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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. are you a 1%'er? if so, i get your point, if not what % of small business owners do you suppose make up the top 1%?
  2. pretty cool video. gonna have to watch the show.
  3. yes but llok at all the jobs these robber barons created....oh, wait
  4. this europe sh&* is really scaring me as is the markets reaction. they resolved nothing over there today yet the market was encouraged and rose. what happens if the talks collapse? i think that's as likely as not. yet several us indicators were positive today including (gasp) housing. cashed out a significant portion of my investments after todays gains. what do the players here think?
  5. so the wife's in vegas for a conference and i asked her to place a bet for the Bills to win the AFC (i always bet this when i get the chance, thinking any winnings might go towards a sb ticket). 18:1. asked her to get one for my best friend who is a lions fan: 13:1 to win NFC. sounds about right to me for both. comments, opinions? as to how much i bet, lets just say that i've been very happy with the bills this year but remain cautiously optimistic..ie, not much was bet but i can dream.
  6. "jungle book". disney and kipling. sorry, missed the "recently".
  7. ok, then...how bout bread's "baby ima want you"which despite the fact we of a certain age might have made out to it, truly sucks. ... and what or who is ima.
  8. i'd bet you're the leader but my bets are pretty sorry...think i'm last. anybody doing better than booster? in real life, i bought ANR at 20, up almost 10% today. sell or hold magox? just kidding.... wife's in vegas at a conference. think i'm gonna have her bet the bills for the SB. it's about as good as any bet i can see on the market.
  9. i nominate " a horse with no name" or any of the other 20 America songs that sound exactly the same.
  10. same here...plus several songs to learn pretty quickly for guitar. "new slang" and "such great heights" are easy but sound great imo. there's also a classical guitar piece in the movie but not on the soundtrack cd that's awesome but far from easy. some music guru reportedly said the songs on the soundtrack fit together so well that it seems they were always supposed to be on an album and i agree. as far as "discovering" artists, i really liked the frou frou song "let go" but the imogene heap solo stuff i bought in response doesn't get much play on my ipod and frou frou is no more..
  11. the soundtrack to "garden state" is probably my favorite.
  12. wow, if the kiwis aren't inspired by that version of their national anthem (hayley westerna has one of the finest, most angelic voices on the planet) then i don't think it's possible. the haka was pretty cool too. what a spectacle this event is! gotta cheer for the kiwis...we had a rotary delegation rom nz in our town a couple of years ago and the club prez stayed with us. a haka was part of every event they attended in town plua a lot of singing. very cool folks.
  13. sea breeze, though i usually substitute oj for grapefruit. and i have no problem ordering white russians since i'm almost always ordering my wife a shiraz simultaneously and suspect the bartender assumes that the caucasian is for her.
  14. i'm guessing you live in a small town or tightly knit neighborhood like me... much greater deterrent then any iphone app.
  15. we are at least 2 wins better than i imagined we could be. the games have been fun and exciting. the team plays with passion and emotion. what's not to like?
  16. yup. just didn't think they would say it so blatantly especially in an attempt to sell summers eve. i thought it was hilarious.
  17. has anybody else seen this? talk about a douchebag. apparently it's been out a while but i'd never seen it.
  18. save the ales! this brewery makes exceptional beers, unfortunately not widely available yet.. while loose caboose is my favorite, i've sampled the ipa and it's very good. i also like sierra nevada pale ale which is pretty easy to find.
  19. Only recognize 2of those but I,ve got to check out the box elders and the mind spiders for the sake of the names. And how could you not be curious about off with their heads; off?
  20. Wow Tom,that's treading awfully close to class warfare.
  21. unfortunately, it's not working out that way currently. even among the insured, catastrophic illness is a leading cause for bankruptcy. and currently, about 50 million lives remain uninsured causing cost shifting and higher prices for both insurers and individuals when those patients require care (largely in the er or hospital, which are the most expensive access points). those costs are passed on. they don't just disappear. with a larger risk pool, there's more ability to spread risk. 330+ million insured lives would include many patients requiring little care. the current system excludes many of the high risk patients from commercial insurance leaving the taxpayers to "insure" the expensive train wrecks. that's great for insurers and terrible for taxpayers. it's another form of corporate welfare for a very successful industry. from the viewpoint of the taxpayers, how does that make sense?
  22. no alternative. i'm all for single payer (gov't run) as i've frequently stated. expert panels could then decide appropriate care levels and safe harbor practices immune from malpractice claims, cutting down on unneeded testing and procedures. changing reimbursement from volume based to outcome based would also result in savings and improved efficiency. obviously, cutting out profit from the insurance companies (and that represents a very large amount) would result in direct, immediate savings. i don't see how anyone can deny that.
  23. i'm not "getting away" with anything. that would be the standard practice of charging list price to the uninsured and would be much more profitable. i'm charging them the same as the insured who have the benefit of a price negotiator. and i don't feel insurance companies are witholding payments from me. they pay on average about 20% more than medicare. btw, how many industries have virtually all of their pricing structure negotiated by a third party? you see this as an advantage to medicine? but it's been that way for much longer than i've practiced and was a given entering this profession. i'm not complaining about that aspect. i'm pointing out the cost and inefficiency of having a large profit taking middleman involved in health care. you admit their failings re cost control but still support their existence. what value do you see insurance companies providing? i suspect you see little. it's just that you are anti government run health care and you can't imagine an alternative other than commercial insurance.
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