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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. so we should do away with corporate taxes altogether? do you complain that so many lower echelon people in the US pay no taxes? you do realize that the logical end to your argument is no taxes at all. you really think that would end well?
  2. huh? not giving $4 billion per year is "punishment"? all other discretionary spending is aimed at those who "won't help themselves"? just so wrong i don't know where to start.
  3. great list though i haven't seen 8 of these. i'd remove up (i did like the talking dog but was otherwise bored). since you obviously like kids movies i would add shrek, monsters inc, the original jungle book and finding nemo. for documentaries i'd add the mighty uke.
  4. i'm amazed that i totally agree with you again today...the number crunchers all know this but too few of our legislators are brave enough to lay it on the line yet. waiting on your ssi check to pay for them?
  5. it is symbolic just like the loss of the public radio subsidy is. symbolism matters... that and $4 billion per year that we the people borrow every year to give to big oil. as an aside, just saw that dollar tree is cutting into wal mart's market significantly...wow, were in even worse shape than i thought.
  6. it is part of the established legal tax code. that's why they were working on an act of congress to change it. changing bad laws is supposed to be a major part of their job...but the republicans had big oil's back. as if they needed it....
  7. 17 years ago, i interviewed for positions all over the southeast. this included interviews at rock hill and concord. even back then, concord felt sterile and mass produced. felt like a big strip mall to me. rock hill was more native southern. my interview there ended when i was introduced to the local sheriff at a rotary lunch. he gave me his card and told me to call him if i ever needed him. i thought that was pretty bizarre: should i be looking out for someone to beat me up on the way out of town? we ultimately didn't choose either of these places but i hear good things about charlotte. i do hear complaints about urban sprawl, however. a few hints for assimilation (especially if you end up in a primarily southern neighborhood): embrace the good in southern culture- in my opinion, there's much to like and learn from. for the things you don't like, just keep quiet. your telling everyone how much better the food or the people or whatever is up north will only serve to alienate you. and be prepared for it to take some time to make close southern friends. they've seen lots of northerners come and go in short time spans and generally will not greet you with open arms until they are convinced of your good intentions. good luck!
  8. so, it's more of the same. we continue to subsidize oil companies with multi billion dollar annual profits while screaming at the top of our lungs that we need to cut the deficit. how do republicans rationalize this? lets cut back medicaid and medicare aimed at the most vulnerable segments of the population but maintain billions in subsidies to the least needful. well, at least the oil segment is up 2% today in the market.
  9. and all this vision gave the fans exactly what?: a perennial loser save a few "strait" trips to the super bowl well over a decade ago. the Bills were arguably worse back when buffalo had a relatively robust population and economy. this has more to do with wilson than the small market issue.
  10. 372-421-8. that's all you need to know. if that's success, i shudder to see failure.
  11. good...reading PPP i'd concluded that anyone left of attila the hun wouldn't currently have a chance in WNY.
  12. your sense of the economic realities of the country seems stuck in the 70's. consider these stats: the bottom 50% of earners in the us collectively hold less than 1% of the nations wealth. 61% of americans "always or usually" live paycheck to paycheck. banks now own a greater share of residential housing net worth in the us than all individual owners put together. 88% of the income growth from 2001-2007 was in the hands of the top 1% 83% of all US stocks are in the hands of the top 1% do you consider the bottom 50% of the population poor? doe that not seem too large a proportion of "have nots" to you? granted, theoretically, this is a wealthy country but that group sharing less than 1% of her wealth implies some hardships to me and i witness it every day. Class warfare? it's been occurring on a massive scale for the last 30 years. the fighting is so one sided, on an almost khadafiesque or assadlike scale, that it doesn't appear to be a war at all. it seems to many that it's business as usual. but it's not. this is all quite new.
  13. i didn't say it does answer to us, I said it is meant to and i believe it's possible for the populace to demand and achieve this. this is not at all the case in the private sector. it depends on which american's standard of living you choose to compare. now that we have a dumbell shaped distribution of wealth with a disappearing middle class, the bottom of the dumbell probably doesn't compare that well with some countries with high gov't intervention. and that disparity and the enlargement of the bottom of the dumbell continues to proceed at a very rapid clip in the US.
