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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. Go Santorum! i see him as the edwards of this election. probably not as debauched, but by appearance, almost as sleazy. short of the other rick, he's probably the best candidate for obama to run against. bye, bye newt.
  2. to state that most wealth is held by older folks and to state that most older folks are generally wealthy are two very different things... the first may be true, the second certainly is not. but this all relates to the point about the medicare drug benefit brought up earlier and made into law during the bush presidency. i certainly would support means testing for most govt benefits. what we too often see is just the opposite, especially in the elderly. the haves benefit disproportionately at the expense of the much larger group of have nots.
  3. no, if he were, then the packers wouldn't have been in the playoffs this year or any other in the last decade.
  4. this is the most important point i've seen made on this board in quite a while. just think how much more committed an owner servicing a several hundred mil debt must be to winning than is wilson. imagine how much the new owner of the bills will need to be to produce a top tier team.
  5. don't let it bother you big cat. the chorus wants to box you in a neat package with a simple label...it makes it much easier on their yes-no,right-wrong dualist thought processes to function. they tried the same with me and were so far off that i'm still laughing about it.
  6. "patience" and injuries as an excuse just don't cut it after all this time. we've heard it all so many times before. there is not now nor never has been a burning desire to win on the field for wilson. he has to be one of the most successful shysters in the history of the world...but at least he's predictable.
  7. i cashed out in august for this particular game with $13200(before ANR tanked)...anybody beat that? if not, you can donate the value of my kindle to the obama reelection fund. if you can't bring yourself to do that, then the national headquarters of Faith in Action. i'll match the donation to either if you do.
  8. at their highest point, religious hospitals provided a fraction of the inpatient care required for universal access and a smaller fraction of outpatient care. they were and are great institutions, notably Catrholic and Baptists hospitals but they were never at a point where they could fill the needs of the entire county for heathcare. same for retired folks needs or feeding the hungry. Catholic charities still does an amazing job but there are plent of hungry, homeless people in the US that they can't and have never been able to reach. and you are incorrect...there are liberals that donate privately and pay taxes publicly.
  9. Private charities have historically provided a sliver of actual need on a national level and even less on an international level. While admirable, a more systematic approach is necessary to effectively address unmet needs in areas such as housings, education, nutrition and healthcare. Liberals are generally much more willing to legislate (and pay the significant tax bill for) such systems than are conservatives and I suggest that holds true for those on this board.
  10. i don't believe beneficence is generally paid more than lip service by many conservatives. it's just not a significant factor in the decision making process. i'm sure the greek chorus here will agree.
  11. i agree with Hobbes and you that without some form of societal support for the have nots, anarchy will result. it's entirely consistent with what i understand of conservative philosophy to support welfare programs to the degree needed to avioid anarchy. it's the least expensive solution. far cheaper but far less moral, for example, than mandating a living wage.
  12. and how many guys in brooks brothers suits have you misidentified? or conversly, guys in carhartt that are conservatives? west virginia went for bush when he was reelected
  13. i haven't had a backpack since i was a boy scout. most of the liberals i know carry briefcases or portfolios.
  14. What exactly is atypical lefty? Would you recognize one on the street? You really don't advance your argument or reputation by using imaginary words like "libtard" in your post title. Do you read anything into the fact that liberals have no analogous derogatory term for conservatives?
  15. he has convincingly proven himself to be one of the least successful (in terms of winning) major sports owners over a 50 year period while having an amazing roi. and yes, he acheived this by exploiting bills fans everywhere but especially the citizens of erie county. it's difficult for the exploited to admit it, but it's the truth. i don't know if he's evil but i'm certain he's contemptable.
  16. all the more reason he should be publicly disrespected by the folks he's defrauded all these years. give him the legacy he deserves.
  17. i never understood the reverence some give to this shyster. he should be treated with contempt... booed at every opportunity. that's the way to dent his overinflated ego. that and maybe a stadium full of mr. burns masks.
  18. i'm not so sure it's worth it. 2 years ago we bought fresh from the farmers market and did the brining thing. big hassle- you need a big vat and a place to keep it (ended up doing it on the patio keeping an ever watchful eye on the dogs!) i really didn't taste that big of a difference from store bought. last year we got invited to someone elses family gathering and ended up freezing our fresh turkey. at that point, it didn't seem worth the trouble to brine and we ended up throwing it away 8 months later. laziness, i know and i feel bad about the waste but once a fresh turkey is frozen, what's the point? probably won't do it again unless i luck into killing a wild turkey (which is a good bourbon but i've heard not so great a meat).
  19. more "discoverable" than i was aware of... i mentioned a brand of suit on this board and almost immediately started getting pop up adds for that brand. entered into a golf discussion and started seeing golf ads. now i'm cringing and worriedly waiting for the pop ups resulting from the levitre, wood and wang thread anywho, a pm should remain private but it's clearly a mistake to assume that.
  20. neither, their involvement is tangential.....and at least one and possibly 3 republican, er conservative, justices will affirm the healthcare bill conditions.
  21. wasabi....makes even frozen, seared tuna taste just fine (usually hard to get sushi grade tuna in the mountains).
  22. have to agree. 1st round rb should be producing by now. jackson is great but a two headed attack would be much better. spiller isn't making any defenses game plan against him. nix gets, at best, a D on this pick.
  23. not to point a finger at you personally but the hospital conglomerates have done more to promote medicine as a business than any other entity. they are most responsible for making specialty and subspecialty care obligatory to allay the worried wells concerns that they are receiving adequate care. specialists and their procedures, tests and surgeries are their golden geese and they're not about to kill them but that's what is needed to bring down costs.... and fewer hospitals, mri's, surgical centers, cath labs etc. all but the poorest places have excess capacity.
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