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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. this game reminded me of bills - kc opener last year except this year, the bills =kc and the jets = bills. we all know how the rest of the year went for both. hope i'm wrong but it sure looked similar. does anybody think the jets are really contenders?
  2. this. it was an awful hit. he's an important player to this team. he will be missed, likely for 1/2 the season. his age, susceptibility to injury and conditioning had nothing to do with the injury.
  3. you're joking, right? how many qb's did we pass up the last 3 drafts? how many trades could have been made to get one?
  4. "apparently" is the wrong word here. "obviously" is much more appropriate...and for almost all their history, it's been this way. i still have hope. if i didn't, it would be stupid to root for this team, and it probably is anyway. the hope is that they can win despite the 50+ year culture and history that wilson has so successfully milked and insulted fans with...but they can. the roster is, at least, respectable this year. they can compete if the coaching is there and the attitude. there's always next week...
  5. jon gruden? and who's out there for gm's that would come cheap?
  6. well, he convinced me. i'm definitely voting democrat now!
  7. geez, that really hurts. i'm sure there are plenty of cons reaping the huge profits from theater districts in nyc and london. not like ya'll to miss an opportunity on principle.
  8. honestly cons, bearing in mind the national audience, which convention has had better theater? and before you get self righteous about that not mattering, let's just acknowledge that it does.
  9. if you listened just a little while ogling you might have noted that she's very articulate.
  10. the few that haven't called romney a nice guy are going off script. it's about "we're better than you. insulting you is insulting to me"..and i think it works in this forum. not so much in tv ads. then the gloves come off.
  11. you must of missed david brook's question about drones. pretty pointed. and speaking of pointing. that dog does hunt. i like folksy so i liked the mont gov schwartzer (sp?)..and eva desperate housewife is the best looking human i've seen at either convention. i'll call your clint eastwood and raise you 2 nice...
  12. she is a close counsel to the most powerful man in the world. i'm certainly glad she's not a high school dropout. and i'm very happy that she completed studies at ivy league schools. but that probably is a strike against her to you.but back to your reasoning: if romney made a bad leveraged bet, then it follows that he shouldn't borrow any more money to make future bets?
  13. Really? it's how a great many people start small businesses and the vast majority buy homes. you've heard of business loans and lines of credit right? ya think romney was ever in a leveraged position? didn't he proudly point out the risks he took in starting bain at the republican convention? why is his risk taking more honorarable than the first lady's father's.
  14. that was a very good line. i'm wondering how many undecideds believe it though. that's likely the question that decides the election.
  15. don't think the first lady's speech was any more impressive than mrs. romney's which is to say, not very impressive. they're both playing scripted parts and not very well. but i'll bet that more than just me related to student loans bigger than their mortgage early in their careers. maybe we didn't build it all by ourselves.
  16. it's on pbs too so i'm guessing it's produced and presented by the democrat party...but it was pretty nauseating.
  17. took a while to warm up but i liked the "start a business. borrow many from you parents if you have to" romney quote and critique.
  18. i don't know what you're on about. i was just explaining my preferences for parties. do you actually like petit fours and "mustang sally"?
  19. maybe the rnc can invite tiger woods next year and he can oder cheeseburgers, chicken sandwiches, french fries and milkshakes for the country club folk like he did at his first masters champions dinner.
  20. i really wish they were cliche's. but yeah, i did see mean spirited and disrespectful prominently displayed last week.
  21. watching the delegates at these conventions sequentially, i keep thinking about a stuffy country club party with petit fours, merlot and a sad 50's band and then a street party with gyros, brats, soul food, draft beer and salsa dancing but maybe that's just me...
  22. it's no wonder but it's positively head scratching to know that romney was.
  23. sorry, it's just not that big a deal to me or apparently most of the electorate. i would use the word disingenuous if you prefer. how bout unsavory? that works for me. but i'm pretty happy right now watching people that look like the america i experience in cities and small towns on the convention floor at the dem convention watching tape of romney debating ted kennedy about choice and health care. now i'm lol!
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