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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. guess i'd need 4 dvr's too in that situation. never even heard of those shows which is probably a good thing. learning remotes never seem to be universal so i can't blame directv too much. i'll just keep experimenting. i find it interesting that they don't even list apple tv in their code options - suppose they may feel a bit threatened but last i heard apple backed off when they couldn't get big networks to sign on. thanks for the guide settings info. should simplify the guide.
  2. didn't know that...just got it again after many years. are there many good stations that you would miss having that are not not available in hd (for instance amc wasn't available in hd on my previous cable)? i'm pretty impressed but can't find the 1080p stations.also had trouble with the learning remote. set it up and tested it on the set up screen, closed it and when i tried to use it on my receiver by changing volume it said "keys not programmed". am i missing a step? all that said, the 3d is way better than i expected - now they just need more programming. watched the ohio/penn state game the other night. slow mo side shots were fantastic. and why do you have 4 dvr's? the whole house deal rocks so far for me.
  3. if you find that kind of juggling with the facts admirable or even appropriate, then i'd sure avoid doing business with you just as i'd want to with ryan.
  4. gallup showed 40% of those polled more likely to vote for romney after the convention and 38% of those polled and who listened, less likely. don't know if the other polls did a similar metric but if i was on romney's team i don't think i'd be putting much stock in a bounce. so go ahead ryan, keep telling americans suspicious "facts". i also think it's interesting that 5 major news orgs reported on gallup data while only one little known website reported on the numbers you claim are authoritative.
  5. we can't even agree on the bounce it seems. i just googled "bounce rnc convention". the first five results said "no bounce" or something to that effect and included bloomberg, yahoo, the guardian, us news and world reports and business week. the 6th result was sacredmonkey reporting a 6% bounce. didn't note any other results like that on the 1st page of search results. ah, statistics - whose telling themselves what they want to hear here?
  6. i say "tomato", you say "tomahto" and it doesn't make one bit of difference cuz there was NO bounce from the convention. it appears all this fell on deaf ears. he was preaching to the choir and those folks never, ever considered voting for obama. so other than the fact that we have a dishonest political system and society in general, the whole discussion is moot.
  7. well, yes....but your problem (per rob) is that you don't understand what a lie is! it's become so prevelant in our society that people don't even recognize it when they see it. for example, i had installation scheduled this weekend for direct tv. they gave a 4 hour window. the guy didn't show. when i called to see why, there was a notation on my account that no one was home. what really happened was the installer called my cell phone and i was working outside without it...so he blew me off and lied saying no one was home. i made enough noise that he came out later in the day with no remorse about lying, explaining that if he did come out and i wasn't there, he didn't get paid. OK, but it's still a lie. and it's tolerated and even expected to a certain degree in society today. to me, that's a big problem and people like ryan are making it worse.
  8. my favorite was the simpson-bowles comment in which ryan criticized obama for not taking action but failed to note that he voted against it's recommendations. now that's a whopper! but don't take my word for it. i think this http://www.washingto...t-very-truthful does a nice job of illuminating untruths. btw, i support all the true ryan "criticisms" pointed out in the article as positive actions on obama's part.
  9. just covered my nose and went over to drudge to see what he was linking to on the convention. and guess what? most of the stories that are surfacing here are linked there! and you all tell the liberals here to think for themselves?
  10. i suppose if you find the kind of scenarios i descibed as classy, you're right. i don't know if she is a player in those types of dramas but i've known plenty of folks who are and never found them classy. now pretentious...
  11. um, what about husbands? your comment discounts the prospect of a woman prez, doesn't it? and i thought ann romney was wooden and insincere. i kept thinking of dleta, delta , delta sorority girls with their big hair and big plastic smiles welcoming you into their house while nicely whispering "don't touch anything".. then an image of her playing mahjong on a covered patio gossiping about friends husbands and wives.. geez, she looked right out of the stepford wives or pleasantville, once again, maybe it's just me but i've seen that cariacature before and haven't been impressed. the remarkable thing is that what you saw was clearly what the organizers wanted you to.
