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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. i read it. why is it disIngenuous? it's well researched and written...appears as tough on liberals and conservatives. found the link to it in the christian science monitior...suppose that's for kool aid drinkers too. not all of the quotes are from limbaugh on the page. that's what came up when i searched limbaugh on the site. what's disIngeuous are the outright lies and tortured bits of fact that the limp one regularly spews, som3e of which are documented here.. that's an appropriate source of shame but i don't think the man knows the meaning of the word. what the CSM and St. petersburg times have in common are pulitzers: 7 for the former and 1 for the latter. but i suppose that is considered an academic or scholarly distinction in far right circles and thus a negative characteristic. :wallbash:
  2. he better be at least there to get to 99.4 from the half truths and worse cited here
  3. but they didn't do that did they? that option wasn't given. if i was in that situation (and could get the costs already put forth to the trip cancelled or refunded), i'd have stayed home.
  4. it is entirely appropriate to criticize hypocrisy. btw, these two take plenty of liberties with the facts and that's well documented. of course, they demonize the sites that do the documenting, doing much the same as you accuse jboys of. lastly, rush is fat.
  5. then we agree. the questions then become: do you see that as a most serious flaw in the government one of the most influential democracies in the world? do you imagine the US govt makes decisions on international affairs as or more important than this based on the same monetary motivation?
  6. i suspect you could find someone to take your money at 200:1 or more.
  7. as one of the comments after the article said: in such matters, they all seem to answer to the same puppet masters. and do you really believe that that the US was totally ignorant of these events and motivations for them?
  8. yet more evidence that corporations are the new nations of the world: lockerbie. so much for the war on terror.
  9. sad but true...greed often trumps honesty, decency and virtue. what, about testifying in front of congress while representing the owners of all afl and nfl teams, makes rozelle's promise nonbinding and empty? some owners actually abided by the agreement as should be the expected outcome. but you're right...people lie regularly for a lot less. i guess that makes it ok....?
  10. search harder. rozelle testified to this in front of congress in regards to the antitrust exemption. a little more than pinky swear, whatever that may be. i think you confuse decency with virtue.
  11. well, you apparently forget that afl owners agreed not to move franchises as part of their agreement upon the nfl-afl merger. it's not virtuous to honor your agreements, even if others don't.
  12. specifically, what points do you find invalid? you might argue with the conclusion but the premises are solid. makes me laugh to think patsies fans are really cheering for a box of mac and cheese.
  13. the odds are about 1:1..that's roughly the ratio of marketing personnel to everyone else in the industry.
  14. and the real reason why the bills will take a qb in the first round....wilson wants it.
  15. there are very few blockbuster drugs in any company's pipeline. without r&d, big pharmas standard excuse for exhorbitantly priced drugs is realized for the fallacy it is. the us govt is taking a first step funding $1 billion to start our own pilot drug r&d program. there's a thread on ppp discussing this.
  16. that's like choosing between dastardly and muttley...
  17. guess that's why he's willing to act as sanchez's kleenex
  18. i'm anti margaret sanger, the founder of planned parenthoood. initially, her movement was about eugenics which is well documented. this is quite simply immoral and has no place in modern civilization. to my knowledge, planned parenthood has never publicly condemned her statements regarding this and thus should remain an object of scorn.
  19. selling 10 shares VFINX at 118.55 buying 20 shares ANR at 54.85 will have to do the rest of the math later ANR changing quickly.
  20. this is a thoughtful, well written piece. so, i'm just waiting for the potshots at the author to start...anytime now. but the point that "if modrak's position is so impotent then why doesn't he leave" is valid. if he's as good as wilson believes he is, he should be able to land at a decent organization with the deference and acknowledgement that should be accorded his talent. yet some posters here seemed soothed by the original article reporting wilson's reaffirmation of modrak. diceasare's response is the appropriate one.
  21. no, not sour grapes except the yearly extensions to forgo the mandated cuts in medicare reimbursement do get old. the formula does need to be permanently fixed. they always come through with patches, however. for the most part, the threat to stop seeing medicare is bravado...most physicians can't afford to do that and survive, especially those with a large geriatric population. i suppose they could retire but i haven't seen a mass exodus. i was just pointing out the fact that most of us already are de facto gov't employees. mdeicare would be in even deeper trouble if this were not the case. not complaining..it's been like this for a very long time...just the way it is. but, yes, the drug companies should play by the same rules. what percentage of their revenue do you suppose comes from the gov't via medicare? i don't hear folks yelling "government pharma" like they recently did with "government motors". 1.25% was insulting and bordering on theft since i can gain access to the same funds through another firm for 0.5% plus relatively low expense ratios (those are of course the same in both instances).
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