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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. $15/hour and yes there are costs. things cost what they actually do and the swiss are just weird and intrusive but we could do even better then those germanic weirdos.
  2. predatory lending is definitely not the answer. a true living wage certainly is.
  3. just don't agree. for every 1 scumbag trying to rip off social security for disabilty I see 3 people living in trailers working minimum wage jobs trying to pay their bills. btw, trailers are scary as shite with the recent tornadoes. they actually tell people on the radio to get into a ditch before staying in their trailers. don't yall think we can do better for people willing to work?
  4. why don't you write the rnc with your idea....it's a sure vote getter
  5. i actually despise her. she is the type of scumbag that gives you guys ammunition. she needs to be publicly prosecuted and humiliated which may be impossible since she's shameless. there's no denying there are too many like her but there are many more decent people who really are in need. the only mitigating factor is her appearance. if i looked like her, i'd probably feel like the world owed me something too.
  6. i used to be indecisive but now i'm not so sure.
  7. i agree, it played little role. but those numbers suggest "traditional" catholics are probably a minority, at least in ohio and they may actually support his initiative re contraception
  8. so did anyone try the quiz? if so how'd you do. i did miserably at picking the flip flopper...never can tell who will flip flop on what.
  9. maybe obama's play on the contraceptive issue isn't so politically dumb.
  10. marci kaptur is almost as liberal (except abortion which i agree with her on). met her once...very impressive. will miss ole dennis...but he said today that you don't need to be a congressman to work for social justice and he's right. he's principled and has never waivered on issues...not something you can say about many candidates.
  11. what's your best game? had a 230 something once. i'll match my 16 lb ball against yours any day.
  12. i didn't think it was bad....didn't have any semen references at least.
  13. i don't drink white wine, have a beanbag or ponytail and most of my clothes are dry cleaned. i do occasionally bowl...and you can bet i'll vote.
  14. "in general, voter turnout was very low in all 10 primary and caucus states." we'll see if they'll miss their bowling night in november to vote for romney.
  15. even if the scholarship comes from a gay organization, it would be presumptuous to assume she's gay. she may have written a great essay for a small scholarship. i don't think it's on par with a fulbright.
  16. like you, no idea what the scholarship is about but have you considered the possibility that a straight person might support gay causes?
  17. some interesting studies about inconsistencies. not surprisingly, ones political affiliation affects one judgement on flip floppers within their party. the study from wharton is particularly interesting. for a little fun try the quiz on recent flip flops.
  18. so? why don't you link limbaugh's cv. not gonna see cornell and georgetown but i forgot top academic credentials are unimportant to many of you. how silly of me. rush is like one of the players that on mnf says "central high" but in his case he really means it. whatever any of you think he's injured himself significantly with this insult yet after apologizing had to bring up that he's being held to a different standard than rappers...brilliant! just can't control that oversized ego. even conservative pundits and advertisers are throwing him under the bus and on top of it all, h physically, he looks like shite.... how bout i link a current photo of him and ask female readers "would ya?"
  19. no doubt in my mind big pharma traded their support for the healthcare bill for the removal of the threat of a national formulary (which could save billions and hurt them bad). but there aren't that many big players in the contraceptive market...have a hard time believing this was a big motivator in this issue. it is a huge market though...
  20. economic darwinism....not a concept i think even darwin would subscibe to.
  21. now that really would eliminate the need for "death panels". most below a certain income level would die off before or during the early geriatric years. active eugenics if you will... now is that good or bad. i'm certain it's bad but Rob?
  22. we've always had a hybrid system even before "obamacare". how much do you suppose private insurance would cost for ralph wilson? so entirely private is out as an option. that leaves....single payer! glad to see you've seen the light.
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