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Everything posted by birdog1960
they are worthy of study. I thought we were talking about freed black slaveholders. we're talking about a grand total of 4000 nonvoting, relatively politically powerless people among nearly 400,00o0 mostly powerful ones. it would seem to me a topic whose study would be agenda inspired. i'll bet you can surmise what agenda I would attribute it to.
of all the causes and issues that deserve attention, you appear to be among a group that has chose freed black slaveholders to investigate and study. wow. just wow. you mentioned simple math ability in one of your posts. you could use some remedial work. no where near 15% of the us population graduate magna or summa cum laude from any university.
from the same source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_the_United_States#Black_slaveholders. 4000 out of nearly 400000 total slave owners. doesn't seem like a huge part of the problem. but at least now i'm aware that there's a movement to bring this "issue" to light apparently as an argument that blacks were as responsible for slavery as whites. c'mon...the things you learn on ppp.
ah yes, Christian science monitor, part of the evil msm... oh and I did read what it said about breitbart. did you? " Mr. Breitbart had promoted the video as a "bombshell," suggesting that it proved Mr. Obama to be a “race warrior” intent on righting the wrongs of history on the backs of white Americans." sorry, I just haven't seen the race warrior side of Obama. in fact, many blacks think he's not done nearly enough in this area.
the part that includes gingrich and santorum. the point however was the threat of overt racism over the type of "soft" racism that joe biden stupidly muttered. joe biden isn't going to inspire any mass killings, lynchings, job discrimination, housing discrimination, etc. these campaigns are quite likely to.
therefore his racist viewpoints are not fringe in your circles.
in vast numbers .
yes, because the descendents of freed black slave holders hold such a high percentage of the country's wealth... Andrew, matthew. who cares. you understood the reference and caught the mistake.. clearly he's rather obscure to liberals like me but not to cons like you. and i'll bet you don't consider him fringe.
silence. just wondering if we can coclude from your comments that newt gingrich and matthew breitbart are morons on the fringe of society and without influence? (if only that was true!)
really? perhaps living in white bread, stepford wives northeastern suburbs didn't afford you the chance to see such "campaign" pieces in 2012 but I saw them....all too frequently http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Elections/President/2012/0320/Anti-Obama-slogans-with-racist-slants-on-the-rise-in-Election-2012. I don't see much defense against the confederate flags flying from rooftops and pickup trucks all over the south in the wake of the church shooting in Charleston. those folks aren't marginalized in many parts of the country. those opposing them are the ones marginalized. I've not witnessed a large defense movement aimed at eliminating this sort of intimidation.
i'd say it's better to have joe biden say something like that than to have people that support jim crow laws, wear white robes with hoods, burn crosses and storm black churches with semi automatic guns, all of which still happen except the first that was fought against tooth and nail in the south. so mark me down as believing overt is worse. bs argument through and through. carson is a moron that believes the world is 6000 years old. that alone disqualifies him for me. no one mentioned Obama being the smartest guy in the room yet the question of his academic credentials came up here. but lets resolve that they are not an issue. they don't matter to you all on the right. correct? if so, we liberals can worry about his academic credentials (here's a hint: were not worried.)
cool. so at least in your case we can stop the silliness about whether Obama was a top student or aided by affirmative action etc. it's moot. LA? what about you since you've posted several times already about it in this thread. does it matter to you what academic qualifications the conservative candidates have? or is all this Obama transcript stuff just a ruse? what has trump accomplished? grant posted a link that showed he'd have done better financially by investing his inheritance in a spyder than all his wheeling and dealing. outside of underperforming the s and p what else has he accomplished?
I keep asking because the birthers keep asking about Obama's academic credentials. so let's broaden the question: do the academic credentials of any of the repug candidates matter to you?
this only proves that the US is a very long way from burying racism. shouldn't surprise anyone. if people like biden think like this, what should one imagine trump supporters think? let's go back to the question of academic credentials, however. Does it matter to any of you cons how trump did in school? if not, then why does it matter how Obama did? for the record, it matters to me. I want an intellectual as prez. most of you don't. trump aint that. I believe Obama is. so why is Obama's academic record an issue to some of you?
he's an underdog and a good one. easy to like. but big runners carry him too often. he blows receivers up but seems to get beat up by TE's and horse rbi's.
says the 4th seat oboe whose orchestra is led by a fool that believes he has a patent on a couple of insulting words….
welcome to the board. you've engaged the usual suspects in a typical"debate". the ad hominem attacks are flowing like dandruff from trump's perfumed hair. this prominent side of ppp is a microcosm of the trump phenomenon: the more outrageous, offensive, insensitive, uncaring, selfish and machiavellian, the better. it's maddening and sometimes quite sad to behold but at the same time oddly compelling. good to have you posting here.
who says? society as a whole says. the people that make those high achievers feel elite constitute society. that's why they are valued by multiple factors over the pack when it comes to pay for their work. does this happen solely because they are part of an elite, incestuous group? no, that occasionally happens (see Bush, g.w.). but mostly it's because they make money for their employers or their own businesses. and why is that? because they're smarter than the average bear. much smarter and better equipped intellectually. to your other point, the majority of charitable giving comes from the wealthy. as an absolute number, they give the most. and there are plenty among the academically elite that actually choose relatively lower paying careers, the primary purpose of which is to help people. what of romney's point in the last election about the vast group of "takers" in american society? it's a common meme among conservatives and like most things there's a grain of truth to it. how many in that group do you suppose hold outstanding academic credentials? there are good and bad and indifferent in every socioeconomic group. no single group has a monopoly on kindness, compassion or cruelty. finally, if i was bleeding out, was destitute and had a choice of who was nearby to help, it would most likely be a group of trained medical professionals that support and work under the ideals of a universal health care system.
absolutely. smarter by far than anyone that's ever darkened these threads. romney is also very bright. top 5% of his very select biz school class is the stat i've seen. i doubt trump was anywhere near that. hmmm, are you one of the 46% of white male repugs with high school or less education that support the donald? pretty amazing stat isn't it? talk about irony. fortunately, there's no way in hell you win in this scenario even in the highly unlikely event that trump actually wins.
. What's more condescending? Someone who likely never achieved academic distinction or performed any of the acts you cite Questioning the credentials of someone that actually has or the converse situation? Oh and being in the top 15percent of an already elite little pool is a pretty heft achievement. I ask again, is it something you've accomplished?
as someone that necessarily would have done at least 10 years of post high school education, do you even know what graduating magna cum laude implies?
so where are trumps college transcripts? http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-refuses-to-release-his-own-college-and-passport-records-2012-10. why aren't all you birthers screaming for these. ands since it appears he's actually from another planet (Uranus comes to mind) where is his birth certificate?
"doc" i'm just wondering did you even loohttp://articles.latimes.com/2012/may/28/news/la-pn-college-transcripts-replace-birth-certificate-for-obama-detractors-20120526k into the question of Obama's academic credentials before you started slandering him? did You graduate magna cum laude from an ivy league school? didn't think so. " "We do know a few things about the president's college career. In his new book, "Barack Obama: The Story," David Maraniss quotes Obama as saying that his grade point average at Columbia was an impressive 3.7. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, which cannot happen with poor grades."
total horseshite. you should be ashamed of yourself but you won't be. http://www.factcheck.org/2012/07/obamas-sealed-records/ Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order, as this graphic would have you believe. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post
what? and you criticize me for syntax? now if I was a narcissist, i'd attack you to make myself look inferior and me even more relatively superior. oh, wait... but i'm not running for president.