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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. i think i'd ask for a refund from your collage. and why not attack the actual argument rather than going on a tangent. shouldn't preventing loss of innocent life be primary with property secondary? and in which system would less innocent life be lost? ok so he's defined the problem (arguing against himself that it's not social problems yet it is socialist propaganda). where's his solution?
  2. what? what does relative value have to do with this? the absolute value (yes some things like life and death are absolutes) of 1 extra victims life is signifcant. i'm saying there would likely be many more than 1 additional victim fatality in the us under similar circumstances. do you disagree? would it not be desirable to minimize victim fatalities as a primary goal in such a situation?
  3. isolating victims alone, i'd bet on amny more than 4.
  4. last i heard, 4 died in the riots. wanna speculate how many would have died in us cities from riots of the same scale?
  5. not me. i'm waiting for more words like "homunculus". must be the first use ever here. besides that i generally agree with him.
  6. they'd be much more likely to be carrying guns in new york or philly than london or manchester
  7. i have a shotgun and would use it for protection of my home/business if it came to that. but i'd have a better chance against a mob if handguns were illegal. but as chilcot said there is almost no gun culture in britain. uconn 's posted implied that there was some huge portion of the population clamoring for guns. btw, i think the best bet is to live outside cities, preferably rurally (where people use shotguns what they were meant for). not practical to many but probably the safest course.
  8. if i'm interpreting this correctly you're saying i'd miss coming here for s#$ts and giggles (as opposed to someone threatening my ability to do my occupation like gun control laws would to a, i don't know really?, flea market gun seller?). yeah, i'd miss it. if i argued like this with my neighbors/colleagues they'd just walk away and avoid me at all costs in the future (even the liberals). i like a good yelling match and this is a good place to find one.
  9. . yeah, but besides those things... go to a supermarket in switzerland and see how much food costs when workers are paid a living wage. but then they can actually buy food without foodstamps.
  10. not at all. i have family in london. they were afraid this week and it makes me angry. but i don't think shooting people in the streets is effective or just. they have cameras everywhere. they are catching and punishing the yobs as we speak. but as i said above an ounce of prevention...these simpleton "let them eat cake" and "kill them all" arguments are what started the french revolution. much of this is aimed at immigrants, especially small business owners. watch the bbc videos. but the perps are not the immigrants in general. they are black or white yobos, almost all lower class. the gun debate is an entirely separate argument. suffice it to say, i disagree.
  11. did carucci call him on it? if not, he's doing his job about as well as modrak did his.
  12. yup, that worked so well for mubarak and is showing great results for assad and gaddafi.
  13. well ,excuuuuse me. i was never that into zevon's political philosophies...judging from this that's probably a good thing.
  14. seriously, i never understood that song til now.thought it was about the inner werewolf in all of us. thanks, i like it even better now.
  15. i actually think they're very smart and are, in fact, aliens i heard there were ufo's at bilderberg. plus who wants to meet in hong kong when there's davos
  16. a bicycle economy makes no one any real money. wouldn't be in the best interest of the masters of the universe..won't happen.
  17. i mean avoiding civil unrest. prevention is usually cheaper than repair. don't you get it, i'm arguing from your side but it 's important to my side too...something we should be able to agree on. or maybe you want to live a police state?
  18. way to come to the wrong conclusion...rioting is almost never justified (syria and libya being notable exceptions). this is what we will likely see here with even greater separation of the haves and have nots. it gets worse in times of economic crisis. just wait if we add in drastic cuts to social programs. even the most cynical politician knows that minimal appeasement of the underclass is necessary....maybe not desirable, but necessary.
  19. um, no....surbiton is in riot lockdown. suburb of london that's not exactly mayfair but not far from it.
  20. wild ride...it's like a mechanical bull and lots of folks getting thrown.
  21. you are seriously making an analogy between copiers and corporate jets on the basis of need? you're working way too far into the limits of reason again...but i'm becoming accustomed to it. i get it ...they're both business expenses on an absolute level but i'm not an absolutist. that's what pushed into last weeks credit rating mess.
  22. sure that's why most small business with heavy copier needs own their own copier
  23. more expensive than buying paper...nuance isn't your strong suit either...but what is?
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