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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. it's really very simple even though you're clearly trying to make it complicated. most peolple who support universal healthcare support "basic" healthcare for everyone. no one is seriously proposing restrictions on private pay for any medical expense. if you want to get caught up in semantics then feel free to engage in your usual mental masturbation.
  2. in practice, they sometimes are the same thing, especially for very expensive treatments or even moderately expensive ones for poor people. i don't know any serious progressives calling for unlimited healthcare (insurance) for all people. nevertheless, even in such cases, it's very different to make a procedure illegal than for it to be unobtainable due to cost or income.
  3. there's a fundamental difference between the 2 sides. conservatives like akin want it to be ILLEGAL for women to make a choice in certain instances.The advisory committe would deal only with FUNDING of certain choices. in your hypothetical, the women has every right to obtain the care she desires. there's no law that will stop her.
  4. according to me and millions of like minded voters.
  5. so you're not arguing the point on fundamentalists? what has changed? asked and answered. see the newsroom thread. there's no inconsistency there. he's on the right side of issues the vast majority of times. the koch's- almost invariably the wrong side
  6. uh, huh. and it's nice to see you conceding the enormous influence that fundamentalists have over the current republican party. funny how no one challenged you on it. i spent multiple posts trying to establish that fact and you just state it and it flies. wonder why that is? no matter: this is divisive to republicans and therefore good.
  7. excellent!a lawyer friend sent me a facebook link saying that one thing a woman's body can cetainly do is vote democratic. kinda liked that too.
  8. we know that sometimes it hasn't been done only to brutal predators. is that ok? collateral damage?
  9. well, there is capital punishment. isn't that legalized murder?
  10. yes. and that it's her fault if it doesn't go the way he predicts.
  11. as i've stated many times, things are rarely black and white...and never perfect.
  12. i'll try. a woman who has just been raped has much on her plate. guilt, anger, humiliation, fear of std's..and the worry over pregnancy by some vile, subhuman p.o.s. who has just violently attacked her. the idea of continuing that legacy must be nauseating to the point of inducing vomiting. i'm anti abortion but i think exceptional circumstances might require exceptional measures. at the very least, they require empathy. his comments were beyond insensitive. they were hurtful. what of those in this circumstance whose biology didn't follow his theoretical (and ridiculous) predicted outcome? Put yourself in her place. would you not feel attacked once again?
  13. thanks for explaining the rules, gamekeeper
  14. geez, is that a wrx? what a terrible waste.
  15. while i appreciate b mans efforts, chivalry is the furthest thing from my mind regarding that unfortunate exchange.
  16. me too. bought a used jd from the home seller when i bought a new house....and i really enjoy mowing. and the cold beer after. weed eating not so much. drove the deere x300 today. very impressive and solid. kawasaki engine. 4 year warranty. salesman guaranteed 10 years use (but not in writing). of course, he said i wanted a "real" john deere and that it was an investment and not a throw away item. not buying that but trying to talk myself into it.
  17. yeah, im sure the women clamor after you and your sensitive nature. yeah, i'm sure jack daniels and shop vac comments are standard fare at your dinner parties...
  18. it's less offensive to insult women in general and later someones wife than to return an insult directly at the antagonist? sorry, never been a passive liberal.
  19. shop vac and jack daniels... anyone crass, ne ignorant, enough to even utter that should be prevented from producing progeny.
  20. and you and people like you want to run the country?... you've got way too much class to be playing round here. why don't you run along and play with the perverts looking at some child porn site?
  21. might want to bone up on your anatomy moron
  22. i was thinking you could do us all favor and do a bathroom vasectomy with an exacto knife.... might be easier to just go all the way make yourself a eunuch. got a sharp steak knife?
  23. man,i'm hurt ya mean asserting that they can will the unsuccessful fertilization and implantation of an embryo created by a rapists sperm isn't marginalizing their suffering? oh i get it
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