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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. this...gotta see what the line is -the bills are a very good bet this week. that and the fact that the koolaid drinkers here can more easily delude themselves are the only reasons to hope for a win against the jets
  2. it is almost certainly not related to blood donation. the catheter was probably just up against the wall of the vein or against a valve. it is most likely epicondylitis (tennis elbow). touch the "knots" on either side of the elbow. the lateral knot (the one on the thumb side) is usually the one affected. it will probably be tender just distal (closer to the hand than the shoulder) to the knot. this is the insertion of the tendon onto the elbow. this is a common spot for inflammation. sometimes the tenderness is on the other side of the elbow. twisting the forearm (such as to turn a doorknob) usually causes pain. the treatment is anti inflammatories like ibuprophen and a tennis elbow brace which is a strap that goes just distal to the elbow. ( can get at any pharmacy OTC for about $7) wear it as much as you can. if that doesnt help an injection of steroids from an md usually will. severe cases occasionally warrant surgery. ..that will be $75 or you can add a vocalist to my lesser known artist threads.
  3. it was #12. i think it's good value as well. never tried the barrel select - i haven't seen it but maybe they put it with the knob, basil hayden's and such at the abc. it's not with the other dickels.
  4. very nice. here's Scott at jorma kaukonen's Fur Peace Ranch (nice play on words, huh?) fur peace,in southern ohio does guitar weekend workshops with performers/teachers like scott. i've thought about going but it's pretty pricey. anyone ever done it?
  5. for me, the lesser known female vocalists thread was a big hit. i've made a very nice cd from the recommendations that i'm going to distribute to some of my adult relatives at Christmas (btw, the itunes print program for the jewel box insert incorporating album covers is great). i think it will go over well and introduce some great artists to these folks. so, how about some male vocalists?..any genre. i'll start it off with Darrell Scott. he has a freebie mp3 on amazon right (Crooked Road) now that's worth picking up. i've seen him live a couple times. great guitar work and voice. edit; sorry can't find the free mp3 now. must have taken it off.
  6. i don't think it's worth the price. bought some of george dickel's best stuff (at least for my virginia abc store- white label i think) for thanksgiving weekend with the extended family and it was gone very quickly. the little that i had was very good.
  7. is 10 years not patient enough? he seems satisfied with doing more with less. what i'd like to hear and i'm sure many others would too, is that doing more with less is a thing of the past. that he'll do every thing in his power to produce a winner and bring in more talent. we'll never hear that... but one thing good about wilson is that he's never been a liar.
  8. This confirms my suspicions: Do Fish go over the Falls? and What kind of fish are found ? The simple answer is - yes they do. They do all the time and most survive the rigorous journey. The fish is for the most part is much better built to survive the journey than most humans. Firstly, they live in water and are much lighter and more pliable. The journey over the Falls is nothing more than a going down the a big elevator for the fish. The volume of the Falls creates a cushion of air bubbles and water mixture at the base that softens the the surface of the plunge pool at the base of the Falls. For the most part the fish is always in the water whether going over the Falls or not. Their bodies are built to absorb a tremendous amount of pressure before sustaining any related injury. The plunge pool at the base of the Falls is about 150 feet deep. The dangers for the fish rests with seagulls/terns who patrol the base of the Falls in large flocks looking for those unfortunate fish that are stunned by the fall and swim too close to the surface. Obviously the journey over the American Falls is much more hazardous because of the dangers of being crushed against the rock talus at the base of the Falls. The Horseshoe is a relatively safe route for fish to travel because of the absence of the rock talus. Remember that 90% of all the water goes over the Horseshoe Falls. Of all the fish that journey over the Falls, very few will perish. There is little doubt that this journey is very harsh and traumatic, however most are successful and survive only to run the gauntlet of fishermen along the river. If you stand at the Falls, it is very rare to see a fish jump out of the stream of the water falls because of their immensity and volume. Remarkably, if one stands at the base of the Falls, very few dead fish can be found. As a note of interest, several years ago a tourist was struck by a salmon while walking at the Cave of the Winds boardwalk. Luckily, the fish just grazed the tourist resulting in no serious injury. This tourist caught himself a salmon literally by hand and that's a lot harder and more dangerous than regular fishing. This tourist was able to take his catch home with him as a trophy. Renown Niagara River expert, Wes Hill, confirms that fish indeed go over the falls and he estimated that 90% of them survived. He said he has seen them in the early morning. At times they will appear "stunned" from there trip over the falls, but revive after a few minutes and swim away. The sport fish of the Niagara River include Chinook and Coho Salmon, Smallmouth Bass, White Bass, Carp, Rainbow Trout, Lake Trout, Catfish, Muskellunge, Northern Pike and Yellow Perch. The largest fish is the Lake Sturgeon. The lake sturgeon can reach a length of 7 feet and weigh more than 300 lbs. living over 50 years of age. In the Niagara Region there are approximately 94 species of fish. This region has the most diverse freshwater fish population in Canada. Today , it is not uncommon to catch 20-30 pound salmon in the autumn. There have been several recorded instances where water fowl swimming on the surface of the water in inclement foggy weather have been swept to their deaths over the Falls when they failed to recognize the dangers of the waterfalls ahead. [/fo good to know, but if an estimated 90% of the fish survive and 90% of the water goes over the horseshoe falls, you have to wonder what the survival rate for fish going over the american falls is. most of the fish going over the falls presumably go where most of the water goes. the american sides plunge pool is pretty far out from the base of the falls as there are so many rocks. i'm doubting that any where near 90% survive that fall and expect its much lower. no doubt in the grand scheme of things, pollution, especially in 1969, killed many more fish than the falls. the fishery that is now the lower niagara is a testament to what can be accomplished by clean up efforts and environmental controls.
