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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. i live in rural virginia. we have cows for neighbors. i'm guessing their ratio is about5:1 cows to bulls.
  2. So i'm at the music festival tonight and an all female group says they toured alaska cuz they heard the man to woman ratio was 10:1. after a couple songs they asked the audience at the first gig if that was true. a woman piped up and said "the odds are good but the goods are odd" at the end of their set someone put a stuffed fox on the stage, apparently in homage! that's ok. they sing really well and at least 2 are pretty hot. they're welcome in these parts anytime. so maybe it's not political but all the pundits hang out here. right? 10:1? waddya'll do for fun up there?
  3. i don't pretend to understand the ramifications of this especially re commodities. but one i've observed is that several coal stocks jumped 10% today ( i thought i had caught a falling knife but now it's not looking too bad at all). they were going up anyway with china's statement about infrastructure spending but why did this turbocharge the bounce? how does inflation cause commodity profits to increase? as ex treasury guy, reagan said , the stock market's become a big casino with the fed as a major player. that's not good if you want to hold mutual funds and rebalance (like much of american 401k's), right?
  4. over time, i've mellowed on it some but right after it happened i was in a pretty foul mood and was convinced we'd been robbed. we went to a mall in nashville the next day and i bitched at everyone within a 1/4 mile including the poor store clerks. lucky no one decked me and my wife didn't drive home without me.
  5. i like the flutie option but maybe not by 3 td's. he was hot as a pistol at the end of that season. rob johnson was worse than fitz, losman or edwards. maybe we should start a thread to compare them.
  6. yozuri, obviously. but they don't make spoons and i've always liked trolling big spoons.
  7. yep, that's gotta be it. can't believe i didn't consider that. maybe we can find a charm in a box of cereal and reverse it. perhaps a bit trite but still not out of the realm of possibility...how bout the possiblity of a rudderless ship or leadership vacuum instead?
  8. i think the piece is pretty accurate. i'm just not sure about the last statement. i think they care but i'm not sure which of the following options apply if that's truly the case: 1. they're incompetent 2. profits receive higher priority than winning 3. wilson is still meddling in football decisions and hasn't a clue about the nfl in 2012 or even what he wants for breakfast. 4. it's impossible to get a good gm and coach with the organization's reputation 5. all of the above feel free to add or subtract from the above list. surely, i've missed some possibilities. all that said, it's one game and there's still some hope.
  9. wait, you all are comparing relative badness? what year was the worst? i'd vote for the 1 win season when they beat only the namath led jets in a shocker.
  10. he's been right on the vast majority of issues and analysis n the last few years. i know, it's easy if you're negative and it's the bills to be right. but it should make a difference. it should shame the bills into producing a better product. unfortunately, they are shameless.
  11. not usually. makes me wonder about a partial acl tear in addition to the lcl. wouldn't surprise me based on the hit. i believe chan said something about not being back in 3 weeks but probably back before 7 weeks. this would imply no surgery and no acl.
  12. i had a potential neighbor who actually cut down a tree on a lot i owned to improve his view. went out one day to check the lot and it was down and a big pile of firewood was next to his house. sold the lot and never built there. it was a close call. would have been a nightmare living next to that guy.
  13. funny thing happened on the way out of the game. saw a little kid in a cowart jersey. yelled to him asking if that was his favorite player. the kid looked scared like i was going to harass him but his mom made him be polite and answer "yes, sir". turns out he was sam's nephew. i'm sure he's a grown man now.
  14. i was there. nashville was a village and we rode a horse and buggy to the stadium.
  15. or maybe they don't want to work for wilson and his organization because wilson doesn't "know" them which might mean "control" them to perspective gm's and coaches. might that explain the trend and the unsigned at any price?
  16. hope you're right but i think the odds are his knee is the size of a large cantaloupe right now and there's more than a few torn fibers in that ligament. the mri will tell but will the bills tell us?
  17. and i'll bet that it's the same folks who think a playoff berth every decade isn't too much to ask for. we'd all shut up if the bills make the playoffs. ya think there may be legitimate grievances regarding player and coaching personnel decisions?
  18. look, it didn't have to be assault. we see offensive lineman's heads snap back almost every play from a defensive lineman's push. he just needed to do it a little harder.
  19. it's a tough game. he's a very big man. the guy likely doesn't do it again.
  20. wow, just wow. so why didn't he take matters into his own hands after the 3rd time he got punched in the face?
  21. i'm more concerned with what it would have cost to get a franchise qb instead. could we have dealt for a shot at rgIII or cam newton? what would that have cost? top draft choices for 2 years? 3 years? with the bills record of picks recently i think that would have been a good bet. watching cam newton right now convinces me what a top player at that position means. the rest of the panthers are no better and probably worse than the bills but they look like they always have a chance.
  22. you may be right about the jets. too early to know. have they been better than us for the last decade? well, yeah. but that's hardly confirmation of a contender. i don't see them going further that the first round of the playoffs at best. and yes, i'd be euphoric if i truly thought the bills could do that this year.
  23. maybe because you have pride in yourself and feel obligated to earn your paycheck?
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