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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. what did yall think of the foo fighters song from the tent outside the staples center? pretty repetitive, unimaginative, pedestrian to me. can't say i know their newest stuff otherwise. but they won a handful of grammys.
  2. gotta agree...yes, he's a true legend but he doesn't need any more exposure (nor do most of us want to look at him). how bout showcasing new, rising stars with real underappreciated talent? even if they have to actually play over the old guys (like last year with avetts,mumford and dylan)to sell it to the mainstream.
  3. i was encouraged last year with bands like the avett bros and mumford and sons so i was actually looking forward to this years show. major disappointment. back to no talent gimmicks and mostly pretentious jerks. the exception being adele. seems like a genuine person with a remarkable voice, timing and phrasing. turned it off after about 45 minutes but have read the winners lists and heard about the protest for some newly unrecognized categories. looks like back to the bad old days for the academy.
  4. reactions? comments? i'll start with mine: the good: adele the bad: the loss of so many less popular but important categories. the ugly: nicki minaj
  5. i'm shocked...and you're usually so perceptive and analytical.
  6. +1. this whole recent exchange represents a microcosm of the dysfunction constantly bubbling among "conservatives". sometimes the outright religious contempt of a certain, sizable element is fully unveiled. sometimes it's the hypocrisy or insincerity of the leaders in these regards that's unmasked. and it's all totally incongruous with the devout religious right that comprises such a large portion of the movement. it's why they'll very likely lose this election.
  7. i'll be sure to point it out next time we debate an issue.
  8. you've consistently looked at events and information in the political arena and come to the wrong conclusions. why should anyone expect that trend to change?
  9. i anticipated this response (you're so predictable) and therefore noted it was "most often homosexual". i don't think one can read some of the recent posts on the romney thread and not conclude they allude to homosexuality. nevetheless, i'm quite certain of my sexual orientation. i was just expressing concern for the posters who may not be. i'm certain confusion in this area can be traumatic. could it be that the canadian politician made an uninformed decision? has he checked outcomes data for the us vs canada for valve replacement surgery? have you? when i get time, i will. i nsuspect perception doesn't equate to reality in this instance but it would probably make sense to find out before indicting the canadian system as inferior based on one mans actions.
  10. rasputin:"the people are revolting" czar:"as are you, rasputin". a psychoanalyst would have a field day.
  11. here at PPP, i have found sexual allusion (most often homosexual) to be greatly biased towards conservative posters. maybe we should commission a study to analyze the question or is my direct observation and impression enough?
  12. romney will win with a decent cushion (the super pacs have bought and paid for that eventuality). the general election will be quite close unless the economy continues to improve (ironically, the republican establishment's worst scenario) in which case, obama cake walks to reelection. either way, obama's gotta be considered the favorite right now. unfortunately, there's still plenty of time for game changing world events to occur.
  13. no, we just don't listen to talk radio unless you consider npr to be that.
  14. you have a point. as romney recently said after a few days reflection (and his advisors likely screaming at him), i should have worded it differently. how bout: the decreasing proportion of old white men talk radio listeners in the electorate is likely to enhance the chances of future liberal candidates and policies" and i think that is a good thing.
  15. young, black men are disproportionately represented in the us prison system. is that racist? ageist? no, its a statement of fact just as old, white men disproportionately make up the talk radio audience. do you have an argument or just the usual ad hominem attack?
  16. demographics, not platitudes. data, not opinions. from my perspective, the fact that old white men comprise a shrinking percentage of the electorate is a good thing.
  17. whateverdude doesn't seem on board with your analysis. he inferred from my gun and ammo ownership and use, a great deal about me, even if it totally missed the target. and i rarely get a chuckle from any political ads. i find them depressing and their effectiveness disconcerting. so, you may be correct on this. if you're laughing at them, i likely won't be. i don't find the stereotypes of liberals and conservatives very accurate except at the extremes. unfortunately, however, i hear and read frequent regurgitation of talking points made by right wing "poltical analysts"/propagandists, even here and that does lead to some generalizations about those who partake in this. the folks i've met who do this have some commonalities, not the least of which is a poor educational history and a tendency towards xenophobia.
  18. i don't see where this or any other biblical qoutation implies restrictions on a governments use of taxes. taxes were being used for the continued repression of jews and many other peoples and the answer given supported their continued payment. is it likely that he meant to specifically not pay taxes if they were to be used for charity?
  19. and thus charity (especially to ones church) should not be considered an alternative to paying taxes.
  20. many liberals are pro choice. me, not so much. perhaps we should try to find common ground more often...but then you all get me riled up with your dog eat dog, survival of the fittest bs...nevermind.
  21. he didn't ask. but if i tell ya i have one shotgun, for hunting and clay pigeons and i suppose protection (it's not in my bedroom but if a coyote were killing one of my dogs i'd blow it's head off), and i have a couple boxes of shot (turkey shot and cheap multipurpose for skeet), might i be a liberal or redneck or both? many friends own guns and i haven't shot this year. so what's your decision? i'm interested in your threshold criteria.
  22. geez, maybe i better rethink how i characterize myself. confused. not a friend. a friends new husband. poor her.
  23. was at at a dinner party recently when a poltical discussion started. the women all saw trouble coming and went in another room. one of the guys began spouting the standard hannity fare of liberal media, entitlement mentality, get what they deserve etc, etc, etc. i interjected that before we went any further, he should be aware that i held very different views on everything he mentioned and that i was a liberal. he then asked me two questions: do you own a gun? and, do you own a bible? when i answered yes to both he told me i wasn't a liberal. so what do you all think of this litmus test? personally, i had to laugh and tried to change the subject to football, thankfully, with some success.
  24. have you ever done this? i did once..golf was a little chilly and snow a little slushy (late march) but i did it just so i could say i had. no winter this year to speak of...haven't skied Sugar once...killer year for them. hope they stay in business.
  25. i live fairly close to knoxville and spent many good weekends in nashville. both great towns and relatively inexpensive. tenn taxes are low. both have a university town feel to them (ut in knoxville and the vandy area of nashville) so while you won't hear much about gun control both are a bit more progressive than many southern towns. i love asheville but it's got a rather bohemian feel and is getting a bit too popular and crowded. i'd take a look at northeast tennessee/ southwest virginia. this would include chattanooga, johnson city, kingsport,bristol areas. all seem to meet the criteria you mention and are great family towns with plenty to do. stray too rural however and you'll understand the cariacature you see on "justified" (but also appreciate the beautiful scenery). nashville's quite a bit further away from buffalo than you wanted. i personally wouldn't consider northern virginia. just too congested for me and high cost of living. only visited richmond a couple times and it seems nice but can get really hot from what i've been told. also seems pretty old south to me. virginia taxes are higher than tenn but not bad. i'd look at roanoke and charlottesville there although the latter is a bit pricey in some parts. remember in any of these places that you're likely in for a culture shock. it'll take time to acclimate and make friends. more so the further south you go.
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