  9. give me a break. almost all guides would take johnny weir, boy george or lady gaga on a hunt if they paid their fee up front. but yeah, i suspect palin's dad and his friend had little better to do.
  10. i remember seeing fish in the hollowed out rock puddles above the turned off falls. i was nine and was into fishing even then and wanted to go try to catch them (there were some big ones). now, it makes me think: how would any fish be able to swim against the current of the upper rapids that close to the falls? lots of em must fall to their death every day... and what are they doing there in the first place?...wrong turn? to dean's point about the dumb tourists, i had many friends that worked in summer tourist jobs and did similar stuff. one of the best stories was a friend that worked at Fort Niagara who got on the PA and said: "there will be a d day re-enactment at the north wall in 10 minutes. please bring your own flotation device" ...and people actually went to look. makes me wonder how often that stuff is pulled on me when i'm a tourist somewhere.
  11. can we buy/sell index funds in the competition?
  12. exactly. market value is what the highest bidding team will pay. i'll bet they won't offer whitner market value and that's a tired old losing tune.
  13. um... one of the guides was her DAD (the other, his friend). so what your saying is that she was taught by someone who really didn't know all that much about hunting and hunters safety...or maybe she and he never really had much hunting experience. or maybe they all just had a really bad day, but i doubt it. this was a poorly executed political photo op from someone who is acting the part of a hunter to shill for the cabellas voters and supposedly right now she's not running for anything. an analogy might be helpful. let's pretend that surfers rights are a hot button political issue. obama attempts to show his prowess (and everyone assumes he's good, growing up in hawaii) but he can't get up on the board. in addition he gets in the way of other surfers causing a hazard. he blames it on a borrowed board and bad surf. he's accompanied by a family member who he supposedly surfed with in his formative years who seems to have no idea how to time a wave. and all of this is broadcast nationally on a reality show. do you imagine that the conservatives on this board would start a thread about that? do you think they might be critical of the whole charade?
  14. guess which is a hawk and which a dove? now that's pathetic.
  15. finally able to bring myself to listen/read this jerk's bull (i have a hard time taking a faux macho poseur, who needs a mirror to wash his balls and a blue pill to perform on vacation, seriously). so what has he shown? that conservatives commentators engage in more crude and overt class warfare than any liberal would ever dream of? that borrowing something that you really won't need very often is stupid? that slipping into the dialect of the area that you're in is dishonest (speech pathologists will tell you that this is quite common and is probably natural and adaptive behavior)? this is much ado about nothing and in no way minimizes the impression that kerry looked pretty comfortable with a shotgun in his hands unlike palin and her poorly sighted rifle.
  16. i fully understood your implication that you feel that you are somewhat of an expert...so, explain: how does she not know how to work a gun if she's an avid hunter? how many self respecting hunters do you know that would let someone else chamber or eject a spent shell for them, especially on video. even if it's your father doing it, most teenagers would be embarrassed by this. and no, i don't have any videos. i really don't think having a video camera around on a trip would add to the experience.
  17. man...just one more example of a narrow mind reaching an erroneous conclusion based on incomplete data. never been big game hunting and not sure i want to. i bird hunt (pheasant, quail , dove, goose and even wild turkey once) and while it's not an every weekend hobby for me either, i guarantee i can outshoot palin at skeet or sporting clays, even with someone elses gun. i'd wager there are few that couldn't.
  18. well, i don't now what vidio is but i don't see you refuting my points in any substantive way.
  19. no. he sounds like a knowledgeable sportsman who was as kind as possible in his assessment of palin's skills or lack thereof. his concern with hunting safety is the only responsible position to take. another thought about this farce of a hunt occurred to me: it was very likely that ole sarah wouldn't make a kill shot and the animal would limp off wounded. why wasn't someone else at the ready to finish the kill?
  20. um, shooting a hunting dog (who actually might get in the line of fire) in the face is not excusable because of buck fever or bird fever much less shooting a hunting companion. palin suffers less from buck fever than she does from total incompetence.
  21. well i certainly understand using the guides gun but couldn't they/she have gone to the trouble of learning how to use it? even from a safety perpective, that's just lazy and dangerous. something about prominent national republicans and guns that scares the !@#$ out of me. but , once again, just think, if cheney was there, it might have changed world history. btw, john kerry looks like he can handle a shotgun pretty well. does anybody else find all of this ironic?
  22. yup. can't chamber or eject a shell without his help. they probably editted out the part where he takes off the safety for her (and i'll bet it WAS sighted). where's dick cheney when you need him? reminds me of fishing with a little kid when you hook one for them and let them reel the fish in.
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