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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. Very true. That popping often overwhelmed the "warmth" of the tube amp-electrovoice speaker combo i cranked to distortion levels every chance i got. It's tempting to romanticize the past in these things. Nonetheless, there is some real romance that often comes with music. I was struck by a review of the 40th anniversary version of the whipped cream album that this thread inspired me to read on amazon. The guy had bought the new rereleased cd and his father teared up when seeing it, recalling dancing with his now passed wife in the kitchen and in front of the kids to one particular track. pretty cool and in a way, profound stuff. I'm not sure that 40 years from now these same memories won't be available to mp3 devotees sans the crackles.
  2. it may not quite qualify as porn but that's a beautiful woman covered in whipped (?shaving) cream. i don't think santana thought so little of West Side Story either
  3. loved this album as a little kid! this was a case where the "album art" was a very important part of the package...pretty racy for living room music in the 60's. so, this reference actually makes me see bon jovi's point somewhat. btw, herb did alright for himself further on up the road.
  4. can't agree with bon jovi here. maybe he's right about the drop in popularity of overproduced, pedestrian crap. the flip side is that we're seeing the rise of many original, innovative, talented and sometimes quirky artists in genres outside the mainstream that would probably have little or no recognition in the days of vinyl only. good for them, the listeners and steve jobs.
  5. i'd be interested in what you think after seeing the felice bros. i was looking forward to them but was disappointed. they seemed aloof which is pretty unusual in this type of music. in their defense they'd just flown in on the redeye from a UK tour and were likely pretty jetlagged.
  6. ah, so it's not really about a public service mindset. it's about the means to the ends...enabling self sufficiency versus handouts. and liberals don't desire folks to be self sufficient so they can be controlled. and this makes tom's argument as to why npr should be characterized as liberal invalid. on this last very small, insignificant point, we agree.
  7. that's your criteria for being a liberal...and conservatives don't or shouldn't believe they're doing these things? you really believe acting for these purposes is bad? shame on npr employees for their efforts in this regard
  8. other than "democracy now" it really isn't. "all things considered" is very balanced imo. many, if not most topics and shows aren't even political and they DO cover things that no one else even scratches the surface of, especially science topics. and yes, academics are often interviewed. while that's commonly seen by the right as a travesty now, it hasn't been for most of modern history except in fascist regimes.
  9. recently bought the 3/4 hp chamberlain chain drive to replace a 25yo genie. it's plenty quiet for us and is a marked improvement. looks well built. was about $165 at lowes.
  10. you guys are slipping...i expected a witty "g-string" comment by now. too obvious? saw my first guitar teacher today. still the same kindly, middle aged hippie. very glad he doesn't wear short skirts.
  11. where might i find a teacher with a short skirt and a nice capo?
  12. this has been highly reviewed and looks good for beginners and intermediates. anybody tried it?
  13. i wasn't clear. i've been playing about 5 years...liked fingerpicking the best and concentrated on that....garageband has made it easier to broaden my abilities and in a fun way. i agree with you on the you tube videos as well..will have to try some dave matthews songs from there.
  14. i've only worked my way through the 6 blues lessons. will try rock next. these all came loaded on my wifes new macbook. i love doing the play mode with the backing tracks. haven't bought any of the lessons from the star musicians but they look like a good deal. i'm a beginner at all this since i played almost exclusively acoustic fingerpicking, mostly travis picking before. i think it's a fun and effective way to learn. think it would take twice as long with an actual teacher to advance. do you know how to plug your electric into the macbook? is it just buying an adapter for the large guitar plug to a mini plug and going through the headphone jack or do i need a special part?
  15. if you want to learn fingerpicking, Mark Hanson's series of books is hard to beat. i'm finding garage band great for beginning blues but you need a mac and it's better suited to an electric. zager guitars has a nice series of easy songs to learn in an unconventional manner in their learning section. finally guitar noise has some great instruction but the site was gutted of some of it's best songs when the music publishing industry threatened them.
  16. i'm sure that irony was intended. very clever dave!
  17. i agree...but that doesn't jibe with your statement that "it's human nature" and thus we must abide it. people often don't know or do what's best for them. telling them and prescribing for them should be the job of experts armed with the best evidence available, not tv spokespersons, insurance and big pharma executives, and marketing gurus.
  18. sounds good to me.... except when the fat lazy jerks get communicable diseases that threaten my health...then we should treat them
  19. just the type of thinking that propagates an unsustainable, failing system... and if isolated enantiomers are so superior (as you flippantly and generally proclaim) why not produce them at the outset? in most cases its a relatively simple stereochemical solution.
  20. really...how bout lily's livalo released late 2010-the poster child for me too's. there have also been more than a few racemic mixtures separated to result in a "more effective" (and patent prolonging) enantiomer in recent years. then somehow the "old" drug that billions were made on becomes woefully inadequate...
  21. you make him sound like a minor player...the financial elite sure don't consider him that while they listen to him lecture at davos.
  22. would you not consider a professor of economics at NYU and previously at Yale an academic? many hedge fund managers wished they had Nouriel Roubini's insight right around 2008.
  23. not amazed at all, not even a little surprised....disappointed would be a better word.
  24. there are some differences in potency, no question. lipitor and crestor (2 of the last to market) are more potent. often the more potent statins cause more muscle pain at equivalent doses. because of their potency, you can often get by with lower doses. but many people are on lipitor or crestor that could tolerate higher doses of cheaper drugs and achieve target. old dr Jarvik ,psuedo cardiologist, has done a number on many folks. and yeah exiled, there's no reason to be on an expensive ARB if an ACE is tolerated and works. there is now a generic ARB, however i don't think it's hit the $4 list yet. to no ones surprise the brits have done studies comparing the available generics in these classes to the brand names without significant differences in outcomes. they've talked about a single pill containing a generic statin, ACE inhibitor, beta blocker and aspirin that would be dirt cheap and very useful to a large population of patients. not sure if it's available yet in europe.
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