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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. and how many times, when a random person catches them in a misleading question and tells them to shove it right up their a$$, do they play that back? think that never happens? i'll bet it happens pretty frequently but we'll likely never know.
  2. What an ass. There's 2 minutes I'll never get back. It really takes no talent or class to belittle people. Wish he'd call me. I'd tell him a thing or 2. Wonder how many did?
  3. i agree with your point but i don't think singapore http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Singapore is a good example. pretty much a model economy for the coming decade and a pretty nice place (if you ignore the death penalty for even minor drug infractions and the necessity to conform to succeed).
  4. maybe (and if so, that's a real indictment of our system) , but this is the superbowl of elections and romney's drop pulls all other repubs down with him. a calculated risk but i'll bet it comes out before nov. if there's any truth to it.
  5. still doesn't answer whether he got amnesty for the ubs scandal. may be all smoke and no fire but i've got a sinking suspicion that's what the other side is looking to out...this doesn't address it.
  6. distilling your post down to it's essence, i'll answer succinctly: No. this was a catastrophic mistake and you not seeing that is nothing if not predictable. look at the senate races...good lord, even scott brown has lost ground. wake up and smell the coffee. mmmm, smells like jamaican blue mountain to me.
  7. no. the real "killers" are the senate races that are rapidly turning in the dems favor. allen/kaine va race was a dead heat til mitt's 47% solution. but this was planned in order to post the 1998 obama redistribution video, right? maybe allen can say "mukaka" one more time to complete the dumbass sweepstakes.
  8. romneys chances down to 28% today on intrade. if you republicans wait a few more days you can bet a real longshot with a chance (albeit small) at a big roi.
  9. yes, it's sad when even the bookies put principle ahead of profits. still mulling this one over http://www.intrade.c...ntractId=756112 c'mon. you financial guys are good at reading charts. the timing and trends must be telling you something? if you were looking at a mobil stock graph what would you conclude?
  10. so how many of you went to intrade today and put a few bucks on romney at 3:1 odds. i'm guessing not many as his odds dropped to a bit over 30% today. http://www.intrade.com/v4/markets/contract/?contractId=743474
  11. Touché I still can't see the an without getting nauseous. Probably similar to your response to our president.
  12. This is what I don't comprehend: why a group of nonbelievers find this an interesting topic. I'd think the old saw about if it doesn't effect me, ignore it, would apply here. I personally find it very plausible and very interesting. Maybe we can start to put aside some of the inherent misogyny and guilt about sex in some Christian traditions if this is proven.
  13. seems like a reasonable summation of the attitudes exhibited here on a frequent basis. darwinian would just about cover it as well.
  14. tim, tim kaine are you reading? he stated yesterday that he would support a minimum tax on everyone at a debate against george allen. i'm sure he meant everyone over some income threshold. damn good idea, that... and someone told me that yesterday was "talk like a pirate day". ya think whatever you've shown a clip of (i can't see it at work) was in reference. just so you know, today is national taco day. they served "gourmet tacos" in the doctors lounge.
  15. i'm not talking about the merits or faults of the bill itself. talking about political bravery, conscience and principle. and your post directly refutes doc's assertions. it might be salient to your point that biden has a net worth at a fairly advanced age of about 300k from what i've read. you're comparing apples to oranges.
  16. really? you think pushing the aca enhanced his chances of winning this time around? i very much doubt romney would champion a cause this controversial even if he strongly believed it was the right thing to do.
  17. that's my bet. anybody see their top spy on 60 minutes sunday? scary guy but smart. said netanyahu is barking up the wrong tree on attacking iran now and this week many of his colleagues joined the chorus.
  18. we obviously have different definitions for that word. being genuine and pricipled are 2 criteria in mine.
  19. anonymously? yet beck knows about it and is telling the world? this is exactly my take on myth (thanks bf4e). everything he does is calculated and rehearsed...with a few important, notable exceptions like 47%.
  20. if i grew up to be anything like romney, i'd hate my parents. as it is, they were intelligent republicans. i don't think they'd recognize today's party.
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