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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. they may well not have the authority. the courts recently threw out some of their regulations against coal. let's see if BP takes em to court like the coal companies did. might air a lot of dirty laundry! then there's that whole kaddhafi/libya/bomber thing. what a great company!
  2. i think their bald face lies about the amount of oil spilling justifies this. it threatened the entire gulf and they could not be trusted to give the facts. who knows what else they haven't told us about.
  3. having a consistently lousy team hurts the league. and he's put together consistently lousy teams. how many national bills fans are going to drop sunday ticket next year if gailey is still coach and fitz is still qb? i know of one. will there ever be an exciting and meaningful bills/somebody rivalry again? but the point of the article is that wilson cares much too little about the fans or buffalo as evidenced by his actions outlined there. building a successful business and having a winner in the nfl needn't be mutually exlusive. but for the vast majority of wilson's tenure that has been the case. and legacy? don't think he cares a fig about it but billy sullivan's wiki page might foreshadow that "legacy", with additional footnotes about legal wranglings with coaches and gm's and the hof, resulting in a net wash.
  4. i'll pass a name on that i learned of here: lavay smith and her red hot skillet lickers. "one hour mama" has gotten a lot of play at my house. her band can really belt it out. has a new album out too but i haven't listened to it yet.
  5. ok. it's wilson's fault that the best coaches he can even interview are 2nd tier or below. how many second tier coaches can you name that have a superbowl ring? whose fault is it that he clearly has a bad reputation for his treatment of coaches and gm's? whose fault is it that no succession plan has been clearly stated (at least one that would help attract top talent)? the only folks that were happy when nix and gailey were named were the few delusional, buffalo fans. did you hear any national sports media figures gushing? was it only wilson that didn't realize (and possibly still doesn't) that they are second rate? and really, i think one either needs to point to at least benign neglect and more likely purposefully trying to be this consistently bad for this long.
  6. worked fine this morning. seems the link on the main tbd page doesn't work now either. strange. you can go directly to the buffalo news sports site and that works last i checked. maybe locked out of team events. possibly just a hostile environment or passive aggression in bills facilities i expect his job is somewhat dependent on access not available to the likes of us. have you never been the recipient or possibly the giver of the cold shoulder in a work environment? i've seen people change jobs over it.
  7. yes, but, thankfully for patriot fans, billy sullivan didn't own the team in the last decade.
  8. but a ton of posters here don't face reprecussions from one of the major subjects of their livelihoods. just some guff from the dwindling number of apologists.
  9. no one, including bucky, is asserting wilson can't do what he wants. he's repeatedly proven he can and will. he's asking if he could, for a change, want what's best for the fans and buffalo.
  10. i think the valid point is that a large number of those appearances came in a short time span under excellent management and he threw that away. subtracting those years, the playoff appearance percentage is much lower than 1/3, which, even on it's own, is nothing to celebrate.
  11. the difference is a matter of scale. tbn circulation is 150,000 and i'll bet one bills drive reads it.
  12. i suppose, if you consider tanzanite a precious stone.
  13. http://www.buffalonews.com/Article/20121126/SPORTS/121129342/two-bills-drive. Brave, timely, truthful and beautifully written.
  14. and maybe it's yall's writing. how are "return to real fiscal conservatism" and increasing taxes in any way the same?? i'm not surprised that you would want me to divine something not even remotely implied in that thread from it.
  15. a nice, little corner of earth. just scanned the "what repubs need to do" thread. it starts with collectively grow some nuts and mentions steps to socially appeal to a more diverse group which is later refuted. no where do i see a call to cave on tax increases. but i think it's a very fine idea.
  16. i wouldn't characterize it as painful. in fact, i can't hear it enough. but i do recall a thread in which many here argued against the need for fundamental change in the party.
  17. in fighting among con repubs. it's a beautiful thing: http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/11/26/norquist-says-some-republicans-having-impure-thoughts-on-taxes/?hp
  18. but gailey doesn't get reelected...at least i hope not. and wilson, well ya can't take it with ya.
  19. and that's the sad part. probably more appropriate for ppp but it needn't be this complicated. but even if it were simple, wilson's actions would not primarily or even secondarily be motivated by loyal, long suffering fans interests.
  20. just had a chance to read the entire piece and some of the comments. just amazing that no one thought to check the truth of dr weiss statement. sorta like faux news and skewed polls and the elections...people convinced of a certain position reinforcing others that believe it even if it's patently false. see paragraph 5 in this document for the truth.http://www.acponline.org/running_practice/payment_coding/wellness.htm
  21. virginia where i live now, and not northern virginia (way too crowded). we've discussed a locums placement in australia or new zealand but we'd always come back to old virginia. i like colorado too but not sure about the cost of living and people. for vacation it's great. living there might be a different story.
  22. the problem with this argument is that it's not true. the american college of physicians questioned the ability to code for a sick visit coincidentally with a wellness exam from the outset. and medicare agreed that it is allowable. so you can be seen for a wellness exam and a new or old problem/s at the same visit. the sick visit is not 100% covered as the wellness exam is. it's covered like any other medicare sick visit. if docs don't know this then they aren't doing their homework. it's on the medicare website.
  23. yep, really. it's never been about winning to wilson. it's not even about football other than his bits of fun interfering in football decisions. it's about running a financially successful business. and the bills are still that. i think that does help him get up every morning. and having his name on a stadium helps too.
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