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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. something http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmpONxJ7JSw to lighten the mood. i've been to this park and there's a busy road going right through where this video was shot. i can understand why the guy was frantic! i've watched it at least 10 times and it still cracks me up.
  2. you can't lose something you never had. is there a worse head coach in the nfl right now? i'm thinking he's right down there with the guy who quit the falcons in the middle of a season. maybe that will happen again. one can hope.
  3. i'm fairly certain my two rescues right now are border/lab mixes which is a mix i recently found out has a name: "bordador". some idiot left them in a box on my driveway when they were probably 6 weeks old (both females). i hope i never find out, but i think they'd find me if i were in the hospital and wait outside or beg someone to let them in (and likely succeed - they're both smart and friendly). have had gordon setter rescues, schnauzer and dalmation. all great dogs but if you find a bordador, take one or two home... best of both great breeds.
  4. reminds me of hachiko who's had 2 movies and a sculpture made and is revered in Japan for his waiting for his deceased owner at the train station every day. My last 6 dogs have been rescues. i'm convinced that they've all been grateful, appreciative and all have been fiercely loyal. they know they were saved from starving or euthanasia. i won't ever get anything but a rescue dog again.
  5. makes perfect sense to me. unemployment versus working in one of the worst shops in town. he wasn't gonna choose unemployment. strikes me as a pretty sharp guy. and a team player. he said only good things about teammates. but we all know that it's not only him that thinks of the bills as a team of near last resort. what do you imagine the reputation of the organization is among most other players in the league? i'll bet it's much like his. and by all available evidence they're correct.
  6. sell the team to someone committed to keeping it in buffalo, wilson. make a very gracious final act as the bills owner and ensure a decent legacy. we could then see an atlanta like rebuild in short order. yeah, like that's gonna happen....
  7. and not disclosing his future plans for the team to his long suffering fans...is that a football decision?
  8. a and it's then nearly worthless....ya think they can convert it into a nascar track? attract the stones to come back and play there? in a strictly legal sense, you are correct and erie county and ny state legislators made a bad bet on wilson all those years ago.. in taking the measure of a man who regularly shows contempt for his patrons, you are not.
  9. the best example of a movie like this that i can think of is "primer", a sci fi, time travel movie that gets more complicated the more i see it or ponder it. reportedly made for $7000, it's well worth seeing. unfortunately and surprisingly not on netflix. sorry. still felt it was worth mentioning.
  10. interesting that you can see building a stadium and financially supporting a team (that has almost exclusive use of that stadium) as two separate and distinct entities but not see being a fan of a team and supporting its owner that way. "those statements don't really seem in concert with each other".
  11. yes, that's how i imagine this discussion going down at obd: pretty much the boardroom equivalent of tom brady's comment about bills fans this sunday.
  12. yet you completely ignore and fail to address the substantial taxpayer subsidies wilson has enjoyed over his miserable tenure as owner of the regional and state supported buffalo bills. where is the payback? don't those same taxpayers deserve some reasonable expectation of a subsidized product that they can have some measure of pride in? as to your question of where my confusion on your stance originates, i refer you to your comment about who the bigger fool is. it implies that you can't differentiate between following a team and an owner. i'm perplexed by your confusion on that issue.
  13. you seem not to understand that it's possible to root for a team because of its affiliation with an area and simultaneously hate the ownership of such team. it is entirely possible and entirely rational. In fact its quite common, i believe, among bills fans. just because you say it isn't doesnt make it so.i have stopped watching the team...many times, usually about the 1/2 way point of the season for the last decade. i rarely go to games and the last few have been away games mostly cuz i don't want to give the jerk a penny if i can avoid it. i bought direct tv this year but only in light of the fact that sunday ticket was free and i wasn't happy with cable. i have a neon bill over my bar cuz i like the look of it and i'm nostalgic. hopefully it's a knockoff and wilson didn't get any royalty money.btw, i beg to differ on wilson not profiting from unwilling people. wasn't the stadium built and improved with tax dollars? wasn't that done in response to a threat from wilson to move the club if it wasn't done? Were all the area taxpayers in support of ascquiescing? i seem to recall that they weren't.there are many different types of fans. one telling another that he is a better or worse fan is entirely subjective but i would put forth that a fan that is happy with a team that is a perennial loser is not entirely rational.
  14. good. then i don't feel the least bit guilty in intensely disliking him and continuing to blame him for this joke of a franchise.
  15. yes, it does.i'd be over the moon if we made it to the wildcard game 2 out of the last 3 years with martha stewart as our gm and steve martin as our coach.
  16. this is what ralph gets and unfortunately we are pulled along. even worse, it never seems to bother him and we all know it bothers the hell out of us. he is quite possibly the worst living owner in major professional sports. more fool us for being his customers.
  17. you can fault tiger for his play earlier but not today. furyk makes 4 on 18 and we win. Tiger woulda made 4 if it was for all the marbles. hell, they were singing ole ole as he hit his putt. furyk isn't gonna sleep well for a while. the 2 euro players after him were in that bunker on 18 and hit the green. then he pulls his putt from the fringe 8 frigging feet to the left. i like the guy. i think he does amazing stuff with that weird swing but he had the outcome in his bag and he just choked awful.
  18. What a festival! I think if i were going i might skip the game and watch del mccourey.
  19. much better than the brown patterned shirts the US wore in their comeback a few years back. i think they hired john daly's tailor for that event.
  20. You better pick up the check. all will be forgiven. stricker and woods need to come through. furyk will get down in 2 for par. unbelievable! double dammit, Jim. what a choke.
  21. turning into quite a show. Tiger is fighting for redemption. Furyk has ice water in his veins. Dufner looks tough and inspired. but the Euros are tough. Great event. damn it Jim!
  22. we got outfranchised today. i was really hopeful but that's about all we ever get - false hope. we need another new coach and gm i actually think we have at least average talent but we have a below average organization from the owner to the coaches to the gm. that new england team was a touchdown better in talent at most but they came out in the second half and exposed the differential in coaching quality. it's kmart versus neiman marcus. a wholesale change in culture is needed and is not likely to happen
  23. would he have done it if there wasn't something in it for him eg tax liability lessened, gaining votes, supporting his church? we'll never know.
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