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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. a "shadow gov't" is sufficient but not necessary. agreement of the major news outlets for whatever reason would suffice. so what are the other possibilities? Not news? sorry, don't buy it. much less important and potentially sensational stories pass for news. i'm sincerely eliciting other explanations.
  2. well, they might cover that mitch daniels is there, for instance. or that john edwards spoke there shortly before being named kerry's running mate. i think that qualifies as news. how bout that tony blair was there in 93 just before being named pm yet denied it to parliament, according to the guardian. if true, that's treason in the uk, at least formerly punishable by death..ya know, the tower and all that. that qualifies as news to me. and shadow govt? probably not. further compelling evidence for the existence of a global informal corporatocracy? maybe. inquiring minds want to know. why don't the big media outlets?
  3. isn't that the point? they don't or can't know about it because they're not meant to. the fact that so many powerful people congregate in one place is big news. why is it ignored by so much of the media? you'd think a list of "headliners" at bilderberg (which is available but not publicized by major news outlets) would be as interesting to viewers of nbc news as the attendees at michael jackson's funeral or a presidential ball. oh, and the picture in the article is of one of the protestors.
  4. the world economic forum gets thousands of pages of print and this (with arguably more powerful attendees) ends up on the local section of the washington post. can't find much about it anywhere else but small indy fringe media. the uk's guardian's done a couple stories but that's not exactly fox or cnn. i searched this forum for comments on bilderberg and most seem to dismiss any mention of it out of hand as tin foil hat conspiracy drivel. but why, at an event just outside dc, with some of the worlds wealthiest and influential bankers, media moguls, politicians and industrialists, is there so little coverage. sure, the proceedings are secret but the meetings themselves aren't. setting aside any talk of conspiracy, what hypotheses do ya'll put forth. and if mitch daniels is the guy, you heard it here first.
  5. have to disagree. there are situations where it's impossible to get a consistent strong satellite signal. finally had an honest installer tell me last year that there wasn't a way to get one at my house and he made it official with dtv.. 40+ foot trees in south yard and in mountainous area. i think a lot of areas have as good a chance for good OTA reception as good satellite but no one even considers this any more. directtv and the cable co's have some of the worst customer service ratings in any business. it's worth at least considering dumping them all together or having as little to do with them as possible (ie not signing a 2 year contract). now in the op's case, he needs to check with directtv whether they'll even sell him the stand alone sunday ticket to go deal since they are known to get squirrely with this but barring the technical difficulties they had last year, i think that's a good plan. i should also mention that a pc connection to the tv probably won't provide sound to the tv, at least it didn't to my projector's little built in speaker. i listen to a tinny computer speaker with huge picture. not ideal but functional.
  6. how do you expect this thread would have played out if the original premise had been to use limbaugh's show as a springboard to discussions on economics? then someone adroitly points out that he would not be a good source since he has no college degree...in essence, the inverse of this thread? do you suppose that assertion would go unchallenged? would citing a link on his educational background make such a comment immune from attack? yeah, right.
  7. well, you should qualify for the sunday ticket to go (which is the internet feed) since you have poor reception. i've heard rumblings that they may allow anyone to buy this product alone next year without direct tv satellite service or mitigating circumstances (poor reception).. unfortunately, you cant tape it any legal way that i'm aware of and your tv probably doesn't have a pc input so you'd have to watch on the computer. i'm pretty sure it costs the same as sunday ticket via satellite. so maybe your best bet is to keep the directtv contract like you are. if that's what you decide, then set up the vcr/direct tv box as i outlined. in essence, you use the direct tv box like an av receiver for your vcr. direct tv might disallow your current practice of suspending your account, however. i requested that same scenario from their agent a few years ago and they said i would be breaking the 2 year contract and have to pay penalties.
  8. is it vacuous to respond to comments such as these? it appeared no one else was going to challenge them. and who are the americans who have had just about enough and are pushing fox"s ratings? is he speaking about me? omg, he was a wine columnist...that alone disqualifies him from any reasonable analysis!
  9. so sorry. did i interrupt your conservative knitting circle? i would just point out again that the audience demographics for someone like stossel versus someone like zakaria speak for themselves...and they don't shine a good light on the fox guy. and i didn't conjure up the anti-intellectual sentiment for much of this board. there are plenty of examples to be found on many threads here. it seems to some intellectual= liberal=bad.
