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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. yeah, he never talked about anything similar to obamacare in his campaign or during debates,right? he actually talked about more fundamental and radical changes to health care than what he achieved. yet his ideals coincide with yours more than romneys before he supposedly became a fraud? that's way more phony than obama has ever appeared to me. and next time you're at a national conference look for the "physicians for a national health program" booth. you'll meet many physicians who support "this charlatan". you might even feel compelled to join given your stated ideals.
  2. his stated ideals more closely coincide with mine.
  3. how many of the states that Kerry won do you expect to flip in the next 15 holes? and the metaphor was extended because i figure even a conservative republican can understand it.
  4. policies are never always right or wrong (there goes that dualist thinking again). most times we vote for the lesser of two evils or, to be charitable, the more desirable candidate. on that score, i'll take obama over romney. that said, romney appears to have some momentum right now...but looking at the electoral map (even conceding nc, which no one is) he needs the equivalent of a political eagle to win while obama just needs to make par and might still win with a bogey.
  5. that's when we'd had enough and turned it off. i didn't see anything in this film that redeemed it from that scene.
  6. Just like in football, a W is a W. or how bout a golf analogy? chipping in from 50 yards for birdie amounts to the same score as tapping in. no one said this would be a tap in. i don't care if he has to hole out fromm 220 with a 3 iron so long as he does it.
  7. yup. that's where i've been watching. but things have been trending in romney's favor recently. despite this, the all important electoral vote map hasn't changed a bit.
  8. So what's your point? uneducated people are inherently racist? there are plenty of examples contradictory to this. i gave one. lack of education doesn't excuse or explain hate and racism. and there are plenty of educated racists. the eugenics movement is full of them.
  9. being racist and backwoods aren't the same thing. there are plenty of people that you'd likely characterize as backwoods, here in appalachia. Yet outright racism is pretty uncommon and not generally tolerated. a planned kkk march in a small local city resulted in the group being outnumbered by many times by ordinary local folks shaming the racists for hiding their identities under hoods but remaining peaceful. undereducated and hateful are two very different things. and adam, i would argue that hate does effect everyone, making or appearing to make everyone around it a little less human: those that are discriminated against, those that watch idly by , those that try to take action against it risking threat or injury and the active racists who give in to the animal instincts and mob mentality.
  10. perhaps you just need to meet more successful, accomplished, attractive women. in my experience, they seek men who aren't intimidated or threatened by their success and who don't mind the limelight shining on them rather than themselves, sometimes. Now which side of the political spectrum do you think includes more men that meet this description? and does any apple pie eating, red blooded repub respect todd palin and whoever bachman's invisible husband is? you're right. freud would have a field day.
  11. Where in ther world did you find that? It's hard to find a good corndog nowadays.
  12. my point is that signing young was a good move. i was answeing a poster that said the signing wasn't important.
  13. Yeah, there never important. Wasn't Hostetler, Simms back up for the Giants the year of the Bills Giants superbowl?
  14. Probably will be viewed as an opportunistic post but I mostly agree with your post. It is a classier version of the bloods vs crips with one exception: the Pols can get away with much more and only occasionally go to jail. I also agree with your olympics comment. Diversity is one of the major things that makes America great...respecting those differences is important for our continued success. I'm as guilty as anyone of not always doing that. However, I doubt a brawl would break out if PPP participants were arguing in the same room. Bills fans are generally classier than that...at least, I like to think so.
  15. Touche. I was aware of mandatory military service (and have witnessed armed military on trains) but not aware of the Swiss being armed to the teeth at home, albeit with their customary strictly enforced rules. I'll subtract a touchdown from my running score. I'm still up by 10.
  16. Did you even read the politico article? Seems the Swiss govt wasn't aware til this year and she "alleges" citzenship since 1978. If it's such a "nonstory", why are politico and the la times writing about it and she, rescinding her citizenship a few days after her spokesperson announced it?
  17. She officially obtained dual citizenship this week (husband is Swiss). I wonder how she feels about their liberal policies regarding health care, gun laws, gay and lesbian rights etc and their european outlook.. Isn't really consistent with her loudly stated belief system, is it? Is she hedging her bets should the US economy fail? No matter what the explanation, I've gotta think it drops her standing, at least a little, among purist teapartiers.
  18. thanks for the info. i think i'll just live with it but it's good to know what the fix would likely be.
  19. Well, i found it helpful. This is probably what's going wrong in my 96 limited. I have the type of transmission you desribed (hydratrac?) No way i'm fixing the tranny. I'm hoping to drive it 20 miles round trip 5-10 times a year. I'll just keep my fingers crossed.
  20. look up the coal wars in w virginia in the 20's....private armies masquerading as detective agencies. just one example. and this relates to the felon garnering votes in wv. it was mostly to protest obama's coal positions.
  21. I bought a 96 with 160k miles before last winter for the snow (that never came). It's developed a problem with the electrical system (battery dies even after i recharge it) and has sit unused for over a month. pretty sure it needs an alternator (maybe just a new battery) but it's been a low priority for me. the v8 is horrible on gas. has some other electrical quirks - idiot lights for low coolant when it's full, some slipping of tranny from park to drive. Only cost me 2k so if i get another winter out of it i'm ok but in retrospect, i shoulda bought a used subaru - 160,000 is just getting broken in with those.
  22. uh huh....social unrest would be bad for everyone. it's usually cheaper to dole out subsistence wages than to make jobs and train an entire underclass. doesn't make it right or palatable but that's at least some of it. and then there are truly lazy, contemptible but capable people that play the system. if they spent as much energy and determination finding and keeping a real job they'd do much better. in this case, i agree that they should be identified and cut off, even prosecuted if fraud can be proven.
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