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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. geez, does every repub prez candidate lately have to be the product of a prep school? http://www.npr.org/2012/10/14/162810265/strict-private-school-preghpped-romney-to-aim-hi yes, i know. obama went to one too. but it seems a prerequisite and he seems a prototypical asshat one.
  2. this is a good question. i agree with your premise. set low goals, get low results. eugenics anyone?
  3. i didn't like the call and agree with the op. there are plenty of nfl kickers on active rosters that a 53 yarder is better than a 50/50 shot. was it better than a 50/50 shot that our d would prevent a fg there? i'm glad they did but how many of you expected it before it happened?
  4. it's only bad to think you're the smartest when you're not. belichik can get away with. chan can't and he needs to realize it.
  5. he is not now, never was and never will be a good coach, much less a great one. we need a great one to take this team deep into the playoffs. he isn't it.
  6. yeah, thought the same thing. but then we got a first down where it looked a link short. do they have a new type of chain or are the officials as stupid as gailey?
  7. i agree to a point. fitz isn't part of the solution and they better damn well pick a qb early next year but, ever heard of trent dilfer? gailey needs to realize he needs to game plan like tampa did the year they went to the sb or try someone else at qb this year...and he's gonna do neither. anybody know how long til we get some of the starting o line back? that's key if we're to go the tampa route.
  8. after this game, i actually more firmly believe they have the talent to be a playoff team, especially this year. but we aren't gonna sniff the playoffs til gailey is sitting in a rocking chair back in chattanooga. he's one of the worst coaches in the nfl and major college football as well.
  9. i'll bet coal gets brought up again in the next debate. several stocks were up 15% today and the sector as a whole was killer...and it had nothing to do with obama or romney or the epa. it was about natural gas futures and chinese demand for steel ...imagine that! there's so much bullchit out of both sides but americans are gullible and reactionary. appearances matter. vp debates usually don't - dan quayle's ticket won. palin's didn't. they both sucked.
  10. we'll see more of the same at the next debate. obama was playing prevent defense and we all know that rarely works. we'll see a pit bull next time yep, it's easy to characterize all women in all aspects. they're all the same
  11. but biden's elderly...shouldn't we excuse any foibles? seriously, i thought his substance was on point. the visuals were not good. interestingly, i didn't see the obama/romney debate but listened to it on radio and didn't feel romney dominated as was the consensus. but visuals matter and the smirks tonight didn't help. but joe is authentic, genuine and passionate. many people like that. ryan's substance was pretty weak. visuals were ok. the specifics on the 20% tax cut magical balancing act was embarrassing. so was the question of what ryan/romney would do differently on syria. overall, i saw a marginal win for joe.
  12. it's amazing to me how many people feel he's earned their respect and admiration for keeping a bad organization in town that has profitted handsomely on exploiting fans insecurities and (probably misplaced) loyalties. and while i'm not making a direct or even indirect comparison, madoff is elderly too. should he be immune from criticism because of his age? at what age do we give people a pass when they insist on holding on to positions of responsibility?
  13. i think he's certainly concerned with preserving his wealth...which is understandable. but i also think that a plan could be formulated that accomplishes this and ensures the bills remain in buffalo. if that's been done,great. but why wouldn't it be announced if it has?
  14. misery loves company...add that to my truisms. comparing bad to worse never results in success. not that we have a choice but shouldn't we make comparisons to the best organizations. here's an analogy - radio shack versus amazon.
  15. well, if the parable fits. this citation represents further proof of what we all (mostly) know. wilson is the source of our pain as fans. the players know it. the coaches know it. the gm's know it....and i think ralph knows it. but he doesn't care. he's selling entertainment and he knows buffalonians and expatriated buffalonians will take 2nd or 3rd best or even, in several years, the absolute worst. good business? maybe. honorable and admirable? not by me.
  16. so overall, you concede that his meddling has had a major detrimental effect on the organization? i'm guessing wiley agrees...
  17. what's the difference? it all speaks to a meddling owner with a napoleon complex. the only thing worse than a control freak is a clueless control freak. that's what we have with wilson. think of the unspoken stories out there about ralph that only the players and potential gm and coaching candidates know.
  18. the good news is that, so far, that market doesn't look viable. at least, not with the product they've had since the deal was initiated.
  19. it's a very good show. i think if you looked at the demographics of the regular viewers you'd feel better about watching it.
  20. you've listed 10 afc teams that vegas "likes" to get to the playoffs with buffalo as one of the 4 least likely. that means vegas currently sees at least 6 teams worse in the afc. since we beat kc and cleveland, there's 2. for the life of me, i can't think of the next 4. at any rate, it's hardly a ringing endorsement. and btw, what odds are they being given to win the sb? would you bet at 1000:1? i wouldn't.
  21. mayflower? are you kidding? uhaul, and the players would be enlisted to load the trucks.
  22. i agree. it feels much like then.... and a half dozen other eras in the woeful history of the buffalo bills. it's been more like this than not like this over the 50+ years. at least, the last few years it was compelling to watch most of the entire games for the first half of the season. now it's 1/2 the games for 1/2 the season.
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