  10. anybody left of george wallace is a liberal to most posters here....and besides that, he's an intellectual. the shame! the reason most fox viewers wouldn't watch him is that he often uses words with 2 or more syllables.
  11. that's what i do, although i'm considering getting sunday ticket internet service (which is cheaper than almost any monthly directtv contract over a year) because the Bills ARE going to be good and entertaining this year! if you go the dvr route, i'd recommend tivo over any of the crappy boxes the cable co's use. I've now had four of those dvr's and not one has been as good as my early generation tivo. tivo used to provide dvr's for directtv but not any more.
  12. going backwards from the tv: connect the digital adapter box and hd direct tv box via hdmi cables. connect the vcr to the vcr in and out of the dircet tv box via rca cables (red,yellow white). connect cable directly to digital adapter. use line conditioner (surge suppressor) for all a/c power cords. alternatively buy a receiver and run everything through it and out a single hdmi cable to the tv.
  13. I agree...but the legacy can be overwhelming. a coworker saw Mumford at the Ryman recently and they were so nervous the forgot their own lyrics...some pretty big shoes to fill but i think many of them are up to it musically.
  14. Had the pleasure of seeing him a couple years ago at Rhythm and Roots...couldn't have been more humble or talented. He has left an amazing legacy. He was very concerned with passing on old timey mountain music to future generations. It's probably listened to by more people now than ever before. The festival he started in honor of his son, Merlefest, is a huge success, a tough ticket to get and a big gig for most bands. I thought it appropriate that the day before he died, Rhythm and Roots announced that Mumford and Son's would be appearing this year. A grammy nominated UK bluegrass band continuing the art in Doc's back yard is a fitting tribute.
  15. looks like romey wants us to engage militarily. anybody seen details of what he's proposing or is it just saber rattling from afar?
  16. "perfectly natural" for you, in no way implies " the natural order of things" which i don't think you'd recognize if it fell out of a tree onto your head. you somehow find this offensive yet post homoerotic imagery on a semi- regular basis? haven't heard you call out loudly for censure of racist posters, either.
  17. the op was addressing the christian right...one would never confuse most here with them. unfortunately, many of them share the same politics when it comes to voting.
  18. even more difficult to comprehend that so many in this group staunchly defend a literal interpretation of the bible even when scholarship and history show that to be clearly not intended. do they find these passages to be apocryphal or just ignore them? sadly, certain christian groups and current times are not unique in this selective interpretation of religious works.
  19. first link that came up when googling the cia piece. amazingly, i fully agree with this bankruptcy attorney.
  20. that was the word used by the analyst if i recall correctly...will look for the reference later. you can spin it anyway you like, multiple cia officials have publicly stated they felt extraordinary pressure to produce data in support of wmd's and invading iraq.
  21. was listening to a report on cia analysts yesterday. since the iraq war they have changed protocols regarding prognosticating and predicting future events mostly in response to the bullying that occurred at that time in an effort to justify going to war. many have reported this and cheney was one of the prime offendors. they are much less likely to go out on a limb in their analyses as a result. i don't know if that's a good thing but i think cheney's actions, in part causing it,are bad things.
  22. i'll take rockefeller for 500, alex. all the rest, in there position of vp, were quite benign (as they should have been). cheney was the only truly malignant vp in that list. "monday" spoke at my commencement from undergrad, but it was on a saturday and he was actually impressive.
  23. not sure why i feel this is a summer song...maybe pyramids, nile, tropic isle ,old algiers? anyway, put it on a mix for my wife and it's my favorite on the tape and favorite version of this classic song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=murYvyEzpUM
  24. this fracking debate illustrates the paradox of the term "conservative". faced with data suggesting possible catastrophic environmental effects, they adopt the hypothesis that there is no problem and set out to prove that or just ignore it because that's in their own best interest. liberals adopt the hypothesis that it's potentially harmful and urge caution while attempts are made to either prove or disprove the hypothesis in an attempt to safeguard the greater good. which approach is really "conservative"?
  25. i suspect that's one reason 90% of exxon's campaign contributions go to the republicans.
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