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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. so you're ok with that? thousands of lives and a trillion dollars and counting for "impure" motives, ie oil. and the payoff is a weak, corrupt pseudo democracy/theocracy that appears as loyal to iran as us.
  2. titans i like nashville a lot and have enjoyed going to games there except when they've beaten the bills.
  3. heard this on the radio coming to work. played it for my nurse who has always been a huge nascar and dale fan and she got teary eyed. i'm not a big nascar fan (despite having season tickets to bristol for a few years and driving the petty experience there, which was very cool) but you have to respect his abilities and what he meant to the sport. the interview with waltrip confirms that even more.
  4. how bout columbia university medical center and u of maryland med school?link....to my point however, from the u maryland spokesman: "in a busy medical practice if you want help from the computer, you really don't have time to manually input the info".
  5. isn't this even tangentially about marketing? is it really all about pure research for future application? if they could have done it, they should have. that leads me to believe that they couldn't.
  6. health care aside, with their wealth in untapped natural resources i'd take canada's (or australia's)economy over ours anyday. he might not be the finest musician but he's pretty smart in this regard.
  7. watson is an extemely impressive accomplishment. i certainly get that the nuances of language are being appreciated by the computer, albeit through text. but it would be that much more impressive (and useful) to have it done the way humans do it...through "hearing". after all, the "natural" and thus most efficient interface with humans would seem to be the spoken word. as you can tell, i've been frustrated with the pace of speech recognition technology improvements in the last 20 years. i'm sure your scientists are as well. i was hoping for a major breakthrough resulting from a project such as this. alas, science doesn't usually work that way.
  8. about 20k as a chemist for a hazardous waste disposal co in 1981. that would've been the annualized salary...went back to school instead.
  9. you all must not listen/watch npr/pbs. both had stories on her within the last year. her story is as compelling as her sound. it's nice to see real talent recognized by the grammys.
  10. it's still way too slow and too inaccurate, at least in my hands. have you ever watched closed captions on tv? i assume they're still using people to do it as the errors are not systematic (and very prevalent). why aren't they using voice recognition (and if they are,it's doing a terrible job)? i think it's because it works too slowly. i have colleagues that dictate into dragon and i've watched them demonstrate it. even after the program learns their voice and cadence (which takes a significant time investment), they still have to talk very slowly and there's still about a 5% mistaken transcription rate. so one then needs to carefully proof the product with a fine tooth comb. my human transcriptionist makes much fewer mistakes and leaves blanks when she's occasionally unsure, making it much easier to find the problems. i dictate extremely quickly (at least 2X as fast as my dragon colleagues) and it still takes about 40 minutes per day. doubling that adds up pretty fast and that's not including the extra time for a very careful proof read. one would think fixing these issues would be trivial but apparently it's not. in the case of the show, i suspect the machine would be at a disadvantage because of these inaccuracies and lag time but maybe i'm wrong.
  11. yup. heard from a credible source in the gym this am that he had very little money in his war chest. also, that rick boucher (long term congressman from the virginia 9th) may be chosen to oppose allen.
  12. i was disappointed that voice recognition wasn't used, mostly for selfish reasons...i'd love an electronic medical record system that i could dictate directly into accurately with the computer intelligently parsing the info. looks like that's still a ways off (even on the research level). that would have also made the machine appear much more human which might have been alarming. i agree that it seemed an unfair game with the machine getting the questions in a different form. but its reassuring that computers aren't ready to replace humans just yet.
  13. i'm pretty certain it's voice recognition. one of the biggest obstacles was slang and puns and trying to incorporate humor or at least have the machine recognize that concept.
  14. i don't think they're making many (if any) concessions to the computer and the normal pop culture and word play elements are still to be there.
  15. saw them at bristol rhythm and roots this year and really liked them. lots of bands doing similar stuff there every year - brrr. you might want to check it out. i noticed the avett bros (were at brrr a few years back) and mumford and sons on the grammys last night and ray lamontagne actually won one and was nominated in a mainstream category. this genre is becoming deservedly more popular all the time. there's some great talent out there.
  16. i'm wondering who they want to win....hell, i'm wondering who i want to win. i'd bet on the guy who won 74 in a row though.
  17. tonight, a 3 day set of jeopardy games starts pitting watson, an ibm computer, against the 2 most successful players in the show's history. i think it should prove interesting. is this the beginning of the real life "terminator" story or are humans truly irreplaceable? ok, it might not be that big a deal but i'll be tivo'ing it, anyway.
  18. it's a long way off but....fox poll. maybe they should try trump?edit poll 1 year old- fire away.
  19. can't sympathize much...had 8 years of dry heaves...nuculer, even when pronounced correctly, still makes me queasy.
  20. selling52 DFRSX @22.68 100DFSCX @14.22 150 IXC @41.70 20ANR @53.64 3 VFINX@121.95 holdings: cash=$10,495
  21. well, i'm not but lots of sheeple are. i occasionally look at limp's website to see what the enemy is up to but i can't listen to him....makes me nauseous to hear his arrogant propagandist voice.
  22. so that's why the us divorce rate is so high!..... it's much easier to argue that he's a liar than a truth teller. imagine a debate team choosing which side to argue. can't imagine much happiness from the team chosen to defend him. assigned to almost certain failure....and the same holds for beck.
  23. and you make sure you read limpy's transcript from 1/18/10 (linked to the st pete's appraisal) where he specifically notes the inefficiencies of donating through the gov't. turns out it was never an issue. the gov't wasn't accepting donations for haiti. they linked to the red cross.
  24. i guess neither he nor his listeners have the time or the interest to obtain and disseminate the whole truth. and did you miss the "pants on fire" lies? they were as described. but, yes, there is some amount of subjectivity to "truth" at times. that's why they've included gradations in the appraisals. seems fair to me. a pattern of half truths points to your characterization of "disengenuous", however.
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