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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. and this is what i argue is the real reason many people who won't immediately gain from conservative policy support it: they believe someday they will. in most cases that's an unrealistic expectation (and of course i have no way to guess in tom's case). and what then is the reason "limousine liberals" support policies that will undoubtedly hurt them financially? i would argue that it's compassion and a sense of fairness. what do you conservatives think the motivation is? i think rkfast was heading that way but i couldn't discern his meaning.
  2. well, if MERMF doubles in the day trading game you're gonna tell us all who that is right? (that was meant as a joke- but seriously MERMF at 18 cents- where'd you find that?)
  3. where do you get that the govt profits from vaccines? many are made internationally. sanofi pasteur and merck profit, yes, and you better hope that if an epidemic hits you have some pull like the guys at goldman sachs did last year (at the expense of babies and expectant mothers) with the swine flu threat. i'll admit there's corruption involved (on the part of the distributors and possibly manufacturers) but the consequence of it may be survival rather than who gets rich. i'll take your vaccine if that time ever comes while you're fretting about its safety..
  4. not may be. if you have directional tire it is so. look on the tire...if it has an arrow for direction of rotation it's directional. many high performance tires are like this.
  5. i have a g35 coupe with with similar sized wheels except 18inch. do you have the sedan? if so, you can't rotate without taking the tires of the rims as they are directional tires and even then can only rotate front for front and rear for rear. you'll pay a bit to get someone to do that as low profile tires are a pain in the ass to remove and replace from rims. very few tires that size of any make, even all seasons, last more than 30,000 miles. may just want to leave them til they get too noisy or wear down and then change them out.
  6. i bet their on a guided snipe hunt together and that conner has bagged more birds
  7. i like the breast milk and marijuana theories...maybe we should do a study...anybody want to volunteer to be a study participant?
  8. whooping cough is pretty common throughout the country now and treatment isn't very effective but usually the course is mild (but often prolonged). do yourself and those around you a favor and get updated for tetanus with the Tdap vaccine that has pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine in it. anyone that hasn't had a tetanus shot in 3 years should get one.
  9. stupid thing to say by obama but it's probably true that he could have made more than that the last couple of years in other, non govt work. now, the point the writer made about the unseemly, unbridled greed of ex pols cashing out in often shady enterprises is valid and people in both parties are guilty.
  10. unusual indication for a stress test...and if he's 100% certain it will be normal it shouldn't be done. stress tests are most useful for intermediate risk patients (and as a screening test for special populations like pilots). if very high risk, then a cath should be done, if very low risk watchful waiting and risk factor reduction is appropriate. the reason not to be cavalier with any testing is the incidence of false positives and negatives. no test is 100% sensitive or specific. a basic stress test is about 85% for both. maybe there are other things your doc finds worrisome in regards to your heart but isolated dizziness is not usually an indication for a stress test.
  11. wow. wakefield should be in prison. it would be difficult to quantify the harm he's done but it's significant. refusing immunizations for your child is abuse, both to your child and the general public.
  12. neoclassical architecture is so yesterday...we need to tear it down and rebuild postmodern. the huge windows would symbolically add transparency and the value would skyrocket.
  13. what possession of the bully do you refer to or are you one among the bullies?
  14. i played Monopoly over Christmas on my 12 yo niece's new digital banking version of the game (very cool btw- each player has a credit card). the players, besides the kids, included adults that have achieved success in several fields including a hedge fund manager (who was 2nd out of the game). we all commented on how the game reflected real life, especially in the way that "money comes to money". later on, i thought about the ever present threat of jail in a game ostensibly about finance. of course, a player can buy his way out in the game. your cited article makes me wonder if the game is still relevant in this regard. jail seems a far removed possibility to the scoundrels that currently inhabit certain financial businesses. it's disturbing, to say the least.
  15. this....the numbers DON'T lie as the op said. wilson's career record means one of two things or both: his priority is not winning or he is an abysmal failure. one question no one seems to have asked is: how did brian brohm even have a roster spot? wouldn't culpepper, losman or several other potentially signable qb's (vick?) been better options? doesn't this strike anybody as defeatist and counterintuitive?
  16. Selling: Sell 0 shares of N/A at N/A Buying: Buy 150 shares of IXC at 39.38 Current Portfolio: Following Buy/Sell above, now holding in portfolio: 150 shares of IXC at 39.38 Cash: $ 4093.00 Total Current Value of Portfolio: $10,000 btw, if pigs fly and i win, i ask that you donate the value of the kindle to the charity of your choice. thanks for doing this game.
  17. that's the problem...he hasn't been embarrassed by this quality of play for over 50 years yet posters here are up in arms if he's called a loser. he and they are they only ones with cause for embarrassment.
  18. well, i certainly agree that shades of grey, as well as blue, red and green play a role in the quality of the actions of a government and would never pretend that they're all good. unfortunately, human nature being what it is, intervention is sometimes necessary to avert disaster. sometimes a government gets it right and too often it does not. that doesn't mean it shouldn't try. to the contrary, it should try harder.
  19. and what happens in the meantime, o great exalted market sage...people pay more for food that they already can't afford? middle class investors in pension funds lose their shirts at the expense of the "real" players? it seems that our lawmakers don't fully understand the markets either. that's why they had a hedge fund manager testifying about commodity price manipulation by speculators and options presented for slowing it. too bad they haven't yet found the wisdom to intervene and stop the exploitation like they did in the hunt bros. case.
  20. the silence resulting from this citation is deafening....sobering stuff. what would the outcome have been in a true libertarian state? the hunt brothers would likely still be counting their growing ill gotten fortunes...but that's ok, right? they would have earned it by playing the game more skillfully!
  21. you used their short term loss and converted it to more dramatic dollar figures in an effort to show how the market punished them for the bad news as would be reasonably expected...except that it was very short lived. but what of silver? does that not fit into your facts and reason?
  22. yeah, i remember how badly you felt for haliburton after their stock dropped a couple of percent after being implicated in the bp spill. have you looked what it's done recently? not really very severely punished...up significantly since then. and do you deny that silver prices were successfully manipulated for a protracted period of time by a few investors?
  23. too bad this thread isn't really about the vast group that constitutes the american working poor...just another straw man to take attention away from a serious problem. do any of you really believe that markets aren't commonly manipulated? anybody remember the hunt brothers? ya think that was an isolated incident?
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