  14. it doesn't require much thought or a long memory to cite examples of private sector mistakes, disasters and failures: BP and Exxon oil spills, Dupont Bhopal chlorine gassing, the current nuclear disaster in Japan, Countrywide, AIG, Bear Stearns, Enron, GM collapses, Vioxx, Rezulin, Thalidomide, Phen fen, medtronic pacemaker recalls... i could go on but from this perspective, i think your example is pretty weak. incompetence, dishonesty and greed are prevelant in both the private and public sectors with frequent dire consequences. gov't is in no way unique in this regard but at least its leaders are meant to answer to us.
  15. I did. why? and when the latest nejm makes it to my desk i'll read the original article. i'm guessing you mean that both drugs are made be genetech? yup, caught that. and that one is a cleaved molecule of the other but costs 40X as much? caught that too. the marginally higher adverse reaction rate.? yup, needs further investigation butis suspicious for artifact.
  16. avastin. in this case the "insurance" most frequently covering this drug is medicare. interesting that the study was funded by the NIH. this is exactly the type of thing they should be studying. genentech of course stands by their MUCH more expensive drug.
  17. they've thankfully dropped the death toll to 4 now. search and rescue continued into last night. not sure if ongoing today. haven't heard any more about missing children so i assume they've been found. on a positive note, it's great to see the communities come together to help neighbors.
  18. i was actually glad when we lost cable about 10 minutes before the storm hit full on. i knew it was likely to be bad- i really didn't need to know anymore. the tv weathermen were overwhelmed and that made it worse. weather.com was next to useless for me. i hope they fix the cable for tonights tv event but it's rightfully a pretty low priority right now. there are many without power or even roofs. my dogs seemed blissfully unaware sleeping next to us in the basement. strange as they usually freak out over normal thunder storms.
  19. 7 dead and several children missing about 15 miles north of us on interstate 81. the storm eerily followed the highway and turned over big rig trucks are everywhere. a truck stop was leveled with a truck thrown through the attached restaruant. many folks are in a state of shock. my partner had every tree on his property uprooted but everyone's ok. we spent the night in the basement and had little damage except lost shingles, downed branches and frayed nerves. my old time patients who have lived here all their lives say they've never witnessed anything like it. i thank God for my family's safety today and pray for those not as lucky up the road.
  20. how old is your pool? first thing i would do is get a second quote and opinion from another pool company. was the installation faulty? don't know anything about pools but this seems the logical (and free) next step.
  21. i wouldn't mind a 30+% return in 5 months any less than i'd have minded being sandra bullocks high school boyfriend. both deserve bragging rights.
  22. AGQ at $344 today and clipsmith bought at $159!!! was there a better widely available bet at the time? i don't think so. wow.
  23. all but 1 of the guys mentioned are still in the league (and seemingly happy to be elsewhere). i doubt their current owners would appreciate them dissing wilson and they know that. why else would it take 4+ years, for stories that made the coaches involved look foolish, to come out? overruling the head coach over a starting qb is the epitome of micromanagement. by implication, wilson has been very involved in football decisions. the lynch pick is just another example that supports this contention. and i can't imagine even you saying this was a good pick based on the outcome. pro bowl or not, the bills had miserable seasons with him on the roster, had much more pressing needs and saw his value plummet to a 4th rounder in his time here. strong work, wilson. it seems you"re content with this kind of stuff continuing (and it very likely will) but i truly can't fathom why.
  24. you truly believe an owner who makes the call for starting qb for a rare playoff game over the wishes of his coach would have any concerns about trumping the experts (gm and coaches) on draft choices? just ridiculous. in regards to flutie and the game, you and wilson obviously know better than the last bills coach to get us to the playoffs or the #1 receiver on that team. it took a long time for those two instances to become public and even they weren't widely disseminated. does that surprise you? If there are 32 employers in your field, you try not to alienate one of the senior, "hof" owners. it's just common sense.
  25. and eric moulds agrees with him blaming "the powers that be" and calling it one of the dumbest moves in the history of sports.
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