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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. sure. that's what all his wealthy donors envision. and why wall street just started giving more to his campaign than romney's.
  2. seems that wall street is damn good at picking winners in presidential races. lately they've been changing allegiance http://articles.mark...president-obama. kinda like the odds off 66:33 on intrade. i didn't know you could buy shares in such things. gonna have to put down a few bucks.. how bout you all?
  3. you don't have to be a socialist to want to change the fact that 25% of us elementary school children are below the poverty line...worst among indusrialized nations. were not talking about a dr zhivago scene, were talking about one less gold toilet seat on the koch's yachts.
  4. because it's not news. obama has consistently said that the wealthiest americans need to pay more in taxes. he passed the aca. he frequently talks about the need to help people up and out of poverty. these are all ideas that redistibute wealth. it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see this.
  5. and you have the gall to call some of the liberal posters here idiots?
  6. seemed to have avoided discussion on that whole ubs tax cheating for the very rich thing. you brought it up.... or at least a player in your industry did. and maybe this guy http://current.com/community/93873333_ubs-tax-scandal-romney-s-tax-dodging-exposed.htm was too.
  7. or dancing an amusing little jig on a rickety fence http://www.huffingto...=elections-2012
  8. if that's the case, then the stupid side of the romney campaign won the battle for control in the inside war recently disclosed by politico.
  9. this http://money.cnn.com...?source=cnn_bin came to mind when i was writing those words.
  10. no, i don't know much about the intricacies of tax avoidance for the very wealthy. you're absolutely correct. i know that they manage, supposedly legally, within the current system to avoid paying anywhere near what many people making fractions of their incomes make. and i know that there are remedies to that problem that could be implemented. it is not unsolvable.. but of course, one has to first see it as a problem...
  11. certainly would leave 401k's, ira's with the limits currently in place for yealy contributions alone. these aren't getting billionaires to a 12% tax rate. clearly there are vehicles, including tax deferred vehicles that do. Are you really saying that there is no way to close those loopholes? there's no way to ensure 30% or more income tax on the wealthy, however you want to define them? of course there is...as meazza implied, those that are on the cusps of wealthy status or just above mostly pay that now. why can't a tax plan be devised that forces that same burden on people with romney money? the answer is that it can but you won't see it even inch in that direction if romney wins (which looking at ohio, fla and va polls right now isn't looking to be a great bet, btw).
  12. so you abolish most tax deferred accounts especially those that primarily benefit the very wealthy.
  13. so they raise cap gains and dividends and people stop investing entirely? they put there money in the safes in their mansions and let inflation eat away at it? don't think so. does history bear this out with previous increases in taxes on these? and if they do, does the bottom 50%'s lot worsen? trickle down has been conclusively disproven. it doesn't work. and as we all agree, the country is broke. we need them to pay at least what somebody making 200k is as a percentage of income and i would argue, more.the casino that is the stock market is working mostly only for these very few anyhow. the world economy is in shambles and even some hard core cons here are calling for global economic collapse in the next 10 years. would higher cap gains and dividend taxes lead to a worse outcome than that?
  14. how is it that romney paid, what was it 12% or something on the tax return he made public? we can start with capital gains taxes. then move to loopholes for offshore accounts and investments, or just move to a blanket statement on moving income to less taxable investments as meazza said. get rid of these possibilities and they'll pay much more. hell, i'm all for a flat tax if the threshold allows for people in the bottom 50% to make ends meet. but it's not required. how bout a minimum percentage of all income on anyone making over 250k. those in the 250 - 500k range would probably not see much increase. people like romney would see a marked increase, as they should. but no, he's written off the bottom 47% before the election and is pandering to folks just like him. ya think that'll change if he wins?
  15. no argument here. tax laws favor the truly wealthy, like romney. who's more likely to change that as president?
  16. so if somebody making 200k lives a "normal" but far from opulent american life and the median household income is 1/4 of that, isn't it reasonable that those around the median or below it pay no or little income tax (ie the 47%)? not even obama is talking about increasing taxes on any of these households. and doesn't it follow that it makes more sense to receive more tax revenue from the truly wealthy as obama is arguing for?
  17. i don't see how anyone can see this as anything but negative for romney. there are certainly republican voters in this group who find themselves falling on hard times. and there are republican friends and relatives of people in the same situation. romney has effectively said as bush did, that these are not his people. he's not expecting anything from them and they shouldn't expect anything from him. i'm willing to bet there are some conservative christians in that group of "freeloaders". this won't lose them all but it will likely lose some of their votes. no way you can call this anything other than dumb. these are the same numbers obama defines as middle class.
  18. the recipe i mentioned and eventually found, calls for ice, then vodka, then the spices and lastly v8 or tomato juice added to a large glass and stirred, not blended. the bloody mary soup recipe is a whole nother, pain in the a$$, animal. and dilly beans, which are pickled green beans were a big hit at our brunch as an addition. pickled okra works as well.
  19. i don't know guys. i listened to an npr piece on the way into work today and the folks they interviewed seemed positively militant. there was even a guy from the wisconsin unions there talking about a line in the sand and this being an attempt to change unions forever or to privatize education. last i knew, private education was legal and often produced superior results with lower paid personnel( i know the student pool in each group has alot to do with this but still). obviously we need public schools but we need good results at competitive costs. and all the while they're holding little kids educations hostage. even worse, some of the teachers interviewed were inarticulate and just plain dumb sounding. it's hard for me to work up much sympathy or even to not become annoyed.
  20. cool...i knew it was wrong but was too lazy to look it up. you guys knew what i meant though. the silver palate is a great cookbook for more than bloody mary's. i haven't made anything from it but have eaten plenty of tasty stuff from it.
  21. well, the cookbook's at home... i think it contains tomatoe juice, worsteshire and horseradish (duh). it's linked to google as we couldn't find the book yesterday and i was able to find it. page 200 something on the link.
  22. there is a recipe in "the Silver Palate" cookbook that's hard to beat but it's a pain in the a$$. we threw a brunch this weekend with mimosa's and bloody mary's and were gonna make them but ran out of time (you actually cook, then cool the recipe). people seemed just fine with a mixture of mrs. t's spicy and regular mix garnished with celery and a dilly bean. no one publicly complained anyway.
  23. i'm pretty shocked at their fall from grace, actually. i thought they were a team on the rise a couple years ago and pioli was the next genius gm. not looking so good right now.
  24. fitz is a below average nfl qb and likely always will be. the receiving corps is pretty weak and undisciplined. we shouldn't need the wildcat and it's not gonna win us many games. most importantly, that was abad kc team today. on the bright side the o line looks much better than last year. if they can stay healthy they might be really good. the secondary took a quantum leap up from week one. the d line looked like i thought they would before the season started.
  25. yep...and so do i (well, i don't really cling to guns but find them a useful tool). what's that got to do with anything?
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