
  15. well, i had to look it up and you are correct, sir. just one more humorous jab at my expense from my good irish friend..i'll get him back though.
  16. viva la difference...gotta love gringostar for putting up kentucky gentlemen while we're all waxing lyrical on $30+ bottles...like what you like and enjoy it. i've been known to enjoy some oldtimers peach 'shine on occasion. not much nose but lots of fun.
  17. the irish whiskeys are now going high end (i guess they need the money) and some are supposedly great. i brought the old standby jameson's to an irish friends house on st paddy's a few years back and he loudly and publicly berated me for bringing that protestant &*^% into his home. he later privately told me that he always bought either jameson's OR bushmills depending on what was on sale. i guess that's irish "humour".
  18. got one of these for thanksgiving to entertain and keep occupied the kids present. big hit especially for me. after a few crashes it was easy and great fun. for $30 at amazon, i'm buying one for several nieces and nephews. unfortunately not available in bills colors but i'm sure they fly fine in cold weather. and no i'm not in the powerkite business, just a new convert to the hobby.
  19. my fishing buddies and i had a tradition of dickel and coke after a long day on the james river. we paid the owner of a canoe rental place a bottle of dickel to keep an old jon boat on his property to use when we came. he'd supply the coke and we'd all have one or two together. seemed a fair trade but i always felt we were wasting good bourbon.
  20. when asked if she's running for president she always defers...i think the pres is a public servant. do you disagree?
  21. we block facebook at the office so i can't tell what palin wrote but i don't think she's stupid at all. to the contrary, she's proven herself very skillful at manipulation of some of the masses and she's ever so cynical and cunning while doing it. pretty good at making money too. these just aren't attributes that i admire in a public servant.
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