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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. i too applaud you're optimism but complaining about management, or more specifically ralph wilson, has been part of my bills experience for most the 45 years or so that i can remember following the team. my dad (also a ww2 vet) and his friends were as die hard as anyone but i heard them describe wilson as a shyster more times than i can count and for as long as i remember. i find that opinion entirely justifiable and that sentiment as much a part of being a bills fan as the eternal optimism, which i admit has waned in me. loyal, long suffering bills fans deserve better and in lieu of that, are certainly righteous in their indignation.
  2. i'll try and see all of them over the weekend if possible. another on my list is "the broadcast" who i saw last night and are a late addition to the festival. female lead singer is a cross between adele and janis joplin.they are originally from new york, now live in asheville. had the bar shaking.
  3. BRRR saw a few bills caps in the crowd last year. if you're in the carolina, virginia, tennessee or even DC area this festival is worth a drive. at $40 for weekend passes, the extra money can go for gas. for the tuned in, any don't miss recommendations? i will be seeing dawes, marty stuart, black lillies and justin townes earle for sure.
  4. well in my town, rotary is mostly left leaning (especially the friday lunch club that i was a member of) and kiwanis more to the right. i have friends in both. now bowlers, i'll grant are generally on the conservative side but they are evened out by windsurfers, neither of which are very plentiful locally. lots of the hikers on the appalachain trail are liberal. the bars, it just depends.
  5. and yall accuse me of stereotyping? til a couple years ago i was a rotary member -nothing liberal or conservative about eradicating polio. great work rotary! i like to bowl, too.
  6. care to explain where you got this information? seems tim graham was also unaware of it til yesterday but you contend that everybody else already knew. besides that, some here are questioning his sources. they must not be included in everyone either. got any other nice tidbits about the inner workings of obd that everyone knows but isn't really public knowledge?? and isn't anyone interested as to why goodell would discourage vick from the bills and bengals? yes, it matters. inquiring minds want to know.
  7. um, maybe because the covers have been pulled off and it appears wilson nixed the idea rather than the gm/coaches/scouts and because it appears the commissioner advised vick against going to buffalo? wanna bet how many copies of the new GQ containing the vick interview about this get sold? there's more than a little national interest in this story.
  8. unless they'd been overruled many times before by wilson....kinda would explain holding on to them for so long, wouldn't it? it appears they were right on this one. and btw, who hired those 2 in the first place, ostensibly to make "football" decisions?
  9. supposedly there was "football' interest within the bills. so that would imply the true talent evaluators here wanted him or at least wanted to consider him. cinci and the bills were/are desperate teams. desperate times warrant desperate measures. philly, conversely, is just smart.
  10. not surprising you find it inane when you entirely miss the point: it doesn't matter why he might have said no to vick, if he did as alleged, then it further supports his continued role as a meddler. and yes, i believe as do many others that wilson's meddling has much to do with the bills failure over most of 50+ years.
  11. just more proof of wilson's continued high level of involvement in player decisions.....the results speak for themselves.
  12. there's a reason these have been popular for over 50 years. pricey but there are decent knock offs. perfect for watching Madmen.
  13. well, it's far from the craziest idea i've ever heard and at least, it's safe! probably worth a try. on the other hand, i've been given suggestions such as spraying with bleach (no thanks, to chlorox tomatoes) and a tobacco farmer friend offered me some kill all chemical stuff he uses to treat his tobacco plants. thanks, but no thanks.
  14. i've heard of beer baits for slugs but never for tomatoes. what's it meant to do?
  15. mine were only ok this year. blight gets worse every year here in virginia, even in disease resistant hybrids. even grew some in pots that blighted....so my plan to make new raised beds next year may fail. is blight a big problem in your area?. last year many of the farmers at our market had to pull up all their plants, a complete loss. almost none use fungicides and nor do i. anyway, the few i got were only ok, even the heirlooms. as i said, not sure why and this is a new phenomenon. btw, i'm pretty sure i ranked a brandywine #1 at the tasting. it was a blind tasting and i'll find out the actual type this weekend when the results are announced.
  16. you make some good points here. yes, my parents "survived" just fine with one car (and one income) for many years and we "managed" with one tv set. don't think it hurt me a bit. average house sizes have increased greatly in the last 50 years (to what end?) but, people tried to save then and many were successful. this flawed pie chart shows how few actually save now, if it shows nothing else. to have the ipods and flat screens, people sacrifice security. and i would argue that the lowest quintile often have little in the way of even these little luxuries. i agree theyd be better served not to have them at all and concentrate on the essentials they can manage to afford.
  17. wow...that's really bad scholarship. i agree, pbs should have caught it. i should have been more skeptical
  18. took part in a tomatoes tasting event at our local farmers market last weekend. 3 categories: heirlooms, slicers and cherry. all the slicers were bland. 3/10 heirlooms were very flavorful and 2/5 cherry tomatoes flavorful. don't really know why as the weather seemed ok except hotter than normal. anyway, i now know which ones to get at the market.
  19. no, hard work has plenty to do with it but so does chance and a self perpetuating system. there are plenty of hardworking people in the bottom three quintiles that hold 5% of the wealth. the point is ,as one of the commenters mentioned, we are rapidly approaching the point where "fiefdom" accurately describes our economic system.... and many americans are oblivious to this.
  20. if only that were true. wealth begets wealth in our system. it becomes easier to obtain more as you obtain or inherit more. the chips are falling decidedly more on those with more money recently. do you really believe that's coincidence or due just differences in work ethic? no way.
  21. wealth, how does the us slice the pie?. so, who picked the right pie?
  22. remind me again which team jerry falwell and pat robertson played for. and they're just the most visible behind the curtain, repug extremists. it's not imagined and it's getting more prevalent every day in the grand old fundamentalist party. medicare and SS? yup, privatizing these would result in increased alpo sales. there are grandmas eating it now (i'm told it's fairly easy to eat without teeth) and going without needed medications. ya think the picture's likely to get more rockwellian with a new right wing prez?
  23. so, one has to accept all of anothers positions to accept any of them? never heard that before...probably because it's ridiculous. buffet has no incentive to engage in class warfare and i really doubt he's envious or jealous of anyone.. if anything he has ample disincentive. and what of the significant number of upper middle class and above who support similar policies? do they want class warfare? are they envious and jealous? better think up some new reasons to dismiss them.
  24. not if a central tenet of your philosophy is gov't non intervention. i find that inconsistent especially in regards to libertarians supporting the interventions i noted since they are so very personal. it's not inconsistent with liberalism or conservatism per se.
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