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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. littman's input means wilson's input. how much is the key question though any is too much.
  2. yes, lots. if wilson is violently opposed to a move can he veto it? if so, is there a document detailing those conditions? in short, what prevents wilson from meddling?
  3. this. and even if they say it's so, will it be? what binds wilson to the arrangement?
  4. if wilson wanted to truly cede control, improve coaching prospects and better the health of the franchise he'd sell the damn team. doesn't sound like that is happening.
  5. nix is no where near a top nfl gm. mediocre? doubtful but maybe. but should any team be satisfied with maybe mediocre? the biggest question is can they get someone to take his place that is certainly better than mediocre? is whaley that guy?
  6. we had good teachers in the neocons in the build up to the iraq war...
  7. how's the G6? always felt that was a great car that americans never appreciated (G8, even more so). i find auto sticks useless. got one in my car and it's not got any of the fun of a real manual and the shifts are clunky...never use it. didn't know the caliber came in awd. don't know why more models aren't offered with it. cost i guess but it would make more sense to me to do what subaru does and make them all awd.
  8. I suspect we can agree that when fully evaluated, he will very likely be diagnosed with a recognizable psychiatric condition.
  9. there are a plethora of pundits with various credentials speculating about such matters all over the place including national tv networks. here's an example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Welner. While i clearly lack his credentials to comment on CBS or PBS on this particular case i certainly think i'm more qualified to than the average guy and this aint the national media. regarding ethical questions, i'm unaware of anty ethical issue raised in such speculation. if i had actually interviewed the man or had confidential information that would be an ethical issue. I don't.
  10. the biopsychosocial model of care has been around 25 years, originating at the u of rochester. as the name suggests, it involves psychology. whether aware or not, every pcp uses this model (or should use this model) in approaching every patient. once again your ignorance is showing. a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
  11. so, i'm wondering if anyone here still doubts that this guy is a psychopath?
  12. http://www.amazon.com/Art-Contemporary-Travis-Picking-Fingerpicking/dp/0936799005/ref=sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1356639469&sr=1-7&keywords=fingerstyle+guitarfor anybody that did get a guitar for Christmas and wants to learn finger picking this series (this is the first book) is the best i've found. the author has a web site and will answer questions also.
  13. LOL. not so sure though. i've heard it said that the perfect size fits in a martini glass. never been a believer in that.
  14. so did i and i think most people do but these are worth trying. i think there must be some marketing push for them as they were out front at sam's then were in some magazine ad and then were brought home by my wife. i'm wondering what they'd do to a blue moon...hmmm, maybe tonight after work.
  15. nope. the wife always makes fun of me for drinking things that should come with a paper umbrella. but i'm old enough to like what i like without concern.
  16. i guess Meyer lemons have been around for a while but we had em for the first time this Christmas (one of our guests drinks martinis and we wanted to be prepared).. apparently they're a chinese hybrid mix of mandarin orange and lemon. i like sea breezes and they totally changed the flavor of that drink for the better. bet they would be awesome in the summer in lemonade or over a fish dish. anybody else tried em?
  17. yup, pols felt that it was untouchable politically. things have changed.
  18. the ability to see gradation and relativity is important in my opinion. i think important in public opinion as well. im confident that public opinion is more in agreement with me than you.
  19. for the most part that self inflicted harm. if your asking if i support fda regulation of tobacco, then, yes i do.
  20. cuz 60 inch tv's and priuses have been so often used in multiple murders...
  21. i'm still trying to figure out what people need semi automatic weapons for. anchorage says he needs them for riots. practically, wouldn't the best thing to do in the very common event of a riot be to stay in your locked house with a shotgun at the ready? with jim out there laying cover, it's pretty likely there might be some innocents killed or injured. isn't quelling riots really the job of law enforcement? then we've got va getting ready for an imminent russian attack. not bloody likely but if they did come, the guy shooting an ar 15 at them is gonna be a prime target and is very unlikely to make much of a difference. on meet the press, lindsay graham came out in support of assault weapons last sunday, stating he had an ar 15 at home. rather than arguing the merits of gun control, i think the journalist should have asked him, "why do you need that gun"? lacking better answers than riots and invasions i think a sizable majority of the american public will conclude that the risks of these weapons outweigh whatever benefits proponents can conjure up.
  22. i haven't noticed any miserable cows like coach describes. and i watch them a lot. they're really interesting, and they can run like hell when they want to. i guess the abuse might happen at the mega farms but the worst "abuse" i've watched is a young bull pestering multiple cows relentlessly and they don't seem to mind all that much. kinda reminds me of a pick up scene at a bar where the guy gets totally ignored. maybe they're treated different in the more remote pastures around me but i can't imagine that.
  23. i'd like to give coach tuesday an example of the farming mindset that i recently witnessed. i live in a farming communiuty. we had a community picnic for halloween with a hayride. we rolled through the back 40 of one of our neighbors cattle farms. sitting next to me was an 8 year old girl from another farm. as we turned a corner we saw a nearly newborn calf with her mother standing in a hollow. everybody including me and my wife ooed and ahed about how cute it was. the little girl looked up at me and asked "wonder where it gets it's water"? a little further on, there sat a pond.
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