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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. the results of propaganda are pretty striking, huh? especially when you have acolytes spreading it on message boards. i assume you're referring to the coexist comment and your lack of understanding? how bout this: brits have a robust and thriving 1% elite. socialized medicine didn't spell their doom and laws outlawing child labor and regulating pollution have long been in effect in the ik.
  2. you win. just a silly meaningless gesture orchestrated by a single outlier on a world stage. yep, that's it.
  3. think i saw mitt in the audience...and he's pledging to repeal it. isn't he?
  4. wha...? they do good...plenty of good. just not enough. if ya'll didn't see that homage as a poke in the eye to the us healthcare system then you're as blind as the others who got poked. and i'm guessing that b-man surmises that danny boyle had unbridled authority to act as global spokesman for his country? no i'm refuting the contention that brits, in general, see the national health service as lesser than the us system.
  5. kind of amazing that both can coexist so harmoniously, isn't it?
  6. if you can't tell the difference between those programs and universal health care then i understand why it's so damn difficult for you to see reason.
  7. maybe cuz they leave so many folks out in the cold? just a guess...
  8. Yo Poojer! you weren't in the beergarden overlooking the holler stage while Darrell Scott was playing today, were you? didn't think so, the guy I spoke with in the Bills shirt there seemed more interested in the starr hill pale ale than the music...but maybe that was you? didn't think so. anyway, a very good festival but very hot and not much shade to be found. consequently, i missed many of the bands i meant to see. Steep Canyon rangers (without Steve Martin) were great. Bruce Hornsby invited Ricky Skaggs, his fiddler and guitarist on stage with him for 3 songs - awesome. possibly the best mandolin player alive on stage and they didn't plain "mandolin rain" - nevertheless, great. did a nice version of "the night they drove ole dixie down" without ricky...everybody in the crowd singing. then ricky and the kentucky thunder put on a great show of there own, right after. Yarn did a nice set and were scheduled to do a show for the hard core stragglers late tonite. it's really a festival for campers. otherwise, you take buses to the venue which sits on a high ridge just off the blue ridge parkway. very cool but kind of a hassle if you're not into camping. but it was sold out today, so what do i know.
  9. London's opening ceremonies for the olympics featured an homage to the National Health Service...you know, the socialized medicine system that ya'll so regularly claim that the brits hate? Seems they're rather proud of it. why all the silence? i've seen almost no mention in the u.s. press save the christian science monitor. did everyone miss that prominent part with mary poppins cleaning up all those nasty bugs?
  10. i would have thought a campaign goal of this visit was to highlight his skills at diplomacy.
  11. the brits are allowed to criticize their own olympics. outsiders and interlopers...not so much and not welcome. cameron with a great reply: 'it easy to run an olympics in the middle of nowhere".
  12. nothing too exciting..."follow me to the farmers market", with some cool artwork. (at least i think it's cool). 1 week old car, backing out of a hotel parking space in Rochester. backed into a van with one of those huge low slung luggage carriers on the back. when i take it to the dealer for an oil change ill probably order the $60 trim strip that will almost totally repair it. should have sprung for the backup cameras i guess.
  13. by a bumper sticker..that's what i just did.
  14. ad hominem was attacking the argument based on the proponents being "communist". maybe you should brush up on your logic before some "communist" law school prof reams you a new one. this is my last post on the subject as i've discovered it futile to try to convince heartless people including doctors who feel it altruistic to do things that don't help ]him for patients on occasion, to be compassionate. this wouldn't be needed if basic care was readily available to all americans. it's a fact that it's not and it's pretty easy to find evidence to prove it but you all choose to avert your eyes. thankfully, there are those that look hard. now comes the classless, juvenile sarcasm and insults of the unfortunate people in the pictures...
  15. good point. and why we should all be very saddened by citzen's united. had a little clip of one of the aforementioned benefactors feigning ignorance of that group on last nights newsroom.
  16. this weekend. will update next week. what were the highlights of your festival? who blew your socks off?
  17. once again, the "let them eat cake argument". is that what you wrote about in the "why i want to be a doctor" essays for med school applications? can't you see that the reason our outcomes are bad is that a significant percentage of the populataion gets substandard care?? or doesn't that matter to you? nevermind, i know the answer.
  18. yet your willing to state unconditionally that they explain a significant part of the cost difference?
  19. but in the current model, it's ok to deny even basic care to those who can't afford it? that's the choice. basic care for everyone and elective care to those who can afford it. or elective and basic care to 4/5 of the population with the rest getting the scraps from charity care. and even that model isn't sustainable. it's costing exhorbitant amounts with poor outcomes. very few could afford that level of care on their own. how does it work out that we can afford it colectively? we can't. yes, a system that provides for the most people at the lowest cost requires allocation of scarce resources to be done in a rational way. and, um, they do cataract surgeries and chemo and transplants and joint replacements in all of the countries compared in the study. they wait longer for them (excepting chemo) because there is less capacity for elective needs and more for basic.
  20. and again, show me some data to refute it. show me where the illegal aliens, and whatever other groups you want to scapegoat, cost north of $4k per person per year extra in the us. explain the poor outcomes despite the huge expense in the us. i'll be waiting a very long time most likely since no one, even the private insurance cos, want to fund a study that will almost surely further illuminate their problems. they, like every other reasonable person that looks at this issue, knows that for profit medicine is expensive and inefficient. even the conservative politicians don't make the lame arguments you guys are making. and taskers idea to go back to the system of the early 60"s. brilliant! it worked so well for the elderly back then. the risk pool he's talking about is medicare ie the govt covering all the expensive cases. now that's progress. what this boils down to in my mind is that one side believes that providing basic healthcare to all citizens is the only reasonable, moral and ethical course and oner side says "screw em", it's their own fault. don't think these 2 opinions can ever be reconciled.
  21. thanks again for your advice. it's a brand new small secondary fridge set up with cold drinks right near my neon Bills sign and my projector tv....all ready for the season. it does have a small freezer and that's where we lost some stuff. the secondary breaker box for the basement has a breaker marked fridge but obviously it doesn't correspond to this oputlet. it's in the obvious space at the bar however. i'll take a closer look for an alternative.
  22. you guys are incredible! i'm disregarding and hand waving? Really, who are the partisan shills here. you're flying your true colors and you call me out on a fallacy like appeal to authority (which can be considered valid reasoning if the authority is universally well regarded) and let stand a post with an obvious ad hominem attack and deeply flawed premises? so stop ypor hand waving and come up with some refuting data. i've cited the only study in this thread that is comprehensive and well accepted. you and doc choose to disregard it and criticise but with no data to back up your cricisms. have it at. i'm waitin g with baited breath.
  23. take you? you wanna point out the easiest logical fallacies to identify here or should i?
  24. i'm certain you are correct. but just for arguments sake, lets request some numbers from suave, upstanding single malt drinkers with receding hairlines and weaves refuting those from the "graybeards".
  25. show me the data. and why are our outcomes worse despite the cost?
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