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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. no, i've decided. a lot of republicans are immoral or, at least, amoral, or alternatively, without conscience.
  2. I can't wait for Sunday! what ever they have hidden, they need to rip it out. go Bills!!!
  3. i rarely listen to or watch them. used to listen to beck but the local talk radio station dropped him presumably because he was too expensive. the thing i can't figure out is if they really believe there own nonsense. it's funny enough if they don't but hilarious if they do. and then when something obviously over the line is said (which happens quite often) guys in the chorus here say "they're just entertainers" while quoting them like scripture the rest of the time.
  4. that's too easy. everyone knows there are few people with bacon numbers more than 3. http://en.wikipedia...._of_Kevin_Bacon
  5. take a closer look at the graph and adjust your red tinted glasses. obama was in the mid 50's 2 weeks ago. what happened between now and then to get him to 77?
  6. but wait...why the meteoric rise in the last 10 days or so? have the economic numbers improved appreciably? has obama done something that all agree is fantastic? or is it really not about obama but romney?
  7. as i said, we'll see. but if you're really convinced i know where you can get better than 3:1 odds http://www.intrade.c...ntractId=743474
  8. http://www.metacafe....a_party_part_2/ i really think they should make an ad juxtaposing this animal house scene and some film from a romney repub fundraiser....even the mental image makes me laugh.
  9. obama has gone far left to moderate left on some issues. i think that's due to the political realities he encountered. romney has gone from left leaning moderate positions to far right on several issues. i think that's due to his realization that that's his only chance at winning...and i think he miscalculated those far right votes. but as i said, we'll see. put another way: are there many people that don't believe that obama is or ever was a liberal? Are there many people that don't believe that romney is or ever has been a far right conservative or for that matter, a moderate? and the caricature morons that you all and drudge point to and ridicule as obama's base won't decide this election. it will be thoughtful people in the middle. i think they'll see through the farce.
  10. i see a major difference in scale here on almost every issue presented. for instance, on the issue near and dear to our hearts, health care, obama backs away from single payor. pretty easy self made explanation for most people: that wasn't gonna happen. no chance of passing. but romney goes from mandatory, universal mass. medicine much like obama's plan to ryan's plan of privatizing medicare. there's no common ground there to make an argument. i would add that i think obama is a better public speaker than romney, teleprompter or not. we'll see.
  11. And if I were obama i'd be referencing ambiguities like these http://www.businessi...mccain-2012-1?o, especially heath care, every time a question even tangetially touched on a relevant topic. he really hasn't gone there yet. but rest assured he will. and don't the pictures of romney in that article just beg to be captioned "eric stratton, rush chairman. Damn glad to meet you"?
  12. while i disagree with your analysis on both counts, you need to differentiate between electability and leadership ability. they are not the same.
  13. wrong on all counts. if the republicans nominated someone who people actually liked and trusted, they'd have a much better chance. this election is, to a large extent, about romney, his phoniness, his 180 degree turns on multiple important issues and his gaffes. unless a bombshell drops in the next 6 weeks (eg an economic calamity or obama says something nearly as stupid as mitt's 47% comment) obama wins and quite possibly with 330+ electoral votes.
  14. some interesting data from "decided voters".https://mmicdata.rand.org/alp/?page=election#shifts-between-candidates
  15. grand marnier bar. Not a paper umbrella to be found.http://www.oneeyedmikes.com/index.html But I would pick the glenlivet received a bottle of the 25 year reserve as a grooms gift ages ago. It was spectacular. Aaaaaarg!, a pirate bar and the worlds only! bet the place was hopping last week for "International talk like a pirate day".
  16. ummm, ok. it's in direct reference to the music city miracle that many thought was a botched call.... and starbucks was founded in seattle which is known for its coffee houses. guess it wasn't too good a title then, huh?
  17. i don't think if i've ever had that orange stuff in anything but the occasional mixed frou frou party drink with lots of other ingredients. i suppose it might be good neat. probably will never know.
  18. don't know if its already been said, but "Coffee City Miracle"?
  19. you all do realize that any progressive tax system is funamentally a vehicle that results in "redistribution of wealth", exclusive of tax cheats. that system has been the standard for many years and republicans haven't materially changed its progressive nature except to adjust overall rates. does that mean that they're supportive of redistribution?
  20. yes, because minorities and the poor have done so well in the last decade under the rule of either party the discrepancy between the rich and everyone else is widening faster than ever...and much of it is due to government policies, both dem and repub.
  21. I go to the farmers market almost every week. besides the beef, i recommend freshly killed chicken and farm fresh eggs. bought a chicken slaughtered the same day last weekend...it was amazing. the eggs taste different from store bought - bright yellow yolks. and it's nice to support and buy from your neighbors. another item to look for is fresh lemongrass. if you like hot, i assume you like thai food. might be hard to find in the fall, though.
  22. quite a contrast to the bills kneeling on the 3 yard line at the end of the game when they almost certainly could have padded the score. which team do you think earned more respect around the league yesterday? karma will get schiano or maybe it already has. they lost those 2 games.
  23. by playing only the "funny" clips, he is intentionally belittling people. just don't see the humor or the talent in that. others apparently do. i don't like it when leno does it either but at least he asks straightforward questions without including falsehoods in them. seems like pickin on the weaker man. never found that amusing.
  24. my point is that these clips are in no way representative or indicative of what the thread title suggests. therefore, his manipulative and exploitative interviews should not be used to advance this assertion.
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