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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. wow!...roberts does have a conscience after all. i really felt it might go down...this is a pleasant surprise.
  2. much depends on your age and activity level. i had it done at 45 cuz i wanted to continue skiing (which is how i tore it). i wouldn't do it over again. still wear a brace to ski. still occasional pain. but the pain the week after the surgery was intense. worst i've ever had. didn't help that i was working on crutches 3 days after the surgery but it would have still hurt! remember that thurman thomas played on a torn acl his entire pro career. i'm pretty sure i could have skied on one. if your into your 40's, i wouldn't do it. if you don't regularly play intense sports i wouldn't do it. and if you don't meet either of those criteria i'd still think long and hard about it.
  3. was it a 2012 genesis? this year's has 330 hp and a new 8 speed tranny in the sedan. has crappy tires on the base model yet drove really nice in my short test drive. salesman kept encouraging me to push it and of course i did. doesn't handle like a sports car but pretty damn good for a big sedan. i like to get a deal and as far as cars go this looks to be a good one. haven't tried the 300 or even an awd taurus but those are in the running. for a lexus, infiniti or bmw, would have to get a 2 or 3 year old one for the same money. i've been ruminating on this all week and i'm leaning towards keeping the g.
  4. well, it's my wife who's pushing me to trade it so...
  5. i'm getting a trade in value today. i'm thinking $12000 based on kbb. (right now, the console and a/c are working- it happened on a very muggy day). looking at hyundai genesis and they'll add another $1500 to the trade in on the infiniti due to a "competitor incentive" so i figure i can walk out the door with a base genesis (base has lots of stuff) for about$18k. sounds like the right deal (and yeah i was thinking gaskets start going after 10 years too) but i'm not sure the genesis will get my heart pounding like the g. any genesis owners here?
  6. my 03 g35 coupe needs fixing. there's a known issue with the radio that shorts out the center console and a/c controls. also a known problem with window motrs and i need another one of them (my 3rd). i figure about $1000 to fix em both. car has 73000 miles and is well maintained. i love driving it. it purrs like a tiger. what else is likely to go bad in the next couple years on a 10 year old car? for instance, is it likely hoses and belts will just start needinig replacing all at once. suspension parts? it has relatively new brakes, rotors, battery and tires. the v6 in this car is well known for durability but i don't want to spend 1 day a month getting a different part changed out. any mechanics out there? Is that very likely?
  7. maybe being in second place for 90 years is better than first for 60?
  8. maybe you need more interesting vacations. that's not been my problem. it's a combination of the work piling up when i'm gone, an overzealous work ethic and old fashioned guilt. keep hoping i'll evolve away from these and keep getting disappointed. c'est la vie, can be a healthy attitude in moderation.
  9. yeah, i think you drew a reasonable conclusion. how many of you take all of your vacation? when self employed, i never had any "paid" vacation. now i get 6 weeks including continuing education. as June comes to an end i've used 3 personal days and 3 education days. last year i used less than 1/2 of my days. i've read this is very common. i'm beginning to think we're all crazy for doing this.
  10. i knew all this great stuff was out there. just didn't know where to start. and don't let the thread die on my account. these music threads are some of my favorites and i'd be willing to bet i'm not alone. seems to me that many bills fans possess pretty impressive musical knowledge. anybody here actually perform the blues. i've played around on garage band with licks and accompaniments but don't seem to have "it". as long as it makes you happy though. don't have to sound like these masters to have fun.
  11. care to expound? statins are one of the most studied class of drugs in history. the results are replicated and confirmed over and over. they save lives. studies on secondary prevention are unequivocal...only the most ardent nut job homeopath questions them. studies for primary prevention less so but still convincing enough to a huge room full of cardiologists that they're often willing to use them on themselves more liberally than they do on their patients. but why am i surprised? of course, you have some super secret, undeniable contradictory knowledge on the subject>
  12. just wondering what the odds are that there may be some offspring or the mate of the dead snake still around. i'll bet pretty high. that said i'd probably have killed it because my dogs would tangle with it and probably get bit. now, i saw a dead baby copperhead on a green at my local golf course last week. somebody had puttered its head off. was only about a 8 inches long and thin as a pencil. i'd probably just lifted up on a club and put it next to the creek. killing that one didn't make a bite to someone any less likely.
  13. wow. i've got a lot of listening to do. thanks everyone.
  14. one of my favorite (admittedly,from a limited group) blues tunes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEEfDdJyxPY
  15. some insight on statins: the benefits far outweigh the risks. i was at a cardiology conference a few years back and the speaker asked the audience to show hands for all those on statins. at least 75% of the room lifted their hands. he then asked for those that didn't meet NCEP guidelines (the most authoritative guidelines in the US) for treatment and still took the drugs and 1/2 the room raised their hands. statins are your friends....better living through chemistry. it interests me that the rate of myalgia (muscle ache) complaints in the us on the drug are significantly higher than in europe as is the discontinuation rate. draw your own conclusions. every study that's looked at cholesterol numbers show lower is better. the best data now goes down to ldl=70 but many believe lower than that is better. yes, there are occasionally serious side effects and the older you are, the less potential benefits and the risks catch up. but on balance, an argument can be made to put them in the water.
  16. that's what i'm talkin about. can't help but rock in my chair. but who knew al roker played the bass?
  17. I always get some great recommendations for music on this site. Lots of new found stuff that I enjoy. So....what do ya'll like in the Blues? Beyond Stevie Ray and Clapton's forays into the genre I'm pretty lost. Little help?
  18. he doesn't, as far as i know. it's just that almost every other reasonable human does...and drones.; nope, don't think they're justified, obama sent or not. maybe you missed the part where many liberals are disappointed with some of obama's work. but in the battle of evils, he wins easily to us over romney or any of the other conservative candidates.
  19. i think the "both ways" observation is accurate. cheney wants to say that torturing prisoners was necessary but, at the same time, that waterboarding isn't torture. it's clearly a mathematically impossible stance but maybe not in some alternative reality.
  20. look at the titles of most of the threads started here in the last few days and tell me the objective wasn't "us vs them". i'm not breaking new ground here. it's just that "us" is less well represented (in volume) than "them" in this particular forum.
  21. admittedly, cheney's argument is obtuse and convoluted. but isn't the part about our military specialists going through waterboarding akin to the earlier argument? i'm not sure. the guy thinks in an alternate universe as far as i can tell. you seem to want your fox. and that's fine, i suppose. kind like wanting your mtv as someone else pointed out. btw, i'm not a big fan of msnbc, either. kubuki theater to describe major network news...hmmm seems i've heard that before. oh, that's right, i said it in the bilderberg thread.
  22. does that necessarily make it incorrect? ya think someone might be watching to make sure they get the facts right? "sounds a lot like" is pretty subjective...doubt i'm gonna find a link that validates that opinion to your satisfaction. you win
  23. sounds a lot like the argument cheney made to justify torturing prisoners.
  24. feel free to peruse "fact check fox" ...you'll find several examples given every day.
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