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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. in politics, perception closely approximates reality. in this case, the reality is that ryan supported no exceptions. the platform apparently will say the same thing. are you really to dim to see where they can be picked apart on this? geez, i hope they are just as dim...
  2. now we get to see how the 2 stuffed shirts can tap dance. this is prime debate material.
  3. so you come here to lose bravo, fine effort.
  4. another time tested right wing tactic. if ya can't beat em take shots at em from every angle. how's it working?
  5. i didn't say that. i believe hannity was targeting evangelicals or other anti abortion repubs when he pointedly reminded them he was a christian while dissing akin, you idiot. didn't say that either.with such a large percentage of evangelicals making up the party and many of them being against abortion in any instance, including rape, it's reasonable to conclude that a significcant number of them agree with akin, at least in part. he did win the primary, didn't he?
  6. keep guessing.74% of 26% of the entire electorate, for MCCAIN - hardly a evangelical hero. wonder how many didn't vote at all in that election.i would propose 5% of the republicans to be substantial. what's the percent of hispanics? does the rnc consider them substantial? hell, less than 1% was substantial in bush v gore. but it's not important: if i showed data showing 10%, you'd deny it's legitimacy or just call black, white.
  7. no. you might want to rethink it. my interpretation of hannity's defensiveness in criticizing akin is this: "Hey evangelicals, i'm one of you. i agree with you on abortion and some of you probably even agree with this guy's stance. but he just committed political suicide and will hurt our cause overall". and, yes, there is a sizable part of the evangelical electorate that believes that abortions in the instance of a pregnancy caused by rape should be illegal. look it up...
  8. cnn exit poll numbers from 2008 prez election showed 26% voters self identified as evangelicals/fundamentalists. 74% of these voted for mccain/palin. by my math, nearly 1/5 mccain voters were self described evangelical. if you don't find this a substantial contingency of the repub party then we have nothing further to discuss on this subject. can't link 2ndary to browser problems but should be simple enough for ya'll to confirm.
  9. they say that cursing is a sign of a weak mind and vocabulary...try real clear politics or politico. i'm sure you can find the percentage of self declared republican evangelicals state by state.in the meantime, your cursing is amusing.
  10. look at the demographics for the primary results for places like s carolina, tennessee, kansas, mississipi, texas and yes, even virginia. you can bet republican strategists are well versed in them and know their significance. you should be too. plenty of data to mine there and they did. santorum and his campaign was certainly aware. as i said, perry never gets off the blocks without em.
  11. wow. really,just wow! you guys really are dualist, concrete thinkers arent you. the 80,000 is the tip of the iceberg. you can triple that for the parents of the students and family members not enrolled. and the add in all the other evangelical schools including lower level schools and family members whoi send kids there. and then those without kids or who can't afford private schools... and add in listeners to the many similar radio and tv shows like the 700 club...didn't we just see the power of evangelical conservative christians in the repub primaries? whole states were decided by them. was that not proof enough of their influence? would rick perry even by a recognizable name in politics without their inluence? you guys are in serious denial.
  12. your hand waving away my argument doesn't advance yours. 80000 liberty (uh, Jerry Falwell) students implies some relevance to me. How many would it take to make them relevant to you?
  13. How many viewers does the 700 club have?Readers for Thomas' syndicated column. Wasn't Hannity quick to point his "strong" (read conservative) christian beliefs out in his criticism of Akin? Liberty University has actually become a pretty influential "think tank" in my corner of the world (largest university in Virginia, 7th largest 4 year uni in the nation). I believe they have a pretty strong internet presence and curriculum. and to deny Ralph Reed holds influence in the Republican party is to willfully disregard the facts.
  14. I think you're right. The casting was spot on in my opinion: Donald Sutherland as the evil leader, Stanley Tucci as the repulsive sensational reporter, and Jennifer Lawrence as the heroine. I don't think they could have done better in those 3 roles. Let me know what you think after you see it. It's also rare to have total silence in a modern movie scene. Here, it's very effective.
  15. data points? how bout cal thomas and jerry falwell? how bout the biblical mandate to defend israel?do you really think this idea just creeped into akin's mind and out his mouth spontaneously?
  16. the problem is that a substantial part of the right wing contingency believes this kinda stuff or something similar. some are just brazen enough to say it out loud. reinventing science is pretty common on the far right. ever heard of creationism?
  17. It seems different people see different things http://articles.latimes.com/2012/mar/24/entertainment/la-et-hunger-politics-20120324/2 in the movie. Another similar article recently appeared in "the globe and mail". I find that fascinating and the hallmark of a successful piece of art. Kinda like the 2012 version of "wizard of oz".
  18. I don't think there's any comparison to the twilight series, which i couldn't stand. This series is allegorical. It's about totalitarianism, self absorption and callousness. It's about using fear and hope as weapons for control. And it's about exploitation. Whether teen readers get that is up for debate but the author surely intended it and the movie portrays it well.
  19. Watched it yesterday and thought it was very well done and faithful to the book. I didn't see it in the theater since I wasn't sure how they would portray teenagers killing each other and how I would react. I thought it was as tastefully done as possible and the reaction was what the author was hoping for: shock with a message. The scenery is gorgeous as much of it was done in Asheville. Looks like the French Broad River to me (cue the jokes). In the "making of the movie" section, the director talks about how helpful it was to be out in the "wild" away from Hollywood for the filming. I think folks from Asheville would be a little surprised to know that they live in the wild! The coal town scenes were actually set in Shelby NC and looked realistic despite there being no coal mines for miles. Anyway, I think it's worth buying and definitely worth renting. Comments?
  20. Great call. Really enjoyed it. If it has subtitles and doesn't seem worth it, i give up quick. not with this. Feminist theme was convincingly presented. The link is out. Is Marie Feret Mozart's sister? If so, I thought she was striking....my wife disagreed.
  21. Padres game. very nice stadium, very nice people, publlc batting cage . Padres, well....maybe they'll be playing someone good.
  22. That's actually very beautiful, exiled...the closest i've seen is on the trent severn waterway in Ontario...different but also impressive. Looks like a great place to work.
  23. the x300 is the one my neighbor mentioned for about $3000, i think. If it lasts 10 years or more without major problems, it's worth it. that's the $3000 question. but, geez, John Deere kills you on parts. i bought mine used with a boat replacement steering wheel and a new wheel cost almost $100...have i mentioned, i'm cheap? anyway, thanks for the info. Deere's good name is well deserved. I just wonder if they're committed to keeping it.
  24. even though it doesn't say so, that's the one i linked right? gonna see if i can find it in stock.
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