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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. hope you're wrong. we decided to give "american" cars another try. cars are now much more international in origin. the buick we just got is a rebadged german design (opel) made in oshawa, ont at an assembly line with historically good quality products. so far, so good on the build quality...
  2. couildn't agree more. what wilson is selling is akin to the chinese selling tainted dog food. doubt it ever crossed his mind. and it's obvious he doesn't carry a card to tell him when to go for 2 on gameday. guess he thinks he's too smart for that.
  3. the guy has below average intelligence for the general population...and he's coaching, at times, against geniuses. i think the thing holding wilson and nix back from firing him is the embarassment they'll be faced with announcing the signing of another loser retread or unknown cuz that's the best they'll be able to do.
  4. i don't have any advice but an observation: like any other learning process, there are plateaus and steep or gradual rises. i plateaued about a year ago and just kinda put it down for a while. lately, it's been hard to pick it up again and i've actually regressed from not playing. not sure what the answer is. i still enjoy it when i pick it up but quickly get bored by playing the same old songs that i've mastered to a reasonable level. and i hate sounding like crap learning new techniques. i think maybe the suggestion to play with folks who know way more than me and are much better is the way out.
  5. i think we can justifiably conclude that smith is not a rational human. all logic in regards to his thought processes can likely be disregarded.
  6. fiscal cliff, al sharpton? i'm howlin at the moon!
  7. exactly what i thought. unless she was very stoned or very stupid, she'd have run. no way she could have figured she could help her cousin when the other guy had a gun and somehow i don't picture many burglars as altruistic.
  8. i think most everyone recovered nicely but think of what could have been if you took your money out when you first heard about lehman when the s&p was at 1100 or so and then bought back in near the bottom at 600...could have more than doubled your balance. i'm not saying it's gonna happen again but it might. i know all about "don't time the market" but 2008 proved that there are exceptions to the rule. i don't see a big risk in being on the sidelines for a month or 2 but i could certainly be wrong. finance guys, what say you?
  9. the aca could certainly be altered to accomodate such a tax move. i'll bet a majority of dems would support it if done properly and rebups could hold their heads high saying there achieving income generation through their proposed model: closing loopholes. the responsibility to buy insurance would be moved to the individual. but the bigger point is that employee sponsored private insurance is inefficient from an economic perspective. this would be a major step away from a flawed model. let's not also forget that this is another regressive tax break: them that's got, get more. thems that don't get nothing.
  10. most businesses already provide some health insurance (apparently a great deal, if the taxes on those benefits would bring in $250 bil). if they aren't paying for those benefits anymore why is it unreasonable toexpect them to give that money as wages instead. of course, another option would be to scrap private insurance all together...
  11. it would certainly help push the newly planned insurance exchanges off the starting blocks. it would mean massive changes in private insurance and how it's bought, i believe. maybe companies would be less likely to provide insurance but make up for it in wages from which people could buy insurance from an exchange.
  12. http://www.npr.org/b...rance-tax-break. it's the largest so i say "yes". interesting that the piece states that virtually no health care experts would design such a system from scratch. and that tax revenue by closing the deduction would pay for insurance for all the uninsured 2 times over.
  13. i'll bet that smith has already had a psych evaluation and they're very likely to find some pathology. a profiler would have a field day with him.
  14. he's no where near top 10 and will never be...that's all that matters. team's not likely to get past the 1st round of the playoffs without a qb of that stature. therefore, the bills need to draft a qb ...
  15. i just see this as very sad. it brings up lots of questions: why would the girl go down the basement stairs after hearing gunshots (and her cousin reportedly didn't have a gun)? why didn't she run even if she had to go through the broken window she came in through? why were any of them doing what they were doing on thanksgiving? the kids, with the loving grandma letter, with no family around burglarizing a home (i know, i live in fairy tale land where families get together on thanksgiving but still...). smith, working in his basement alone, armed to the teeth? seems like some very sad, dysfunctional, miserable folks crossed paths and the outcome was terrible. but it makes me wonder how many more miserable heartland folks are capable of these actions. don't know if it was murder or not. i don't know enough about the law or the circumstances. i do think it's an indictment on the morals and values of all concerned and maybe even society in general.
  16. I'm pm'ing the mods! Ok, I take back calling you a teabagger. Just refer to me as"progressive" no more " lib" labels. But seriously, no ones talking about taking away what's in our 401k's. Another huge distortion and straw man. In fact, as my citation points out, hher points are not novel but her approach is nd I kinda like it
  17. first off, sanders is an independent. and up intil a few minutes ago i'd never heard of this economist. but i can't find anywhere other than far right sites that describe a seizure of private pensions. this site http://www.annuitydigest.com/blog/tom/why-teresa-ghilarducci-considered-most-dangerous-woman-america explicitly states that retirement accounts would remain the property of the individual (and i would think annuity companies would have plenty of incentive to attack her). seeing mark levins name in your reference doesn't add a lot of credibility.
  18. i'm guessing the schwartz center for economic whatever doesn't hold much sway with the white house or congress. geez, how long did you teabaggers have to look to find teresa ghiarducci?
  19. um, no...wanna give a reference to where you heard that? maybe beck or that fat, deaf, impotent guy?people are going to invest no matter the change in capital gains taxes. inflation demands that they do. but there will be a big drop in equities if we go over the cliff. and then the blame game will go full tilt and a deal will be done. and just before (or even right after)that will be the time to get back in.
  20. i truly believes he wants a deal but he's got to get a better deal than offered last time. and given the election results, the cons should be willing to give it. but i'm not holding my breath.
  21. so how is everyone playing this with their 401k's/investments? i'm almost entirely out of equities right now. potential downside is much greater than upside, i think.
  22. require an ownership change if a team doesn't make the playoffs for 10 consecutive years.
  23. i think they have them in all of the top 10. not sure about denmark - viking women and all...
  24. switzerland? really?http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2240002/Switzerland-best-place-born-world-Britain-27th.html#ixzz2DbhLkOLE
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