  12. i suppose it's just the nature of these things and i'm clearly biased but this is really BAD theater. and make no mistake, this is theater.. where's sorkin when you need him. i'm hoping they enlist the abundant creative types available to the dems to produce their show.
  13. was watching the newshour...wanted to know what was going on in libya and new orleans in addition to tampa. and i really like shields and brooks comments.
  14. watching on pbs (tivoed). those delegates certainly look like a cross section of america. did they get their clothes at a close out sale at the pro shop?
  15. this might have more impact if barkin was lieutenant governor of a state.and doc, i was referring to "take it to" when i mentioned that medicine can't fix everything. but i can see why you were confused.
  16. kinda sounds like the quote from the south carolina tea party pol used on "newsroom' recently: " my mother always told me not to feed strays because they breed".
  17. just about every repub mouthpiece on the talking head shows this week used the word "reintroducing"...almost as if it were scripted. and your evidence for this suggestion?...cuz i can cite many posts as evidence to the contrary.
  18. many of the posters here come off as heartless, souless and devoid of anything remotely approaching empathy. sounds a lot like an accurate description of both romney and ryan to me. but romney will be "reintroducing" himself to america this week. seems, his first introduction wasn't met with as much enthusiasm as expected. wonder why...
  19. both you and dr schweitzer in a post above, base your arguments on premises for which there is no basis in fact (once again)...and dr quinn? thats the best you can do as an example of a doctor with the qualities that i outlined? you're a real renaissance man, now aren't you? but back to the argument....i know of no evidence linking mcat scores and gpa's to outcomes. THAT'S how i would quantify "that". i vaguely recall a paper about 15 years ago looking at the correlation between med school grades and mcat scores and the results were equivocal i believe. anecdotally, the top scoring kid in my med school class had the personality of a trout, hands of stone and was uncoordinated to the point that he tripped over himself frequently.. thankfully, he ended up in research. dr schweiter's argument rests on the premise that medicine can fix everything. sadly, that's far from true.
  20. you forgot compassion. how do you interpret that word? i thought you put great stock in dictionary definitions and language purity (especially english). the words were used literally. look them up.
  21. i stopped giving any credence to what you find, a few days back. but in reply to the general idea that a more balanced application process to med school would result in less qualified doctors, i would reply that humanism and compassion are as or are more important than those qualities measured by gpa's and mcat scores. there are plenty of smart people that possess those qualities.
  22. yep, but that's a bit different then "if they can make a living doing it, then more power to em". you seem to try to suck all the virtue out of medicine and then revel in it. i find that sad. it's not just a job to everyone...thank goodness.
  23. once again, i couldn't disagree more. and that's why selection to med schools needs to be based on more than mcat scores and gpa's and why people looking at it as just one of a few accessible, high paying professions should be low on the acceptance list. taking care of sick patients is what anybody going into medicine should long to do.in this instance, i bet there's more than meets the eye. my hunch is that this patient has been noncompliant with many things including a weight loss program. if a patient is not willing to make a good faith effort towards improving their health and consistently disregards recommendations including meds,smoking etc, then i think a doc has every right to "fire" them. just as a patient has every right to fire a doctor if they don't feel they connect.doctors firing noncompliant patients will become more common, however, i predict. with an influx of new patients via the affordable care act, it will be (even more) counterproductive to beat one's head against the wall to try to convince noncompliant patients to do the right thing. and in the long run, this may be the most efficient use of resources...use them on people who will at least try to improve their own health. maybe after a few dismissal letters some of the truly noncompliant patients will see the light.
  24. had 2 long distance relationships. one worked out beautifully and one crashed and burned. thankfully, the good one happened after the bad. i see it as a stress test for a relationship which is a good thing cuz there will surely be more stressful times to weather as a couple. if the relationship can't withstand a few months of seperation, it wasn't very strong or likely destined to ever be very strong.
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