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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. nope. sanders positions and fdr's are pretty close. hillary a bit further removed but not like the current repubs and rebus from that era unless you fast forward to joe mcarthy.
  2. do you find todays leaders' ideals so much different than fdr's?
  3. unfortunately, it's a common view within the "modern" conservative movement. it's been amply demonstrated by many posters here. and yes, they're burning down any semblance of the reasonable party of the past.
  4. someone forgot to tell ben arson and his minions
  5. exactly. there's no room in the current party for pragmatists and realists. wacko ideologues only need apply.
  6. kasich speaks the truth http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/258332-kasich-im-done-being-polite-with-carson-trump. unfortunately, most of you and the repub primary electorate won't listen. there are many in the repub electorate that will be impressed by him on this. they think it's bold, candid and not politics as usual.
  7. not as farfetched as uy might believe.. tolkein and cs lewis we're friends, famously http://www.christianitytoday.com/ch/news/2003/aug29.html.
  8. you mean the bible and the koran? why yes. yes, those are classics. moron...
  9. another nix, nix. what a dumbass hayseed! of course mcflurry http://www.mcdonaldsindia.net/desserts/mcflurry-choco-crunch.aspx should be cut….but only if nobody will give a7th for him.
  10. ah yes. ishmael and isaac. the very real differences won't likely be resolved on this forum (surprisingly, this site does a nice job of documenting them): http://westwing.bewarne.com/third/ishmael.html
  11. 8/10 but i'm not sure of your point. they are indeed very different. and for once i agree with dev/null: i could find similar passages from works of such different authors as jd salinger and suzanne collins.
  12. it's rare for a single player to lose a game for a team. mcmoron has lost the bills 2 big, winnable games. that 1st muff was key occurring at a turning point in the game. he's a detriment to the team and has been all along.
  13. fully agree. the McCoy pass was fine. brady throws that and everyone in ne would be angry at the rb for dropping it. several of the other passes were into the wind. and lets not forget that brady had some pretty awful passes last nite and got pretty rattled. the int called back was a bad throw. is anyone here calling brady a joke? tyrod had a rough game but it was nowhere near as bad as ej's London showing or multiple other ej games. tt is a middle of the pack nfl qb right now. he could progress to top 1/3 of the league. that would be considerrably better than anyone we've had in the last 15 years.
  14. shows how little respect coaches have for manuel. pretty clear keeping him was a gm choice.
  15. mcuseless and whoever blew the d assignment just before the half most responsible for the L
  16. i don't agree. selfish wouldn't have risked his political future on health insurance for millions of lower and falling middle class. spiteful doesn't make hillary and then kerry sec of state he has a healthy ego. it's not maniacal or anywhere near trump's.
  17. it's a brutal game. unfortunately, most of us enjoy brutal stuff. i love football. at least the pro's get paid relatively well. college is much harder to rationalize,. but it's a matter of degree. many of the players are exploited. and it's not honest, especially in college. most of these guys aren't student athletes. they're revenue producers.
  18. i don't think any of those adjectives fit bernie. he's my first choice. if there were two candidates for which those adjectives were fitting, i'd likely pick the dem since odds are good that we'd agree on more issues. fwiw, i'm not a hillary fan but she's the lesser of evils against the repub field for me.
  19. I fear he'd alienate much of the world saying coarse and inappropriate things and threatening people with little cause. yes, I know putin does this already. I don't want two putin types running 2 superpower nations. diplomacy is greatly undervalued. it's much cheaper than blood and treasure.
  20. unfortunately that's a firm "yes" from many here and many others on the right. there are very few bush repubs left and literally no Rockefeller repubs. scary stuff that so many can support this selfish, spiteful, childish egomaniac. this is a direct result of a disenfranchised and dwindling middle class grasping at straws. news flash: trump is not on your side.
  21. agreed. that's why my understanding is so fluid versus the concrete understanding some here seem to have.
  22. yes, it is a nuanced understanding of God. in my experience this is true for most things: the truth is rarely black and white. absolutes are easier to comprehend but rarely represent the truth. it's more difficult to understand how the creator could set the table and allow things to play out through free will, mistakes and heroism without pulling strings to constantly control every movement in the universe but it is the most likely truth in my mind. it makes the most sense relative to what we think we know about the nature of the universe. if you discount science which you deny doing, you can easily envision a cloud sitting humanoid throwing thunderbolts and lightning down upon us. I don't see that but it would certainly be more easy to comprehend.
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