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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. Where was this feigned indignation from the right when limpbaugh was calling for the same thing from his minions on the right?
  2. Helps a lot. Beyu here we come on a live music night hopefully. Will let my niece pick the other place. Thanks much!
  3. No. I'm laughing at the "big tent" facade of the modern republican party. That idea is the antithesis of the historical republican establishment. It exists for the benefit of the few....and the big tent ain't working as evidenced by the current primary. Even if Romney narrowly wins mi it shows his weakness and that of this fractured party. And whoever wins, a significant proportion of the "base" will not be well represented by the platforms erected at the convention
  4. Wrong. If Romney loses it's freak out time for the republican establishment whatever that now is ( establishment repubs of 20 years ago are already freaked). Romney voted for Paul tsongas for the same reasons years ago. Who's flip flopping now?
  5. The Capitol tour is very cool. Then take the metro to Arlington I'm pretty sure someone will rip this but I enjoyed riding the metro and it's convenient. The most vivid memories I have of recent dc visits were Arlington cemetery and watching competing protesters on the steps of the supreme court during the gore/bush deliberations. Democracy in action? Maybe. But definitely jaw droppingly interesting. Can't say much for Va wines though. The sweet, fruity ones are supposed to be ok but dry reds are scarce and substandard in general. I don't think wines are of the best we have to offer..at least right now.
  6. Thanks for the response. I was told the area is named after dean smith's famed offense. The guy that mentioned it said there were lots of places but really liked one in particular. Oh well, there's yelp or I might call the guy or just be spontaneous and try something that looks good. My niece lives in Raleigh and I'm taking her out for dinner 2nights so were bound to do ok at least one. Surprised though that other folks in the triangle area aren't.very familiar. She suggested places in raliegh.
  7. just heard the MI dems are gonna take a page from the rush limbo playbook and vote for santorum in the primary. seems they can become R for a day. yes, it would be difficult but there's poetic justice there me thinks.
  8. a couple actresses that i know (small regional theater) say i resemble bill murray. my wife says armand assante...i'll go with that
  9. if i heard correctly, the talking heads said yestyerday that any new candidate after mich and ariz couldn't possibly get enough delegates to win. it would require a brokered convention for a dark horse to be nominated.
  10. aren't we already seeing that from gaga? always in the same time signature and i'll bet the tempo is within 10 beats per minute for 90% of her songs. at least swift does an occasional song in 3/4 time.
  11. maybe he's both. compare the syntax and sentence structure of the 2 men. one is eloquent, the other barely decipherable.
  12. going to a conference at unc in a couple weeks. staying right near campus. anybody here have any recommendations on where to eat? i've been told there are some good places in the "four corners" area but can't remember any names. would like to eat relatively close to campus.
  13. i'm pretty sure she brought her mother as her guest to the grammys. nice to see another authentic, nice person do well. i think her song writing is very good but for a country singer, her voice is comparatively weak. patsy cline she aint but good for her anyway.
  14. seems you disregarded everything mr steve ellis had to say. facts can sometimes be debated.
  15. if cute european girls are your thing check out "before sunrise" on netflix. ethan hawke is irritating to the point of slapping but julie delpy is undeniably attractive.
  16. i don't think ya have to like all of someones work to like some of it. i loved super 8 and star trek but hated mission impossible 3, for example. i do think you can tell a lot about a film or show in the first few minutes especially if they're excellent. took 2 minutes or so for me to see that "justified" was gonna be great. same for "downton abbey". same for many books. if the first paragraph is awkward and tepid the rest of the book often is too. and i appreciate the recommendations. not intending to seem ungrateful. i just wasn't enamored with those 2 shows in admittedly short viewings.
  17. well, that's a whole different argument that i'm not sure i agree with either. the argument i was making regards fairness. why should much of what some hedge fund managers make in a year be taxed at 15% when their bmw mechanic pays 25-30%? why should barbara bush and other uberwealthy people not be means tested for medicare and or social security but yey still be entitled to tax breaks not available to the lowly plebs, at least not on any comparable scale??
  18. maybe i saw the wrong angel then. low budget production, cheap set, bad acting, weak dialogue... ? the pilots beginning involved one werewolf fighting off 3 others in an alley outside a bar to protect a sorta pretty girl? like i said, to each his own. like firefly much better. have a season on dvd.
  19. [quote name='/dev/null' timestamp='1329948524' post='2387338' Why should my father pay for your mother's health care? Conversely why should your mother pay for my father's health care? we're all (everyone not already on medicare) already paying for nearly everyones parents health care already. families making 50k helped cover barbara bush's bypass surgery. so maybe her family will pay some of it back through higher dividend taxes.
  20. i see it was played on a friday afternoon, then rebroadcast in primetime. it was definitely daytime when i watched it so it must have been the ottawa broadcast via antenna reception. i vaguely remember a bad picture on a small screen but that was almost always the case back then. didn't remember the game delay thing. it was a huge moment in US and sports history. just thrilling with people bursting with pride everywhere you went.
  21. anybody remember who won? hint: he outlifted joe frazier. used to love this show. never knew the originator was dick button of figure skating fame.
  22. it was late afternoon. i think saturday. was at a ski hill bar not far from lake placid in the adirondacks. very few people kept skiing after the second period. the place was electric and people ecstatic. just a fantastic day. i wish i had the money at the time to go injto the olympic village thst night or the following day but you needed a ticket to an event and they were out of my reach as a college student.
  23. yeah, but i heard he served some really good hot polish traditional jelly donuts at a rally there today and people loved em...good for a few votes i'm certain.
  24. that was assasination by the "liberal" (read establishment) media. just too far out of the main stream and unbeholden for them to support. same reasons why he wasn't reupped as head of dnc after handing the dems wins in states they'd never expected. was the perfect and obvious obama choice for head of hhs but supposedly emmanuel despised him. he's a true outsider, much like paul is to the republicans. unfortunately, neither will ever beat the machines.
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