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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. makes me ponder evolution in regards to sex appeal. that said, i know what i like. but preferences change. in very lean times, more robust women have historically been sought after (pun intended). they possibly signal a better chance at progeny survival. you could argue that these are lean times. she's a beautiful woman no matter the times.
  2. hmmmm...wonder why you object so strongly. and, while not attributing it to marx, why would that attribution make it untrue?
  3. ra, ra, ra ! we're number 37. just behind costa rica and dominica! yeah!!!
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3lKbMBab18. my apologies if this has already been posted. really, almost anything from "the graduate". the pool scene is right up there too.
  5. some info if any of you are looking to save 20 grand or so on your heart valve replacement.
  6. yes,that is the case. and even people with "good" private insurance opt out of expensive treatment and tests because their out of pocket costs are out of their reach. there's even a travel-medicine micro industry cropping up as many americans can pay cash in places like india or mexico and get elective surgeries cheaper than their out of pocket costs here. it's common to farm out after hours xray reading to indian docs at a fraction of the cost while very wealthy american radiologists sleep. folks go into bankruptcy for their chance at survival (actually ,many people do). so it's economic rationing but if you're well off, you do great. sorry to break up the circle jerk guys.
  7. great choice. "alison" is one of my most listened to songs as well, with "watching the detectives" a close second. that album was brilliant.
  8. really? bottecelli would have painted this woman as soon as she would agree to pose. what size was marilyn monroe? this woman is strikingly beautiful.
  9. did it recently with a glass door in a hotel. good sized gash on my forehead. realized it after seeing the blood on the carpet. interior glass doors are stupid.
  10. I know you've seen it. it's on almost every break on the olympic broadcast. so who here has ever done any of the stupid things shown on this insurance ad? i'll attest to the bathtub thing. oh, and the bike thing..well almost. it was the hatchback open on a station wagon and it was backing out, not pulling in to the garage but there's no need to be picky where stupid is concerned. so anything else look familiar? any other stories without examples in the ad?
  11. you really are very bright. no wonder you've repeatedly landed positions with good benefits. remember, though, that many are not equally gifted. finally, you're right to point out the little control of even the privately insured.
  12. there's a transponder, i think, that does what you want. never used it as it controlled only 1 tv in the same room in my application. one of the engineers for brite view monitors the threads at avs forum dealing with their products. you can ask him there or at the forums on the co web site. one other minor problem i had was extreme cold in the attic - it doesn't work well in it. and this was confirmed by brite view. the problem i had with recognition was that sometimes the picture would scale at the wrong resolution (usually 480p) instead of 1080p but i could fix it by toggling back and forth between cable box and bluray input options on the unit. never figured out if that was a problem with my receiver of the wireless hdmi box. i still have this happen rarely with a hard wired set up. anyway, overall it works well and i wouldn't let those issues stop you. their customer service is great too.
  13. All time: beatles, Peter Gabriel, Neil young Recent: Norah Jones, Adele, Allison Krause, Red Molly
  14. if this is what you want, then vote for obama. his policies are shepherding this transformation. the coal people i know are confident that romney will relax environmental regulations on coal. personally, i'd rather obama put the medical insurance industry out of business before big coal.
  15. i had these units set up and they worked great. had the base unit in the living room and the receiver out of way in the attic running an hdmi cable through a ceiling mount to a projector. the signal occasionally confused the projector but image was as good as hard wired hdmi once it recognized it. power failures were a problem as well as sometimes i'd have to go to the attic to reset. no big deal. brite view didn't have units that could talk to more than 1 box when i got mine. that would be nice if you have more than 2 tvs. they might have it by now. they have a very good website with faq's. i'll note that the price hasn't dropped any in a couple years. there's a couple other manufacterers but this got the best overall reviews at avs forum (always a good place to look for info on consumer electronics).
  16. i can tell you that here in coal country, romney has overwhelming support. while king coal has always been cyclical, people here are worried that this time it might not come back. patriot coal filed for bankruptcy a couple of weeks ago. james river is on the rocks. but there's still a big market in china and the developing world. it's damn near impossible to ship natural gas (ng). so from an environmental standpoint coal is here for a while. most people thing ng prices have to go up and make coal competitive again. and fracking has its problems. waste water removal and earthquakes. when this gets fully parsed there will be troubles for ng production.
  17. you might want to include this in your analysis. or perhaps even the original lancet article and associated editorial comments. and maybe this could explain some of the differential. interesting that the uspstf is recommending less screening, not more.
  18. outcomes data to support? or are we just to take your self serving word for it?
  19. Asked and answered by chicot. Don't know his basis for judgement but I have a large family contingent in the uk and can attest to their general conscensus that the us system is nearly barbaric and uncivilized
  20. Actually did pretty well in economics. We studied a lit of the ideas of a fella named Keynes.
  21. I suppose it's too much to expect a reasonable debate from any of the Greek chorus here but especially from you
  22. You've made several far reaching conclusions there on free market and socialized medicine.might you have any gray poupon, um I mean data. Anything comparable in gravity to what I've provided to support my assertions would suffice
  23. Yep. Everyone in the us has their choice of doctors and the finest medical care. And if they don't, it's their own fault cuz if you can do it anyone can. And if I cited a reference showing otherwise you'd answer that rare exceptions can always be found. So run along to the big rock candy mountain and grab a few bills off the money tree.
  24. Bully for you. Cuz, ya know, it'sall about what benefits you the most...
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