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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. Nope. Bristol is the birthplace of country music and it's a short drive away as is the carter fold (real country music). don't need to go anywhere else (although i love going to nashville).
  2. take a point or 2 off. they were referring to the country music place in missouri where some unbelievable number of "average" americans visit every year.
  3. i only hear that occasionally. on it's own, the phrase doesn't make much sense but i get what it means. "we're going to do that anyway or regardless" seems better.
  4. racism is as relevant when it's metered out by david duke or louis farakhan. hate crimes happen. whether this was a hate crime or not is yet to be seen or even investigated but it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility. given the circumstances, i think the victim would agree if he were witness to a similar incident.
  5. so. i'm just plain lazy. say it ain't so!
  6. some interesting racial history in good ole sanford. running off jackie robinson....sure, it's background info but possibly part of the rest of the story. and no npr and pbs aren't my only sources of news.
  7. no, but i can't imagine that being too fun either. at least that can be explained by the need to let his brain catch up to his mouth.
  8. so, i went to this conference at a well known state university in north carolina. so, just about every speaker started a majority of their sentences this way. for example: "so, to rephrase the question, you asked if...". so, i really feel the "so" is unnecessary and pretty annoying. so i've actually noticed myself doing it and am consciously trying to avoid it. so, has anybody else noticed this?
  9. i liked Despicable Me and the King's Speech. Inception not so much. the reasoning for these movies is that they were the top 10 grossing thus, if you're not in a bubble you probably would have seen some. not sure that's valid though.
  10. oops...probably would have needed to get that right had i gone through.
  11. i figured yall would give credence to the fact it was written by a liberterian. i thought it was fun and a little thought provoking but the conclusions were a stretch. i only knew the lieutenant bars for military symbols (what were the rest?) cuz i applied for an army scholarship for med school and that's where you start. would have gotten a few more points if i had taken it.
  12. my wife's car was backed into by some assh%^& in a parking lot. his expedition supposedly had these cameras and his excuse was that they didn't "see" her. started getting mouthy enough that she called me in tears. by the time i got there the cops were already there and he was still trying to deny responsibility!
  13. anybody hear the npr interview with the founder of the chieftans? 50 years! recorded with all kinds of musicians. i was very interested in his comments about country musicians. he said playing with them was like playing with friends and family. a few bars and a key and they were off. by exclusion, i think he was saying some other genres musicians weren't as quick a study. fascinating interview. i would love to see them live.
  14. not surprised at the response. cynicism has been so good for our country, don't ya know.
  15. right now i'm thinking cujo would be a better name for either of my dogs...just watched them bare there teeth and back hair stand up on end over a little neighbor lap dog who wandered into our yard. who knew border-lab mixes could be so aggressive.
  16. Anne Bancroft (Mrs. Robinson) Dustin Hoffman in "The Graduate" is also in my top 5.
  17. can't see what others posted as i can't see you tube at work. i have many favorite scenes in "the graduate" but i think the best is dustin hoffman swimming around the pool underwater with his snorkel while a graduation party full of his parents friens plan his future in the backround.
  18. looks like a great place....$30 to fit a driver. best bang for your buck would be getting fitted and see if they had a used driver close to the fitting or have it modified (new grip, shaft) to fit you. a $100 driver that fits is much better than a $400 one that doesn't.
  19. i don't know about stores in Buffalo but i'm a big fan of "off brand" custom made clubs. i have a set of Bang irons and Bang-o matic driver (actually a lot of low handicap players use them), 3 wood that were custom made by a guy in Wisconsin. you choose the length, grip, shaft, flex, face angle (for driver) and he makes em. there's plenyt of places that do this and can be found through google. mine were much less expensive than a set of big name clubs like ping or taylor made. if you don't know what would work best for you there are many places that will do a swing analysis for a reasonable price and you'll still be ahead on price. plus, the metal woods make a really cool sound when you hit them, hence the "Bang" name! check out the 539 yard drive
  20. i must have been hallucinating when i heard and read republicans, especially the on air personalities make this argument. i'm pretty sure some one has made it here: that tax revenues would actually decrease if taxes were raised on the rich because overall income would decrease and the wealthy would take their toys and go elsewhere, where they're appropriately loved. so you're admitting it's a ridiculous argument?
  21. but, but, but...who will create the jobs? who will drop their crumbs for us? trickle down doesn't work. if it did we wouldn't see the massive income inequality and increasing poverty levels over the last decade. "let them eat cake" is alive and well, even on this board.
  22. i kinda like "zeno" especially if you're considering "socrates". one of my dogs is matilda which i like but it always gets shortened to 'tildy" which i don't.
  23. i'm really not concerned with a group as powerful as the free syrian army. more concerned about the assad's of the world.
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