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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. are your thought processes really this simplistic? i had the distinct impression you were amoral but wasn't so sure you were simple. of course it has to do with "good and bad". everything does. the wars, the economy, the health care system, immigration, taxation... every side of every argument concerns "good and bad".
  2. an aspect of this that i haven't heard discussed struck me this am: eugenics. margaret sanger, founder of planned parenthood was a huge supporter. i was trying to explain the need for birth control to be free in this bill and stumbled on this idea. it's the anti-idiocracy bill. who really needs free birth control more? a law student or a welfare mom? while i find that abhorrent, i would expect at least some of you far right guys to love it. theoretically, it should drastically decrease the oft quoted percentage of folks who pay no income tax over time. there are clearly multiple issues in play here. to properly analyze them they must be teased out. above is one facet. others include religious freedom, secular sexism, religious sexism and the morality of birth control and abortion. individually, each immensely complex subjects. together, so complex that they are effectively inarguable as discovered here.
  3. sure. male doctors have a notoriously difficult time finding dates. and those poor hippies at woodstock were so sex deprived. while rush limbaugh apparently never has to pay for it.
  4. Really? Ya mean that condescension results in more sex than cooperation? Thanks for the advice Casanova. The ancient Greeks could have used your advice. Ever read "lysistrata"?
  5. teleologically the penis is the equivalent of the clitoris but given your propensity to homosexual jokes i suspect that particular appendage is not of much interest to you. so you think sexism is a thing of the past? not quite. it doesn't take much research to find glaring examples of it now but one doesn't find what he's not looking for or doesn't want to see. " i condemn maher for his comment but i think it's a little more denfendable. heck, i've called guys like you "dick's" most of my life. it's an equal opportunity type of insult.
  6. he is expressing empathy for a historically common phenomenon: disparaging threatening women. remember the witch hunts? this is the 2021 equivalent. obama just said that's not ok anymore.
  7. by her own admission? how? interesting, there's really no male equivalent for "slut"in the language..might that be due to men making all the rules for so long? this is really the essence to the argument in many women's eyes. it's ok with people like limbaugh to be promiscuous to the point of a high likelihood of contracting std's but it's not ok with the same people for women to prevent pregnancy under less sordid circumstances.
  8. so it's the quest to get contraception covered that makes her a slut? what's your definition of slut? is it applicable to men? if not, why not? and yes he chooses his words very carefully which makes him more a hypocrite and more disgusting and despicable. a piture of him should be in the dictionary next to pos.
  9. i didn't mention anything about contrtaception insurance in my post. it was simply about Limbaugh calling a female grad student a slut for using birth control. argue that point.
  10. exactly. can't everyone see the hypocrisy of a man caught carrying unprescribed viagra into a country in which he has no known meaningful relationship with a female, on a golf trip, a slut? and he's been married how many times? he really is shameless and so many are willing to let him get away with it. perhaps they feel threatened by women as well.
  11. i'll bet you wrote something similar on your med school applications "why you want to be a doctor" essays. that or your very good at being insincere.
  12. i'll believe it when i see it... what's anybody's guess what the top dollar free agent Nix signs costs?
  13. the bigger story to me is his insistence that a reach for a 3rd round DE sets the bills back 3 years. Seems a bit exagerrated but taking him at his word implies very little free agency action in the next couple years. i know he's previously said that but i was hoping he'd see the light. nope, gotta hit every pick out of the park....how's that been workin out for us?
  14. cool site. my favorite was sponge candy which they don't seem to have but buffalocandy.com does!
  15. this film was fantastic! i loved just about everything about it. even enjoyed the credits as the french female singer in the background had an amazing voice. and I agree, finally a vehicle that makes good use of 3D technology. This is the first 3D DVD that i felt the price premium was actually worth it. Now if they can just do as well with "star Wars", I think it will finally catch on.
  16. Me too...believe it or not, I'm going to sugar tomorrow. The webcams looked pretty decent and even the steeps were open. Of course, that's only if a tornado doesn't set down tonight. Kind scary tonight after last march. Yup, why do you ask?
  17. The guy who told me about 4 corners is a dookie....insufferable. That's why i didn't want to call him back. Are they just as obnoxious on unc turf? Thanks for the schedule Just checked the schedule: jazz sax and vocals on 17 th. Fantastic
  18. but he's not clueless enough to say it. romney is so out of touch with everyday, everyman american life that it's a true detriment to his candidacy. were also talking about winning over less than sophisticated voters in most cases. since there are rather significant and substantive differences on important issues between the 2, those undecideds are likely to be swayed by silly stuff rather than big important issues. btw, what's an entry level cadillac cost? 50k or so i suspect (have never considered one- not my style). not really an everyman car is it? and his wife has 2. one for the 2nd and 4th home? and maybe mitt's driving the s class at house 1 and 3? whether you approve or not, this is not the american life most voters are familiar with.
  19. there's plenty of pressure points for obama to hit at on romney too. heck, he's advancing the class warfare mantra all by his lonesome with comments about his wifes cadillacs and knowing nascar owners but not drivers. i think it's a theme with traction and the ability to gain votes. and he's so aloof it's comical. he's the exact opposite of charismatic. if hillary had won instead of obama last time this wouldn't even be a contest. as it is, even with a weak incumbent during a dreadful economic era, the dem is still the favorite to win it all.
  20. we'll see...but you can't tell me that similar people with similar attributes support santorum and romney. once again i'll refer you to demographics. look at the mi exit poll numbers. these are extremely disparate groups.
  21. it's different in that i can't recall a more fractured major american party in recent history, especially on social issues. it will be difficul,t if not impossible to rectify. and that's a good thing from my perspective.
  22. inclusiveness is a pretense in the party. religious fundamentalists and tea partiers are still being used as pawns. a few power brokers (for a list, look at the biggest superpac donors) run the show. when the pawned become enlightened the support erodes further.
  23. Romney's the man unless there's a brokered convention. Soon the real game begins. It'll be close with much depending on the economy. Are you money guys bulls or bears for the next 8 months? You wouldn't wish badly on the economy for the sake of this candidate, would ya?
  24. "pretty cool, we need to pattern our nation after Michigan".
  25. This is not an image I've ever even distantly imagined...must be a conservative sort of thing
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