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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. he's one of the few people that is willing to publicly criticize wilson and explicitly state the truth regarding the team and organization. lord knows, many fans here still defend wilson. for this, he gets ridiculed. makes no sense at all.
  2. Why was he left alone to fight back against the defender who blew his helmet off? Where was the oline? It's their job to get in that asshats face at that point. Op is right. He has more kahunas than 90 percent of his teammates. And he had a very good game today. Unfortunately, he's not good enough week in and week out to take this team anywhere. But of course, neither is gailey.
  3. ask your ex gardener or maid. i'll bet they can explain it to you.
  4. nope. keep trying. it's such a foreign set of concepts to you that you're allowed multiple tries.
  5. he ended up a liberal. he wants to make such opportunities less extraordinary.
  6. Yes, there were dems that were wrong to trust the executive branch and trust in terrible, possibly coerced intelligence leading up to the iraq war. but the impetus for that war came from the neocons. as i said, they were very clever. romney benefitted from a top tier education and surroundings whether or not he donated his inheritance. no shame in that. but it's a fact that he had extraordinary, rarified opportunities. good for him. too bad he didn't end up a liberal.
  7. didn't you correct someone for misusing "your" earlier today. i'm unconcerned with syntax ands spelling errors as long as the message is decipherable. just pointing out the glass house you posting from.
  8. it's a correlation. are there smart republicans? of course there are. plenty, and very clever too. how else do you convince the world that a war is justified on a blatantly false premise? but i suspect those same intelligent republicans will see the impending doom that will occur if they don't make changes soon.
  9. with 57,000 members and supposedly representing the top 2% of intellect, any member can quickly calculate that many very intelligent people aren't represented. possibly those that don't require validation of their intellect?
  10. i agree. it's stunning to see it in black and white (or blue and red). i did a quick survey of the counties that went blue and red in virginia and i'm quite certain there's more than a passing correlation there. might take a look at ny state. bet it will hold up there too. i've mentioned this before, but if you want more evidence look at the viewer demographics on pbs versus fox. thought maddow distilled the nonsense we've been witnessing as well as anyone i've ever seen.
  11. despite her considerable talent, i have no need to remind her that her success was not entirely of her own making. just as mine wasn't..
  12. time to look in a mirror or at least read your own posts. how many contain implied or actual vulgarities? and while you're at it look up the origin of the word "vulgar". maybe you're not as superior as you think. i'm still waiting for you to insult westside's wife in some disgusting way in the other thread. anytime now...
  13. not one? none of them had guaranteed student loans or government supported grants? or went to a tuition subsidized public university or grad school. had research or teaching assistantships? you take government out of it and you couldn't set foot in a college for less than $40k per year. and there'd be no community colleges where you can cut the cost of a 4 year degree nearly in half by doing 2 out of 4 years there. and i trust from your statement that none of them ever got sick and needed a healthcare provider, the majority of which got some training at a publicly funded institution. i'll be they used public libraries to feed their imaginations early in life and public transport at times to get to where they needed to go. i could go on but i'm sure you get the point. but let's imagine the world described above without government "interference" and we'd be right where so many here think is the desired place. a place where circumstance and not merit decides success and ultimately control. a place where alternative perspectives and voices aren't seen, heard or wanted. a place thankfully destined from the beginning to be lost forever due to changing demography
  14. have to agree. we moved into a house with a very nice basement bar. haven't stocked it yet except put in a fridge full of pop and beer. our first big party there was still a jigsaw puzzle being worked on top of the bar. 4 of my friends asked when i was gonna make the bar functional. i said don't know and they answered don't bother. they all have bars and said for parties it's a hassle. even if the bar's stocked your moving things from where you usually have drinks to the bar and it gets little use other than parties. the fridge on the other hand, gets lots of use.
  15. the natural outcome would be loss of credibility for all those concerned, correct?
  16. smart people http://www.happyplac...voted-for-obama and truth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVwXA7sHUlE
  17. pokey lafarge, another rockabilly band, opened the show and sell vinyl 78's. felt kinda bad for them as they were very good but jd mcpherson's band brought down the house. didn't pick up pokey's album that night but i still might.
  18. it would have no place at the table if people from different cultural backrounds had historic and current proportional presence at the higher levels of leadership in the republican party. i'm far from the only person talking about it. i heard a republican strategist say much the same thing about the need for more diversity this morning on npr. seems many people, including party insiders, noted the homogeniety of the last convention and realize that it's a problem. and much of that homogeiety is in regards to socioeconomic status and background. there are signs of slow progress however, as the interviewee this am pointed out.
  19. it matters in regards to their life experiences. a room full of white men that attended hotchkiss, andover and choate will have very different life experiences than a roomful of women from east high. i'm not saying our leaders should be a roomful of either but that the republicans look a lot more like a roomful of preppys right now than the dems. and i think that hurts them and the country.
  20. what? the bush family is the prototype for an establishment family. right up there with the rockefellers and vanderbilts. romney's money is only a couple generations old but he is certainly a patrician and acts the part to perfection. the dad only thing - no idea what you mean. if you mean wealth inherited from the mother's descendents , then yes, that would make someone old money in my estimation. was that the case for dukakis or mondale?
  21. Cheech and Chongs album with Alfie and Fifi, the dogs.
  22. JD McPherson..cd. bought at a npr mountain stage show. rockabilly/blues. good stuff. they were selling vinyl too but i don't have a turntable anymore.
  23. i'm more interested in recent histroy (within the last 25 years or so) as i think it more accurately represents the current parties. but ok, they were from well established and situated families. i think mattm was saying that he that the backround of the candidate did matter. i certainly do. maybe he'll weigh in on the issue again.
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